You're projecting pretty hard. Something you want to talk about?
A Reddit-tier meme. Very nice. Not once was dial-up mentioned, or even hinted at, which leaves me to believe you're suffering from some sort of issue that affects your ability to perceive and process information. I'm no medical professional, but I think you should see someone about that.
Anonymity isn't the only way to achieve it. It just seems that way because a bunch of losers who don't know how to actually communicate beyond memes, edgy remarks, and other low tier comments have made it seem like their identities need to be protected while they spew uselessness, and because unhinged leftists have fortified the various platforms for discussion by exploiting the very rules set in place to protect the people as a whole.
I'm aware it's too late to fix the problem at this point. The slate would have to be wiped clean and the entire foundation of the West would have to be laid again with the inclusion of very clear instructions and laws to prevent the filth from seeping in again.
I mean, either one is obnoxious "zoomer" language that isn't taken seriously by anyone who matters. Especially not when words are being thrown around by those who do not know what the words mean. When the terminally online can do better than throwing buzzwords around for the sake of being "edgy", maybe the people who make, do, and know things will take them seriously.
Tell me when it finally lands, will you? Thanks.
Keep trying. I'm sure, given enough attempts, you'll get there eventually.
I'm surprised I didn't have to register a flight plan with the FAA, given how far the point went over your head. I suppose the most embarrassing part about it is how you jumped ass-first into this discussion.
You've done it now. He's about to have a meltdown once he sees this.
I love how a bunch of dweeby incels throw around "tradcon" like an insult, like being a productive man with a stable job and functional family is a bad thing, or that a man like that should care in the slightest what those who have nothing think.
I think you must have me confused with someone else. Try again.
It never was, isn't, and never will be. Discourse was never meant to be this easily accessible, and anonymity allowed the wrong people to connect with each other to share their ideology with zero risk involved. No personal accountability is why the internet is in the state it's in.
Par for the course. Seems like trannies have a problem with unwanted advances toward women, and the prime solution is being carried out right here. This is how I expect Reddit to react.
*Ellen Page. Never saw a girl play a male superhero before. I'm guessing this is a joke, though. Not that it would surprise me if this was real. That's the state of things in Clown World.
It's a girl, and her name is Ellen Page.
I appreciate you using the accurate terminology, instead of the soft language they've adopted to soften the blow of the reality of what they really are.
Nick Secondino. Nicholas. I'm not playing their stupid game.
Did you expect anything less from these freaks?
It's the new equivalent of guys sneaking into women's locker rooms, but instead of some normal-ish dude wanting to check out girls it's some mentally and emotionally unstable freak trying to... do whatever it is they want to do.
I'd say thats probably for the best. There is some fun to be had, but I'm personally finding it harder and harder to maintain an interest in online multiplayer unless I'm playing exclusively with my friends. People used to be able to come together and just play the game. Now they have to make their sociopolitical stance their whole personality. If it's not the players signaling their virtue, it's the developers and publishers. It's tiresome.
And the troons were ready with their shaming tactics, labeling the women a "TERF" if they spoke our against this predatory behavior. The troons, and other deranged members of the alphabet community, succeeded in dividing and conquering.
In the case of the post I linked, the need for such a club is purely predatory. Predators crawl out of the woodwork to fish for access to women and the places they congregate. In general terms, the need now is to protect themselves from toxic males who pretend to be females in order to get near them. Notice how many of them invent stories about how rampant "harassment" is in order to seem like "one of the girls". Some of that is just playing the victim for attention and useless accolades, of course, but the number of trannies in that thread is astounding. You don't see that level of interest for any general LFG post.
Reddit has always the White Knights Templar for Greta "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome" Thunberg. They were her sycophants because that was the message the mainstream media was pushing. There might have been some open mockery of her, but that was quickly quelled by the admins and moderators.
Admittedly, this is some low-effort fodder. I just thought it interesting to watch aggressive mimicry in play, and to see how many of these disgusting degenerates are drawn to any mention of a supposed "safe space" for women. I'm talking about troons, of course, and how this is a clear indicator that they are predators.
I did. It was good while it lasted, but the internet is too easily accessible now. Part of the prestige back then was that there wasn't this nearly unanimous social pressure to be online during every waking hour. The general social degeneracy also hadn't set in yet. Boredom set in and began of cycle of deviance because a wealth of knowledge and educated discussions weren't interesting enough anymore. People are kept civil by the potential consequences of their actions. Those don't exist if everyone is given a platform to speak with no ties to who they actually are. This would work against those who would subvert our system before they've already seized it.