Telia 26 points ago +26 / -0

You know how jews like to project all the time? like how they keep calling White people "White supremacists" and saying that Hitler called Aryans the "master race"(which he never did) when in reality jews are the biggest Jewish supremacists ever and they think they are "God's chosen people"? Now think about the fact that they probably project their own war crimes on to others as well.

This by Telia
Telia 14 points ago +15 / -1

The charity workers are always going to end up going to brown and black nations because they simply aren't capable of creating or even maintaining the same level of civilization as White people . 2000 years ago Europe was more advanced than many parts of Africa today. We are simply not the same

Telia 34 points ago +35 / -1

Nazis. Just call us Nazis. That's what you JIDF fags really want to call us

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

Literally everything i said was verifiable facts that you are upset about me bringing up .And you're a jewish zionist that is upset i dared to say anything about jews .Also tell me who opened the Gates of Toledo? And tell me why there's so many jewish organizations pushing for open borders in the West?

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

Imagine supporting DeSantis. Whilst Trump is a sellout, DeSantis is an even worse political prostitute than Trump

Telia 4 points ago +5 / -1

Considering the Freemasonry (who were largely responsible for the proto communist French revolution) seemed to be on the side of the Templers, i'm inclined to believe that they were the bad guys. Especially since they were bankers.

Telia 8 points ago +10 / -2

the Knights templars probably had some crypto jew members considering their apparent connection to banking and freemasonry .And they were taken out , at the same time that the jews were expelled. The King seemed to have thought so too considering he had Jacques de Molay executed in the island called Île aux Juifs (literally translated as "Island of the jews")

Telia 10 points ago +10 / -0

Trump literally has a Kabbalah teacher ffs. https://postimg.cc/JD51VxqB Kabbalah is basically occult Talmudism .

Telia 7 points ago +9 / -2

Im not going to celebrate it but im not going to care either. She can blame her fellow jews who brought those migrants to Europe in the first place, they never cared about all the White kids that are getting raped and murdered . More than that, they're actively facilitating it, so why should i care about theirs?

Telia 31 points ago +32 / -1

I looked up the history of Baphomet (the goat head demon that you posted ) and apparently one of the first mentions of Baphomet was about how a group called the Knights Templer were accused of worshipping Baphomet . And get this, the Knights Templers were apparently a bunch of bankers. .

And apparently during the French revolution when the French King Louis XVI was executed there were stories about how an anonymous Freemason had said "Jacques de Molay, thou art avenged" at his execution .

Jacques de Molay was the last grandmaster of the Knights Templer who was executed by King Philip IV ( A French king who was the ancestor of King Louis XVI . King Philip IV during his reign had both expelled jews from France and destroyed the Knights Templer)

Telia 26 points ago +27 / -1

Btw this is in a snake head room in the middle of snake fangs https://files.catbox.moe/juj7mn.jpg

Telia 18 points ago +19 / -1

Here's 10 shekels to your bank account for your post 💰

Telia 61 points ago +61 / -0

Americans want a strong alliance with our democratic ally.

You faggots are not fucking Americans, you do not speak for Americans .

Telia 43 points ago +44 / -1

But remember, TikTok had to be banned because of foreign interference

Telia 6 points ago +6 / -0

A lot of the Japanese in the Yazuka are Burakumin who were outcasts in ancient Japan and also 30% of Yakuza are Korean.

And they are involved in criminal activity as well , aka not the kind of people who would care about societal wellbeing .Not sure why people would expect them to be super nationalistic about Japan

Telia 3 points ago +4 / -1

The worst Jew is the one who collaborated with the Nazis during World War II

I won't have you slandering Emil Maurice's good name! he's the best jew

Telia 31 points ago +31 / -0

Its all theatre for their followers. They know their followers are against israel's war crimes, so they have to pay some lip service , but in reality the democrat elites are pushing pro israel policies as well as the the republican party.

Telia 22 points ago +22 / -0

The homunculus in the story also dug tunnels underneath the whole continent lmao.

Telia 23 points ago +23 / -0

There was a indian woman who screwed my brother over , she agreed to share a job with my brother to apply together, but she didn't tell him that she was also making plans with another group of people behind his back without him knowing , he kept asking her whether was still interested in the agreement and she kept saying yes but just 2 days before they were supposed to apply she pulled out of the agreement with my brother so my brother didn't have time to look for another partner, and then she had the gull to ask my brother not to tell others about how she screwed him over

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