TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +2 / -7

Didn't single women turn out 80%+ Democrat?

And no, single men deserted the party because they came for Trump-like ideology, not pathetic neocon simps demanding people give a shit about the malignant tumor that is women's sports.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +4 / -7

You argue like a feminist. And including protecting kids in women's pushes to harm men is their other famous tactic.

or is "frightened or astonished". Another scenario appears to describe an abuse of power, where the victim is "worried" of the consequences of refusal.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +2 / -8

I'm sure everyone has a record of bad predictions if you single them out. Here, I'll give you five.

  • All the people who said women's votes would turn Republican in 2022.

  • All the DeSimps who thought he wouldn't betray Trump and then justified it after.

  • The Elon cucks who have watched as the platform jumps in bed with TERFs and has the chair of a feminist organization as their new CEO.

  • Everyone who said Ukraine wouldn't develop into a real war, myself included.

  • Everyone who said Russia wouldn't institute a draft for the war in Ukraine.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +2 / -9

I just find it interesting that conservative media, particularly Murdoch (read : DeSimp) media, was blasting the "fact" she was trans over every platform.

The autopsy puts that in heavy doubt, and there's not a single word from any of them.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +2 / -10

You always bring up the same things and it's so tiring.

I've been saying "watch Pivotal Ventures" for over a year, and now they've revealed their actual plan, and have AUM in excess of 100bn across all the organizations committed to their pledge. When I said to pay attention to them, Pivotal Ventures didn't even have one billion in AUM. It was just Melinda Gates' ego trip.

I said that all of the left would fall in line with women very shortly a few months ago, Soros just did, the Ford Foundation followed the day after.

I said the focus on gays is covering something up and Japan proved that is the plan.

I said the TERFs are part of a ploy to replace Trump with someone more feminist aligned. Who did Riley Gaines endorse for President?

I said this shooting's manifesto wasn't released because there's something about the official story that isn't true. I was right, she was only trans on paper. She was hiding her female identity for a reason, like Maya McKinney did a year prior.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +2 / -14

It was a fair guess when the shooter was female.

I was the first person to doubt her trans identity, and I was right.

The next question...is this related to the explosion of undeserved support for TERFs, and if so, was that her or her handler's intent?

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +5 / -10

Breasts were developed and unaltered, no sign of enlarged clitoris you'd expect from testosterone use either.

It's a shame the botted downvotes don't disappear when I'm proven right. She wanted to be considered trans, it was part of her or her handler's plan.

It's been a good week for my theories.

Monday - Soros commits fully to supporting women.

Tuesday and Wednesday - Forbes conference has most of the top leftist financiers commit to pressuring for lower male hires in conjunction with Pivotal Ventures.

Thursday - Japan's LGBT law is revealed to be a distraction from something far worse that women were planning.

Friday - Audrey Hale's autopsy confirms her trans identity was solely on paper.

On to the weekend, where I won't be here. Let me know if I miss anything, I suppose.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +3 / -11

What's the quote again?

I stared into the abyss so long it stared back into me?

I can't just give up. We are facing such a large, horrible threat and I can't hide from that just to make myself feel better.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +2 / -14

Do you ever ask yourself, "am I the baddie?"

Honestly, a few times I've felt like maybe I've been too hard on them. Usually reality snaps me out of it, presenting me with an article or explanation of their new strategy to harm us.

Last time I felt it was before the TERFs invaded, when things here were still sane. Now I just look at that subhuman cult and it quickly evaporates even the beginning of those biological brainwashing thoughts.

Just a few seconds of Ovarit or that stupid pedophile from Reduxx makes all those stupid emotions melt away.

TheImpossible1 -11 points ago +3 / -14

Probably his wife. I mean, it worked as a prediction for everyone from DeSimp to Boris Johnson. Why not use it again?

But let's ignore that and think about something else.

Women are the best people to make dirty deals with because they're fueled by spite, have the loyalty of the Italian armed forces during a world war and have the empathy of things I can't say because of Rule 16.

There's also the whole birth rate thing. The rich like Elon need slaves to mine their lithium, and nobody is better for that than desperate men with families to provide for, because they can't say no to any kind of treatment.

Who would be better to be your ally if you want to crash something to profit off the short?

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +4 / -16


Why don't you tell me why Soros just dropped all non-woman related causes for the Open Society Foundation then?

They only stand for abortion and women's rights now, as stated by Alex Soros to the female editor of the WSJ. They will briefly move to voting rights during the election season, but their main focus is women.

Why don't you tell me why Melinda Gates' VC firm was at the Forbes financial committee meeting talking to companies with AUM in the hundreds of billions about the importance of working together for women's issues?

TheImpossible1 -10 points ago +3 / -13

Because the people who cry about gays don't want to admit they handed a victory to feminism because of their obsession.

Give it 3-6 months and I bet I'll have to start posting about women plotting false accusations together in private chat groups like we have in the West.

Did you know Japanese VC SoftBank owns USA Today and many other pro-feminism outlets?

The floodgates just opened, and the Japanese won't have even found out yet.

TheImpossible1 -29 points ago +2 / -31

No, because it isn't.

Criminalizing it is a way to attack single men by-choice with the insinuation.

Nazi Germany did exactly that. Those who refused to marry because of women's heinous actions during Weimar were locked up as gays.

You will not force us to forgive them.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +10 / -18

These include situations where the victim is intoxicated with alcohol or drugs; or subject to violence or threats; or is "frightened or astonished". Another scenario appears to describe an abuse of power, where the victim is "worried" of the consequences of refusal.

Meanwhile, the statute of limitations or legal window for reporting rape will be extended to 15 years from 10 years, to give survivors more time to come forward.

I said when rainbow issues come up, there's something going on. Fucking believe me next time.

Japan had the most logical rape laws, requiring proof of threats or force. They are now in line with the less radical feminist nations, on their way to the promised land of "yes means yes" where women can lock you up without proving you even met.

TheImpossible1 -4 points ago +1 / -5

That in itself is brainwashing.

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