Atheism and anti-theism is not the other end of the bell curve. Low IQ people need religion imposed upon them for the fabric of society to remain stable. Most atheists are just lashing out in rejection of that and tend to become religious adherents of things that are less strictly theistic, but still religions - like the cults of communism or media's pop "science" (not to be confused with an actual understanding of the scientific method).
The other end of the bell curve is understanding and making peace with the existence of a higher power without the need for societal compulsion. Lashing out against the concept of God is not beneficial. Accepting God is beneficial even to people that can understand morality without God.
You're only looking at one end of the bell curve for what role a higher power fills.
I'm no preacher, so I'm not going to type a book to try to explain how to find god on the other side of the bell curve. I will say that confusing a distaste for organized religion with something like anti-theism, and rejecting the existence of any higher powers is shortsighted. With regards to christianity, it's the human part of the system that is the problem, not Christ.
Spend more time in nature and you may start seeing the hand of god.
If we take the right to approximately represent the politics of tradition
If we describe electricity as mud we can power our homes with wet dirt too right? No, that's fucking retarded. Do you have an actual clue what left and right are? Since you don't, I'll explain.
Left vs right is the singular axis of totalitarianism vs anarchism at the extreme ends. Collectivism is low IQ goblin mindset that can't differentiate between individuals and group stereotypes, is left wing. Individualism is right wing. Lumping people into groups based on arbitrary characteristics because you lack the mental capacity to differentiate between individuals is leftist.
What you spouted off is some reddit grade "political compass" bullshit. That is not an actual functional scale to measure politics on. That is propaganda designed for morons.
Huh, I can't find it either. Weird. Anyways, theism is only a crutch if you use it that way. And unfortunately large percentages of the population will never rise to the mental level necessary to find morality without some kind of cultural force to compel them. The higher understanding of why moral societies are better is lost on many - look at how many people twist nietzche into justification for pointless hedonism and self-absorbed existentialism.
You identify american protestantism as better than the catholic organization, but both are theistic. You're right, but both are works of man. The organizations that form around religions are not the question of the existence of a higher power. On that subject, the protestants and the catholics are essentially an example of right vs left again - the protestants are decentralized and individually weak, while the catholic church is a leftist organization that has essentially become an extranational globalist government wearing the guise of religion.
American protestantism sits better with you probably because it fits the ideology of the right better - limited power that is easily fixed or ignored when corrupted. Whereas the catholic church is a massive corrupt institution that is essentially unfixable, like any large leftist government.
I didn't agree to shit. That's not how a public forum works. If he's going to vomit fed propaganda I will keep calling him out so he doesn't get to pretend he's actually unopposed or speaking for right wing interests. Protecting him from opposition kills actual discourse.
You refuse to do anything about the conpro brigaders and now you step in to defend the hypocritical goblin. His faggoted twist of my username is even hypocrisy, as he's a raging anti-theist that hates Christ and christians. What are you even doing here? This place is very nearly a corpse with more conpro faggots than actual legitimate posters at this point.
I'm not a bitchy little girl that constantly brings him up in unrelated threads - he's the one that does so. When I engage with his bullshit I do so directly. And you want to stop me from actually addressing hypocrisy, lies and propaganda from an obvious goon.
Many people go through that phase. The societal poisoning was not done by edgy teenage angst, though. It was guided.
Individuals are capable of recognizing the utility and benefit of a moral society without necessarily adhering to what creates it, but society needs that higher power to keep a lot of self absorbed monkeys in check.
As to your anti-theism - there is no useful reason to reject the possibility of a higher power entirely. Certain groups' interpretations of that power yes - but even Jefferson, who swore to oppose all forms of tyranny over the mind of man, did so upon the altar of god.
This is exactly right. ACP's original post is wrong because it is about more than seeking higher cause, but he is right in recognizing the hedonist class. It is also important what you choose to look to and why. But the hedonists absolutely are failing the humanity test.
There never has been a "left" libertarian. If you just wanted to legalize drugs and abortions and every other degenerate behavior, without the actual principles of reducing government power and decentralizing it, and minimizing government economic meddling, you weren't then - and aren't now.
The "left leaning libertarians" are just degenerates. Actual libertarianism is exclusively right wing.
This thing should be dropped off in it's namesake with nothing but the clothes on it's back.
