RoccoRatchet 7 points ago +8 / -1

I don't so much care that he's gay. I care that he feels the need to identify himself as separate from the Right, but still expecting inclusion in its ranks. He's not special. You don't fly another flag if you're on the same team.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm surprised that the comment has received upvotes. More surprising is that, after 11 hours, it hasn't been removed. Does that subreddit have some integrity left?

RoccoRatchet 6 points ago +9 / -3

There has to be a better source than someone who has one of the now countless regressive opposition flags in their profile. It doesn't matter how much they attempt to suck up to the Right, they're grifters until they drop the flag.

RoccoRatchet 6 points ago +6 / -0

They removed a mod and banned its author because the mod removed the subversive opposition flags, or "pride" flags, from one of the newer Spider-Man games. That might be the second instance you're referring to.

RoccoRatchet 0 points ago +1 / -1

I don't keep tabs on the girlfriends and wives of my friends, or even acquaintances, but that doesn't mean I call them "cucks". Normal people don't do that.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +5 / -0

I still see a few stragglers in my area desperately clinging to subservience, but I think the US as a whole has dropped the act. Most people around here dropped the façade after about six months. Two weeks became two more weeks, then two months, and eventually people got fed up with it.

RoccoRatchet 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not exactly. It sounds mental compared to the rest of this.

RoccoRatchet 10 points ago +10 / -0

COVID coming to an end means people are less interested in Amazon's services, be it streaming or shopping. It doesn't help that Amazon isn't reeling in many viewers on that massive money sink that is Rings of Power. They're getting raked over the coals over it. Still, I feel like there has to be something else going on that caused their stocks to dip that hard.

RoccoRatchet 11 points ago +11 / -0

Is Avatar going to become the "Call of Duty" of movies?

RoccoRatchet 21 points ago +21 / -0

The whole narrative can be undone with just a few sentences: Members of the American Right are supposedly gun-toting psychopaths with no regard for the lives of others. There was a distinct lack of firearms, or weapons of any kind, carried by those in attendance at the rally on January 6, 2021. There were zero casualties caused by the attendees of the rally. Given that no attempt was made to overthrow the government, what supposed insurrection took place by unarmed tourists who caused no injuries or death?

RoccoRatchet 0 points ago +1 / -1

Citation needed.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +5 / -1

I find it almost impossible to believe the same woman quoted in the original post had either the depth, or intellectual intellect, to make such a eloquent statement.

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +5 / -1

Very true. You'll see a lot of people who had no idea what GG was, who now opt to look into it after seeing the hysteria. Lunatics are driving interest toward their opposition.

RoccoRatchet 12 points ago +13 / -1

I read through one of the tweet threads the other day and had a laugh about how these people invoke "muh gamergate", which not only happened almost a decade ago, but also is almost entirely unknown to most of people who regurgitate the excuse. The lack of journalistic integrity isn't the fault of Gamergate. The disdain for said lack of journalistic integrity is also not the fault of Gamergate. People did, do, and will continue to hate shitty reporting regardless of whether not the Right has decided to form a movement pushing back against it.

RoccoRatchet -7 points ago +1 / -8

I can't say I get it, but I can assure you nobody would have known how embarrassed you were over something that has nothing to do with you if you hadn't said anything about it. Why are you guys so insistent on letting everyone know how mad you are about not understanding something?

RoccoRatchet 4 points ago +6 / -2

For them, this is a "Not like that!" moment. Asking people who are deranged enough to believe they're the opposite sex/gender (they're the same thing) to make sense of any of this would be a lost cause.

Alternatively, it could be manufactured outrage to make men inadvertently normalize being trans. The functional people of the world lose either way on this.

RoccoRatchet 9 points ago +10 / -1

At the risk of being called "entitled" for complaining about a free service, these archive sites are a real pain in the ass sometimes.

RoccoRatchet -13 points ago +1 / -14

I hope you can work through your insecurities. Good luck.

RoccoRatchet 2 points ago +5 / -3

I have too much respect for myself to pull a stunt like this, and I'd like to think my friends would take me out before it ever became public knowledge, but I also don't have kids.

RoccoRatchet 5 points ago +6 / -1

It doesn't seem to be a habit of theirs. They only disable comments on certain videos, and I'm not sure what the qualifier is. I haven't checked enough videos to determine a pattern.

RoccoRatchet -13 points ago +1 / -14

Are you trying to drop names for clout? Because that's the only sense I can make out of this remark you seemingly pulled out of your ass. When does he ever say anything aside from blaming women for all his problems?

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