Feels like everyone can openly say or do what they want.
hahaahahaha oh wait you're serious. Where have you been the last few years exactly?
Also "quiet" means they have always been doing this but had never openly admitted it
where did they get that 110 out of 144 from? Let me guess the "gender pay gap", when men are doing most of the work and women dont? Japan is gynocentric as fuck. Women control the finances in the family and get all sorts of privileges and reality is there is rampant feminism .
As much as the post-war constitution is pozzed it still has the freedom of expression clause and im pretty God damn sure this violates that clause.
Japanese Constitution’s Chapter III, Article 21: Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.
(Of course this clause is a double edged sword obviously originally meant to allow commies to do shit behind the scenes after the war since Imperial Japan used to jail commies, but the point still stands.)
Well at least back then it was nationalist authoritarianism, and not controlled by internationalist forces and finance. (Also they were ruled by the military before not the Emperor. the Emperor worship was more cause he was considered a symbol of the country and connected to religion) but now the military have lost their power and the country has become a vassal state and vulnerable to international forces and finance.
No. I just dont like the reactionary kneejerk behaviour of calling anyone that does anything a glowie, and people are not realizing that whether or not PF are glowies, them getting arrested is not a good thing, because the only thing it does is set a precedence that any White group that organizes can be arrested even though they have done nothing illegal.
They didnt break any laws, and its only your own assumption that they were glowies and you have no proof of it .. All this does is set the precedence for any future White group that might want to organize, to be shut down or arrested whilst doing nothing wrong. .
This was a nazi propaganda poster against vaccines
They considered it to be "Jewish poison" so they were against it.
Patriot Front (who were peacefully protesting and haven't actually violated any law btw) was arrested by a Sheriff that was trained by multiple Israeli intelligence agencies. .
This is from the Jerusalem post