SpaceX has already made it very clear they neither care about nor need funding from NASA to develop superheavy. They are already convinced that there will be a market for the capacity they're building, and that the initial bid for the HLS is (in their eyes) a drop in the bucket compared to a potential lunar commercial cargo service contract AFTER the HLS contract.
Germany and France have deployed special forces.
By my count NATO has AT LEAST a full brigade worth of infantry holding the airport now, so an overrun seems unlikely.
Another angle:
(I have only done this once before.)
They act like Islam is just a slightly stricter version of Christianity.
And if it actually was I might consider it.
My relationship with Islam is as thus: "I'm from Iowa, and any god who turns up his nose at porkbelly isn't worth praise."
But what I really wanted to point out was the arrogance of this statement. The current government system they have in place has produced the best results out of any government system in history, by every metric. And still you have these elitists thinking they can do a better job despite not being elected or having any knowledge or experience about governance.
But, as we'll learn later...
Those disdainful, arrogant intelligentsia lack the one thing that the system is SET UP to select for. There is no danger to the system in letting them have their opinions freely because they will NEVER act on it.
Not at all.
I respect the radical muslim, even though I don't agree with them, because their beliefs are congruent from the cultural level down to the level of individual action.
A radical muslim believes that you are a heretic. And that if they trade their life to end yours, they will be celebrated as a hero and rewarded by their god.
I respect that. I think it's absurd, stupid, and tragically wasteful, but it's CONGRUENT and it isn't cowardly.
You say deus vult. Well, I say, if you adopt that stance and don't yourself run out, put on a crusader's cross and start converting by the sword, well, you're not living by your beliefs.
MY beliefs as I have said before elsewhere are total pacifism. I'm a quaker. But I have more respect for people who LIVE by their violent beliefs than those who simply TALK their violent beliefs hoping someone else will do the dying for them. That's just cowardice.
All you need to send Apple a message is a hammer and some money to go buy an LG.