KeeperOfTheGate -16 points ago +7 / -23

This is exactly why nobody takes stormfags seriously. Point out what percentage of Ivy League school presidents are Jewish. Point out what percentage of Biden's cabinet executives are Jewish. Point out what percentage of law school professors and law school deans are Jewish. Great, you've got a point.

But frothing at the mouth over some Irish Catholic northeastern basic bitch, because you can't imagine a good Aryan girl being a loathsome cunt? You just look like an idiot.

KeeperOfTheGate 0 points ago +4 / -4

That would be a logical failure on your part.

GP said: "Maher? Like Bill Maher, the Jew? So she's a Jew."

It's the most basic logical construction. The connection between Katherine Maher and Bill Maher, as identified above, is the name Maher.

If P then Q.

If last name is "Maher" then person is Jewish.

Maher being an Irish name, that is false. Attempting to claim that Katherine Maher is Jewish, solely based on her sharing an Irish last name with Bill Maher, is a failure of logic. And wrong.

KeeperOfTheGate -7 points ago +3 / -10

You're claiming her mother is Jewish? Where's your proof on that?


Edit: I don't downvote people I disagree with, even when they are factually wrong.

Edit #2: As opposed to the stormfags who DO downvote repeatedly. See the comments in this article for proof.

KeeperOfTheGate 11 points ago +11 / -0

It comes out of music. The "groove" of a song, particular jazz, is kind of the rhythm, the feel, the overall impact. You can say "Wow, that drummer is really grooving!" If he's really into the song, really driving, really fitting in. Colloquially, if you're "in the groove" you're doing great, really nailing whatever task you're on, etc.

"I'm in the groove! I just coded a new hit box algorithm I've been stuck on for days!"

"Groovy" really just means "Cool." Often used in a kind of arts or music of visual context. Today mostly used ironically. It's old slang. If I saw a kid wearing some really funky tyedyed shirt or something I might say "Hey, that's a pretty groovy shirt!"

Does Duke Nukem or Doom Guy say "Groovy" at some point??

KeeperOfTheGate -11 points ago +2 / -13

Maher is an Irish name. Bill Maher's father is Irish, his mother is Jewish.

Katherine Maher is your prototypical white northeastern catholic uberwoke liberal. (At least family origin is Catholic. I'm sure she's too woke for such pedestrian things as organized religion.)

KeeperOfTheGate 4 points ago +4 / -0

Quake 1 is a lot of fun. I prefer it over the sequels because they all lack the Romero design.

Quake 1 remains such a standout for me. I still remember the Deathmatch levels..."Claustrophobopolis" ... "The Bad Place."

Loved zapping people by jumping in the water and using the lightning gun.

KeeperOfTheGate 7 points ago +7 / -0

A few older games I've been thinking about re-playing recently.

Alpha Centauri

Tony Hawk Pro Skater

Ocarina of Time

If you're in to adventure games, there are about a billion games that can be played with Dosbox or scummvm. I've been playing through a bunch of 80s/90s games recently. The hardest part is to not google when you get stuck! I'm on Legend of Kyrandia 1 right now, and I plan to go through the series. I never played the others.

KeeperOfTheGate 7 points ago +7 / -0

Someone had money to pay for her canteens apparently.

This is the comment I came here to read.

KeeperOfTheGate 5 points ago +5 / -0

One of the best things that Rush Limbaugh used to do was his media mashups. He would take about some issue of the day and then would play a series of about 5 second long clips of all the different cable, radio, broadcast, etc., talking heads who were literally saying the exact same thing. Same words, same phrases, same intonation, everything.

Journolist was a very public example of collusion, but it's there, it's been there, and it's been there for a long time.

Media in all of its stripes, is the enemy.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

True story. In ~1998, in highschool, I was taking AP US History. We had a book report assignment where we had to go to a local university library to look up journals that had reviewed the book(s) we were assigned. Yes, this was a public highschool that had standards.

We also had to find other, non-academic reviews. I used Amazon, and I wrote something like "You have to be careful with Amazon reviews, because some of them are clearly bad faith reviews, either friends of the author or publisher or paid for reviews."

