unironically trusting pols
Damn, go back to /r/conservative. They like ukraine there too.
What did AntonioOfVenice do to you anyways?
I'm surprised the /r/consfugees haven't called me a conspiracy theorist yet.
Dominion machines
Boy leftist love shooting themselves in the foot this week.
Does it hold any weight?
Post (your) accomplishments
Its also not in full control by teslaman, again backdoors and shit. You can onky stomp the hydra's head so manyntimes in twatter.
Damn this is why you /r/cons reject will never amount to anything. But go ahead, keep consuming the google slop.
Atleast jp vtubers and july never ecourages axing your crotch.
Trannies know theyre a protected class in burganistan. Authorities would just look the other way while the feds prosecute for defending yourself.
Powder keg or bust.
Bro more people care more abot the new fomo shit(tiktok) than twitter nowdays. You wont get anywhere by using enemy controlled platforms. Thats why hololive and eric july going for a parralel approach route is such a threat to sjws. Twitter will inevitably kill itself with how shit its managed.
/r/pol is closer to reality
Plebbit is bot ridden shit, its just as incurate at mirroring society.
Its fucked. As soctatic mentioned. Its riddled with leftist shit that its better to just rebuild it from the ground up. i doubt the checkmark subscription will fix twatters monetization problem too.
Not a problem for brave users however
'Resigned' Doubt twitter would do anything about it
Dominion machines be waiting to get revenge on floridaman
He'll basicaly flog himself if he runs in 24. Conservatives like to think his a sure shot in 24 without ever addressing the shitty voting process US has right now. Not to mention i'd also fuck over florida hard if he leaves being a governer now.
he did ban bump stock. or atleast tried too.
I rather the guy stick to running his full term in florida.
When was this?
the customer should not be the beta testers. But apparently quality control is optional nowadays.
focal point
did nothing but job
Your thanos replacement everyone.
A Rivian buyer got his dream car after a 3-year wait. Days later, the car was dead and he faced a $2,100 bill.
This one greatly upsets me.
1 Solid Continuity- power rangers is very loosely connected to each other, Super Sentai on the other hand have a lot of crossovers with each other. With one of my favorite being a movie that is essentially one giant SRW stage in live action
2 The Morphin' Grid(aka the base). TO each their own, but I prefer henshin devices more than the base. The last base I like from sentai was deka, but then their base is essentially a giant robot.
3 New Wave Comics: dont read comics so no clue on that. But sentai generally don't do manga spin offs. That's more off kamen rider's thing.
4Mighty Mighty Zords: It's a catchall term coined originally for power rangers. It's honestly redundant.
but if they say "diversity and inclusion" even once in there, they can fuck off.
I hope you're joking