Telia 13 points ago +13 / -0

Japan doesnt actually have the lowest birth rate in the world lol.They have the highest birth rate in East Asia. (Still very low but still) The whole "they have low birth rates" propaganda is because of people wanting to push immigrants on them.

But yes they do still have low birth rates and faggotry will just make it worse

Telia 29 points ago +31 / -2

The American ambassador is Rahm Israel Emanuel. Check early life

Telia 38 points ago +42 / -4

Walsh acts like he's so brave here, yet he becomes cowardly when it comes to a certain issue https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ue1ydie.mp4

And lol twitter is not a free speech platform. Elon Musk caved to ADL

Telia 10 points ago +13 / -3

china's nazis.

hahahahahahah ok JIDF.

I looked up other articles the author of this article made and sure enough he hates Kanye and promotes the vaccine also . Not a surprise.

Telia 3 points ago +4 / -1

Is there a way to download that?

Telia 1 point ago +3 / -2

did you ignore the first part or something. He said it was because Uganda was going bankrupt. Im guessing it was because of banking usury.

Telia 13 points ago +14 / -1

Was it really Germany when half the team wasn't German?

Telia 21 points ago +25 / -4

i think he doesn't have much self control, and maybe got threatened by a certain group too much that he threw caution out the window out of frustration. He's the new Michael Jackson, naming them, and praising Hitler, and probably trying to get matyred too judging by all the "they'll have to kill me to stop me" comments he's making

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

Of course the faggot advocator works for Goldman sachs

Telia 2 points ago +3 / -1

its not that they didnt have the balls to do it. its that they were working hand in hand with commies anyways. America didnt persecute soviet communists either yet they persecuted nazis

by folx
Telia 28 points ago +29 / -1

if you think skirts=porn i think you might be the one with the issues here.

by folx
Telia 15 points ago +16 / -1

And yet the game got 10 million sales. Consooommers will buy anything with the name pokemon slapped on it.

Telia 2 points ago +3 / -1

just to be clear, kamikoto knives are a scam and bad quality and they are not Japanese knives they are from a Chinese company that are selling only to Westerners

Telia 1 point ago +2 / -1

any royal family that is still alive is only alive because they have bent the knee. There is another 3rd option but THAT is demonized as hell.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

You know if you're going to make an expensive film at least make the story worth-while for it. As it is the first avatar movie story was so mediocre, it doesnt justify the costs.

Telia 6 points ago +7 / -1

Who the hell would want a western style government at this point? we all know where that leads to.

Telia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Nobunaga liked to write poems about everything.

Telia 18 points ago +19 / -1

He was only mentioned in Jesuit chronicles he was never mentioned in Nobunaga's poems which suggests he didnt exist and also Jesuits were known to make things up , . And even if he were to exist, he definitely wouldn't have been a samurai .that title was hereditary

Telia 17 points ago +19 / -2

Hey remember when they used to ban women from politics completely during their imperial era? Can we go back to that?

Telia 3 points ago +4 / -1

democrats get voted in, then republicans get voted in , then democrats, then republicans and so on and so forth. Things have only gotten worse since then, The only thing republicans do is slow things down. the 2 parties are a uniparty. And the country is run by bankers

Telia 12 points ago +13 / -1

you want me to check out all the pro israel candidates? that would be almost all of them

Telia 13 points ago +14 / -1

lol what you're doing is trying to downplay what power they have (that they even admit to themselves) because you know it would look bad on the tribe

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