Most so called libertarians, especially the "left" libertarian" are anything but. If all you want is abortions and to legalize all drugs and deviant behavior, you're not a libertarian you're a fucking degenerate.
Free market economic principles are a system as well, not somehing you can take pieces of and not others. It's a foolish system that only functions with optimum behaviors, and doesn't account for the classical understanding of economic warfare.
Tariffs are a means of protecting local economies from being completely destroyed by foreigners. Everyone was doing them to us and we were playing pretend free market, which any actual economist knows was nonsense. If everyone is on a free market playing field (never gonna happen) it's "fair" competition, but you still need to protect your local industry to preserve resilience of your national economy.
When you're competing against literal slave labor and countries that don't have anywhere near your living standard or respect for life, your choices are to either lose in that market, use tariffs to stop or limit them, or go to war to enforce US labor standards. Tariffs are much simpler.
It's taken me literal years to start remembering who that goon is, I really only started recognizing him after he sperged out defending "Patriot" Front. Dom is probably an oldfag that doesn't pay much attention to usernames. Given this is an offshoot from a chan movement, that shouldn't be all that surprising.
Hell I only even notice specific users regularly now because the board is so fucking dead, thanks to the conpro faggots drowning it in brain-dead fedposts.
If Trump actually does this we might really get "the ATF should be a duty free strip mall" joke turned into reality.
Hell yes.
Kojima has a better understanding of western things than most of them. While MGS does have some Japanese sensibilities and moralisms, it very much addresses the US military industrial complex and intelligence agencies' criminal behaviors. It's not Deus Ex, but sometimes it's clever. Whereas whatshisname with evangelion is just a dweeb.
They (like most artists) tend to copy aesthetic without deeper meaning, and it flies right past people that deify art.
Evangelion is often praised by midwits for it's religious imagery that the original creators admitted was only done "because it looks cool".
It is possible that the cabal pulled back as a strategic move as well - to slow the boiling of the frogs because too many people were waking ul and smelling the bullshit.
You have seen this thread, you posted in it. The argument for Biden somehow getting that many votes despite having nonexistent levels of enthusiasm or support, was that while people didn't like Biden, they just hated Trump that much.
If that were true and there wasn't massive fraud, that would have played out the same way with likely even higher numbers. But now the anomalous millions of fraudulent fake votes are missing in action.
The evidence is overwhelming that there was massive fraud. And it wasn't an easy task, but they had captured federal institutions that refused to act to stop it or rectify it. A bunch of states literally signed onto a lawsuit saying "do not certify this fucked shit" and the supreme court refused to even hear the case - through cowardice. They claimed the states had no standing to sue over other states elections, when manipulating a federal election disenfranchises their citizens as well.
Ant. You were not paying attention in 2020 to the degree many of us were. You seem to think that common sense rule of law would have stopped such blatant fraud, because you didn't look at the data, the tens of hours of hearings, etc.
You are not following - the fact that it was so blatant, so demonstrative of how captured federal institutions were, is why somewhere around a MILLION people were in DC on jan 6th. That kind of mass movement of pissed off people across distances larger than your country probably several times over didn't come from just losing an election.
Armed goons claiming authority does not give them legitimacy. Calling them police implies they had some form of community or government backing, some claim to legitimacy however worthless. They were a petty gang.
You are not an american and you repeatedly ignored the evidence presented to your face.
Five states stop counting simultaneously, claim later proven fake emergencies, eject poll watchers and them begin counting with no oversight, and "ballot dumps" going extraordinarily heavily for biden during that period. The bellwether counties were nearly totally in Trump's favor. There were other statistical impossibilities as well, like Georgia's absentee ballots going overwhelmingly blue, when absentee ballots are mostly military which is heavy red.
Can you really call the goonsquad there "police"? They had no legal authority, no training and no mandate other than "we have guns so you obey us".
Who the fuck is this retard, anyway? Is he one of the "patriot front" fed faggots or what? I must have missed when he ever did anything worth attention.
And I would say most, because the psychology of leftist dogma parallels religions. Their "trust the science" and their political ideologies all emulate religious fervor. They replace faith in god with faith in the state or some other false god.
The structure provided by religion is part of what societies need, but they also need the enforcement of religion. They need to believe in a power beyond what is human to keep them in line even when they aren't being watched - to make them believe that being good is GOOD, not just necessary.