They invested like $200 million into making their own shows and movies and no one watches them. (The exception are Matt Walsh movies)
This is probably the biggest one of all of the reasons. Sure, we can talk about Ben losing viewers but they were a drop in the overall bucket when he still has well over 100,000 concurrent in a live show and millions over the life of an episode.
But the movie arm? That thing is eating them alive. They werent wrong that conservatives were stupid for abandoning culture, but they (Especially Jeremy) fell into a lot of the old traps that old attempts at conservative media has. So you ended up with lots of movies and shows that were mediocre at best and at worst were little better than the Woke Left slop they were replacing (Lady Ballers and Mr. Birchum go here). THEN they put it behind a paywall where the majority of what you are paying for is politics and that anyone willing to do that was already paying. And from the sounds of it, The Pendragon Cycle is eating them alive and guzzling down money like it is going out of style.
And of course, this is before we get into the fact that apparently none of them want to listen to Klavan (who is probably the only one there with any actual sense of the culture) who has been telling them that movies and TV shows are old news and they should have been looking into video games since that is where actual culture is now.
It has been fun watching them cope and seethe over the idea that they will create a unified EU army to counteract American influence though. Because not only is it already falling apart with the French being the killer (many such cases, since they always want "EU Army" to mean "Mega-French Army"), but because their weapon systems are wildly outdated and expensive. After all, when all three of the major European fighters currently in production (Eurofighter, Gripen, Rafale) cost more than planes that are an entire generation newer than them (F-35), is it any wonder that nations that actually understand the world and who the actual power is ignore them (see: Poland throwing down big money to get their own custom F-35 variant they dubbed the Hussar, a move usually only done by Israel in the past).
The Biden Admin nearly destroyed the EU with monetary warfare policies that basically raped the Euro. The EU is already a shadow of itself...
Lets be entirely honest here, it goes even longer than Biden. He was just the haymaker that ended the fight. After all, as I have seen pointed out by many a people sounding the alarm on this, the EU has roughly the same GDP it did in 2008. Meanwhile, the US has gone from having a GDP less than the combined total of the EU to one that eclipses it to a wide degree.
And this is before we get into the fact that Europe has had basically no major innovations unless it was some mandated nanny policy (like the infamous "attached to the bottle" caps).
a conservative Youtuber who hates Trudeau cheered on Trudeau 'getting one over on Trump' by doing exactly what Trump wanted, in regards to tariffs.
Meanwhile, on the other end of the scale, there is a Canadian Vtuber I was watching, where despite having no strong political opinions she was saying "Look, if becoming American is what it takes to get rid of Trudeau, it is what it is."
Then again, maybe she can say what some of them would actually believe because as a Vtuber she can get away with no one knowing who she is and they cant attack her for it.
What's the total cost of the game and marketing?
And that is even more complex to find out than you might think. Because with the delay, whatever the listed budget is is not what it is actually going to cost. It is the same problem they will run into with Hollywood movies in recent times. Like how they tried to claim the new Captain America was "only" $150M because that was the listed budget, but pretty much everyone who actually is in the know on the movie has said they spent closer to $300M, which would take it from "minor" to "major" loss for Disney.
First time where I saw EVERYONE got it wrong, both from the left and right.
I'll fess up that I was one of them who thought it was bad until I saw people I actually trust to keep it straight because of past performance on the subject (namely, Rev Says Desu and Legal Mindset) managed to clear things up. The "obscenity's" part did get my back up based on past experience, but seeing that it is an expansion of a law that actually outlines what obscenity means in clear language instead of the vague ones that are usually done was reassuring.
But I also agree with the sentiment that some expressed in their respective livestreams that it is better to fault on the side of fighting censorship than not fighting it enough. Just be big enough to admit when you got it wrong.
No, it was after both Napoleons had lost power. It was a gift from the French in honor of the Centennial of the United States founding.
And attacking video games and anime, thereby ruining any momentum the Right has with young men.
It's interesting. The various EU nations and Canada are experiencing extreme difficulties in actually being able to get enough soldiers and are having cratering recruitment, while still pushing all of the Leftist ideals. Meanwhile, the US is experiencing recording-breaking recruitment numbers under a more nationalist minded leadership.
I am sure there is no connection here.
What victim is there in the First Commandment? Where is the victim involved in praying to a golden calf?
Are you implying God doesnt exist? It is also not exactly a law that can be enforced by mortal man, so it is not comparable.
And as for the last half of your comment, if that's what you think it means you are very wrong.
"Render unto Caesar that which is Caesars, and render unto God that which is God's."
