TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +3 / -16

Your piece of shit tradcuck cult. You all admire Hungary, that's what they do.

It's all a grift. If you can incite enough anger, you can gift your two-faced allies even more of our money.

Not a word about how a woman was responsible for this ad, from Miss "we need to unite" anti-gender war BS merchant.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +2 / -14

It says a lot about you that you're downplaying this.

Not a government organization. It's a barely relevant charity run by a woman.

Also, stealing resources? You mean like women and tradfucks do? I haven't forgotten your bastard cult wants to tax us to death for not having kids and give the money to women.

All this bullshit won't end the gender war. We are never going back.

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +2 / -15

Literally nobody cares. Literally fucking nobody. It's a grift like Rotherham was.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, that ad is from a woman-run organization, because I've seen the story before.

If it is, then it wouldn't surprise me if it exists to prop her up, because this is the woman who said white men and women should unite and forget about the gender war.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +4 / -10

It's notable because she was a fucking nobody before that.

She fucked her party leader to become more relevant. It would be like MTG sleeping with McConnell to be recommended as a Senator.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +2 / -14

"It's okay being a slut if they say muh white babies, muh racial unity"

If you had any standards at all, it would be an improvement.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +1 / -13

I don't care enough to learn it. She's an irrelevant shill with a higher body count than her porn star namesake.

TheImpossible1 -6 points ago +2 / -8

I just wanted to show my disapproval for enemy propaganda.

Women's spaces are literally the last thing I'd waste time defending. I hope they decline into infighting and constant hostile takeovers because defending their own spaces will keep them from ruining ours for a while.

TheImpossible1 -3 points ago +2 / -5

Except they usually make the main character a woman.

I'm surprised they didn't shill Gwen Stacy as the new Spiderman.

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +1 / -6

If a nation doesn’t redistribute wealth, it will be captured by corporations and oligarchs.

"muh free shit"

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +3 / -15

you pathologically defend the most matriarchal culture on the planet

When did I defend stormfags?

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +2 / -15

black person stabs two white girls

Feds really want a race war...

Everyone knows race rhetoric talks about white men, never white women.

I'm not buying what they're selling.

TheImpossible1 -8 points ago +4 / -12

A bit like when a woman kills someone, it's not anti-male, it's whatever narrative your bullshit ideology can defend them with.

TheImpossible1 -12 points ago +1 / -13

Literally could not care less if women's things get destroyed.

TheImpossible1 -13 points ago +4 / -17

You don't say.

It's almost like they are once again scapegoating the Jews for society's collapse, like they did in 1930-1945, while women pimped out their kids to keep their high standard of living during the economic crash.

TheImpossible1 -7 points ago +1 / -8

The number of men being murdered is irrelevant to women's irrational fear.

257 people in the state of Texas. A state with 30.5m people.

We let them demonize us over a number so ridiculously small, that it is literally a rounding error.

The only logical conclusion is that their fear is faked to justify attacks on our rights.

A fear of something that happens to less than one in a hundred thousand and building society around that is fucking insane.

At what point do we acknowledge that the reason they are doing this is to dehumanize us?

TheImpossible1 -5 points ago +5 / -10

You're missing the point. The data shows how ridiculously small the number actually is.

It shows women are paranoid and/or faking being scared to attack our rights.

I'm going to edit this image and add the numbers to demonstrate.

TheImpossible1 -10 points ago +2 / -12

What proof? Your cult is so insane that you think me being active at British timezones during a family oriented holiday is proof I work for Israel.

How do you even argue with such insanity?

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