LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

Needs more girlboss and bumbling white guys.

LastRights 4 points ago +4 / -0

MrBallen is garbage-tier entertainment. Watched two of his episodes a while back and they lacked practically everything that you'd want out of these type of videos.

Campfire garbage. Couldn't even be arsed to hire a professional researcher from the clown world money he's raking in to make these trash videos.

LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a good point, but they'll probably claim that this is another 'timeline'.

LastRights 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would have been funnier with a trender in their midst.

LastRights 12 points ago +12 / -0

They took a 'serum' that changed them into Vulcans. Apparently, the serum also immediately alters their hairstyles. :')

LastRights 8 points ago +8 / -0

Onboarding to the app required the user to upload a selfie verified as female by KairosAI gender detection software and then by Grover.

The judge said the evidence did not establish Tickle was excluded from Giggle directly “by reason of her gender identity although it remains possible that this was the real but unproven reason”.

Rather, the indirect discrimination case succeeded because Tickle was excluded from the use of the social media app “because she did not look sufficiently female”.

Thou shall not pass.

In his written decision, Bromwich drew attention to the behaviour of Grover, including laughing at a caricature of Tickle during the trial.

“[Grover’s] explanation, that it was funny in the context of the courtroom, was obviously disingenuous. It was offensive and belittling and had no legitimate place in the respondents prosecuting their case.”

Used the court proceedings to mock the attention seeking trender. 🤣

Grover told the court that she would not address Tickle as “Ms” and that, even if a transgender woman presented as female, had gender affirmation surgery, lived as a female and held female identity documents, Grover would still see her as a “biological male”.

Would have been jailed in the UK. Soon to arrive in Australia.

LastRights 5 points ago +5 / -0

Aside from the lions, animated hyper-realism looks awful for characters meant to appeal to children.

Told in flashbacks, the story introduces Mufasa as an orphaned cub, lost and alone until he meets a sympathetic lion named Taka—the heir to a royal bloodline. The chance meeting sets in motion an expansive journey of an extraordinary group of misfits searching for their destiny—their bonds will be tested as they work together to evade a threatening and deadly foe.

Taka = Scar :')

LastRights 3 points ago +3 / -0

In order to keep Kamala in her place, Biden made Kamala the 'border czar', so that she would get the blame for the 10 million illegals that flooded through the open borders.

The proglodyte media are now pretending that she was never the 'border czar' but thanks to Biden, she fully owns that disaster.

LastRights 3 points ago +3 / -0

Instagram is a form of digital pathology. It encourages you to be jealous of nonexistent things.

LastRights 4 points ago +4 / -0

Prince Charles has been a cuck for Muslims since the nineties.

LastRights 7 points ago +7 / -0

14 episodes for half a season?

Stargate had 22 per season.

LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

What the hell is she wearing at 0:09? Looks like a Hollywoke dictator outfit, with those gloves and that flag projected behind her.

LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably stole it from some random British politician, just like Biden did with his campaign nonsense.

LastRights 14 points ago +14 / -0

Apparently, it's ground beef, cheese, and nothing else. It's a form of 'white people' self-deprecation, to suggest that white Americans are incapable of using seasoning in their cooking.

LastRights 9 points ago +11 / -2

Doesn't matter. It was still included, wherein lies the propaganda value.

LastRights 7 points ago +8 / -1

The interracial relationship is a dead give-away, though.

LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

How many of these 'speech codes' were implemented by the British conservatives, though?

This is class warfare.

LastRights 11 points ago +11 / -0

This is pathetic. She said something slutty while she was drunk. She gets hundreds of thousands and 'celebrity' status for this? Clown world.

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