Until we are called home, we live in the world of Caesar, and therefore must abide by Caesar's laws, just like Jesus had to. It is up to you as an individual to obey God, as Caesar is just as flawed as you are but hold the authority over you. At least, as much as we let him, now that we have devised new governments that limit his power.
while Kissin has Russia Derangement Syndrome
I dont know if I would go that far. While he considers Russia to be an enemy of the West and Putin to be evil, he is also sane and rational enough to admit that it is time for peace and that Ukraine cant just keep throwing bodies away for the political goals of Western elites.
You can disagree with his assessment of Russia, but someone who was actually deranged (like many of said elites) would never admit that Ukraine should find a way to peace even if it means the loss of the Donbas.
Which ones? Even the Commandments have a victim to their crimes.
And furthermore, while we live in the world of Caesar we are beholden to Caesar's laws rather than the laws of God. It is entirely up to you to follow the laws of God.
Jokes on you. As a Novelite, I can just grow wings with my ink and fly that way.
Well of course. Because it was never actually about preventing that kind of behavior, it was about finding a way to attack a medium that is popular, pushes messages they dont like, and/or is outside of their control. They just know that there are some people who would normally oppose them that are going to lose all sense and go along with it if they say the right trigger words to make it happen.
Then I dont foresee us agreeing here. There can only be a crime if there is someone who has been victimized by that crime, and to believe anything else is the first step down the road to tyranny. While victimless crimes can indeed exist, they must be treated with great care, lest you give the devil the power over all in the name of "doing good."
Again, the difference between gun control and law is one is an individual right with individuals who can defend themselves from other individuals using their right, and the other is a collective weapon aimed by all at one person because they demanded it. Which is why you must be very careful about what weapon you forge for that purpose.
Just because a law banning pedophilia might be misused does not mean pedophilia should be legal.
And the difference is, one involves an actual physical child that has been wrong, and the other involves ink and paper and therefore no victim. And for the edge cases where that sometimes crosses over, it is already illegal (Shadman for example was arrested because he was using pictures of actual children as a base for his drawings).
That doesnt even logically follow. People can own weapons because they are under individual control, and one individual can protect themselves from someone misusing theirs. The law is and always will be the domain of the state, and therefore should be blunted as much as possible to protect the individual.
Which is why you dont make it easy by giving laws that can be used in such a way. Again, this isnt even a hypothetical, they have already weaponized the laws you are proposing to go after more mundane aims because it offends their delicate sensibilities. Which is why the line must be drawn and resisted against, lest it go further.
And when that weapon of law is inevitably turned against you, you will have no defense against it because you signed it yourself.
I thought it had all become one entity now, but if that is true I will take your word for it. I did see they still have offices in San Fran at least, just not the fancy custom one they liked to brag about that was costing them a fortune.
And the goal is to maximize liberty without allowing anarchy, but not allow so much law it can be used as a cudgel against you.
the actual Crunchyroll is headquartered in San Fran.
Not anymore it aint. That office was costing them an arm and a leg and they sold it a few years ago. I just looked it up, and the listed headquarters for Crunchyroll, LLC is Coppell, TX (part of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metro).
And a lot of people dont really seem to grasp the lengths they would go to to do it. My biggest example being that the Soviet Union decided that it was "mental illness" to be against "the Revolution" and would use that to arrest everyone they desired. If you get laws passed to ban "degenerate" behavior, it is only a matter of time before they declare being an enemy of the Globalist order is degeneracy. Hell, I have already seem them starting to try and pull that with Christianity, citing all of the weird shit that happens in the early parts of the Old Testament as proof it is just as "degenerate" as any pornography.
And with the amount of parental controls available, there's LESS of an excuse if you try the popular censor angle of 'think of the children'
But then I might actually have to do my duties as a parent and not make the government do it all! That's not fair!
My favorite one is always when they say I should have my hard drives checked, and instead of giving them the answer they want I tell them "Go ahead. You aint gonna find what you are looking for, because it doesnt exist." Because I am sure it will come as a shock to them (since they are usually the types to project), I actually dont have a thing for loli. Hell, if you searched my hard drives, you would be hard pressed to find anything more risque than women in lingerie. Because the only thing I am weird on is that I dont necessarily find skimpy looks to be all that sexy, and in fact find looks like this or this or this to be the infinitely sexier option than just some too small bikini.
They also know what doesnt sell. So you will see anime producers sometimes pick up some sort of woke media because someone made a good pitch and tried to convince them it would sell. Then when it doesnt, instead of doubling down like a Western company would, they say "Well, so much for that" and move on to the next one.