It never was, isn't, and never will be. Discourse was never meant to be this easily accessible, and anonymity allowed the wrong people to connect with each other to share their ideology with zero risk involved. No personal accountability is why the internet is in the state it's in.
A Reddit-tier meme. Very nice. Not once was dial-up mentioned, or even hinted at, which leaves me to believe you're suffering from some sort of issue that affects your ability to perceive and process information. I'm no medical professional, but I think you should see someone about that.
Since you're a retarded faggot I'll spell it out for you.
You're a newcomer. You never dealt with dial up internet so you didn't experience the golden age of the internet when everyone on there understood very well that giving out your personal information online was a terrible idea and why.
Jeez wonder why internet anonymity is important now Peterstein?
It never was, isn't, and never will be. Discourse was never meant to be this easily accessible, and anonymity allowed the wrong people to connect with each other to share their ideology with zero risk involved. No personal accountability is why the internet is in the state it's in.
Tell me you never had dial up without telling me that you never had dial up.
A Reddit-tier meme. Very nice. Not once was dial-up mentioned, or even hinted at, which leaves me to believe you're suffering from some sort of issue that affects your ability to perceive and process information. I'm no medical professional, but I think you should see someone about that.
Since you're a retarded faggot I'll spell it out for you.
You're a newcomer. You never dealt with dial up internet so you didn't experience the golden age of the internet when everyone on there understood very well that giving out your personal information online was a terrible idea and why.