The teacher put a comment on my paper "Yes! You should always be careful to think about the source of what you are reading and WHY they are writing what they wrote."

This is what education should be like.

Amazon reviews being junk is nothing new, though I do agree the scope has gotten worse.

KeeperOfTheGate 11 points ago +11 / -0

Nice site. You know what would be interesting? If it also tracked critic reviews (something like metacritic) AND steam play numbers. Then you could see -- are DEI games better reviewed? Do they get more or less playtime? And so forth.

KeeperOfTheGate 19 points ago +19 / -0

I would say a couple of things about this.

First of all, this is a very female expression style. I'm certain you'll find soyboy malefeminists writing the same way, but they're copying women.

So, it's a relatively common female style. It's also been my experience, and this is from IRL as well, that women who talk this way and bring "queer" or "mommy/daddy" or "bdsm" into every topic, are as fucking basic as they come. It's like they get a high from feeling naughty and transgressive.

It's the fucking definition of arrested development.

I looked up Alyssa Mercante, senior editor at Kotaku as of November 2022. In her introductory article, she talkes about her "queer creds," her masters thesis in contemporary queer lit, etc. What does she list for her own personal interests? Three rescue cats. Favorite TV shows are "Real Housewives franchise, Love is Blind, Geordie Shore, and Bar Rescue." "Puck sluts for the [New York Rangers]"

She is just the embodiment of "basic bitch who wants to be special."

You can almost hear her biological clock ticking down...

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

So the Japanese is "Come out, come out Magic Lens. Open Sesame!" and the translators went with "Rub-a-dub-dub, open ya schlub"?

That's bizarre, unless there's a lot of context I'm missing. Wouldn't "Come out, come out, where ever you are" have been the more natural and slightly idiomatic translation?

KeeperOfTheGate 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hirake-goma is literally "open sesame" and based on the English expression. I can imagine some self-important bluehair localizer sat there thinking "Gawd- 'OPEN SESAME?' Such an old meme... it's like something my parents would say! My Lian ain't got time for that cringe. Can we do something more original here?"

Does the Japanese in that panel rhyme or something? I was trying to figure out why they wouldn't just go with "Open sesame" ...

KeeperOfTheGate 10 points ago +10 / -0

Don't blame this on dementia (which is not helping). This is being a straight up liar. He's done it his whole career.

The media-factcheck industrial complex will go to town on the smallest hyperbole and exagerration of Trump's but Biden can repeatedly say things that are verifiably false and never get called on it.

The media is the enemy. Not "your" enemy or "my" enemy, but the enemy. Everyone's enemy.

KeeperOfTheGate 3 points ago +3 / -0

Halal (allowed) slaughter means cutting the throat of the animal and draining the blood. There's a bit more in terms of ritual, but that's pretty much it.

Carrion meat is haram (forbidden) in Islam.

KeeperOfTheGate 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yep. My kids attend a uniform school. It's one of the things that I would have HATED as a kid, but I see the benefits with a few years of separation (and hopefully some added wisdom).

KeeperOfTheGate 17 points ago +18 / -1

I, a man, was a kid who never struggled in school. I was well-behaved, did my class work, sometimes did my homework, never got in fights, and rarely found anything tough. I was a good student. My teachers liked me. I liked most of my teachers.

My perspective "from the inside" was that everything was fine.

When I had my own kids, I began to see just how difficult schooling can be for many boys. Not all, but many. Modern school is essentially an effeminate undertaking and it's geared towards girls. Every year the percentage of male teachers K-12 decreases. This is why you often see girl children outperforming boys at a young age (elementary school and into middle school). Girls both mature faster and generally do better in the rigid behavioral framework of school.

Once you hit highschool and college, you see the boys starting to mature AND be able to be independent. This is when boys start overtaking girls in academic performance in many fields.

I think there's a lot to be said for gender segregated classes.

KeeperOfTheGate 41 points ago +41 / -0

You know the Mike Tyson quote? "Everyone's got a plan, until you get hit in the face."

The modern corollary is "Everyone's a strong independent woman, until you run into something that a man should handle."

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