Jew York City.
Social media is so effective because it allows fringe minorities to manufacture a false consensus that normies are unwilling to question because peer pressure is stronger than gravity.
So I'm a faggot if I think Gigachad is indeed a gigachad?
Figures that a scale designed by a pedophile would be defective and degenerate.
I knew a libtard who identified as pansexual but he just dated women.
Grooming like faggots more like.
Kids dont naturally think "i'm attracted to butt "sex"" or "I want to lop of my penis".
I think that may be a literal 0% though.
I dont think Billionaires have traditional household incomes, they just get everything from stonks and other investments.
When Zoomers become old enough to see through the climate alarmism propaganda, a lot of them are gonna become pissed they ever fell for that bunk.
A bit too old for SIDS
Since none of the statistics are below 1%, I would assume that is the case.
0.002% wouldnt look as good on a graph with nice whole numbers.
Decades of social engineering, which culminated in Social media.
That gay percentage is way too high.
its more accurately about 0.5% for the entire LGBTQWERTY.
A lot of attention whores are pretending to be sexual deviants because its whats popular.
Good, Asians are not know for their racial guilt.
If white wont take care of the problem, rooftop koreans will.
Friendly reminder that this ideology only gained ground because the government and big businesses wanted to replace the family unit with welfare and expand the workforce with unskilled people. Feminism was not popular even among women. Even now a minority of women identify as feminists.
It certainly has a verse where Jesus says people who deceive the innocent would be better off dumped into the ocean with a millstone on their neck than to have been born.
The Crusades were Christian.
We need a sequel.
America already does this.
Its all 1984
Isnt the first time theyve sacrificed well meaning retards to fuel the war machine.
When society as a whole whole turns against it. Women are by nature followers, and as long as social media makes this garbage look popular and mainstream (it isnt in reality) 99% women will not do anything to oppose it.
They could literally start getting raped by trannies en masses and the wouldnt complain as long the false consensus silences them.
A fellow Vlad enjoyer I see.
He shouldnt have gotten anything.
He actually performed a community service by offing that pedophile when he would have just wasted taxpayer dollars in prison.
The affiliation that they groomed onto the children?
At age 5 I was too busy playing in the dirt to care about sex.
I miss those days.
At this rate Stalin will be considered "far-right"
Its like the matrix, but it gets more depressing the farther out of the system you get.
I can understand why so many choose the bluepill, but even that isnt working anymore (by design).