Happily_Grim 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm so glad I have no idea what any of those are — besides the plainly self-evident ones.
I'll stick with being a good ol' fashioned sadist.

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Uh huh. Keep projecting. Sorry your feelings got hurt from a simple conversation.

Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

Likely because they're confident that they can be. Look at the lengths they're going to in order to for their will upon the people — they simply don't care.
They'll force compliance or they'll completely destroy you.
And make no mistake, this is absolutely coming to every other country very soon.

by xleb2
Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely right. They didn't care. They made it plainly apparent is was completely about pushing an agenda. Which is exactly why Nick Sandmann ended up being CNN's highest paid contributor in the end.

Those are some great additions as well. There's been so many that it's genuinely hard to keep track.

Happily_Grim 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's just one more thing that everyone has been saying — because common sense does exist — that we've been proven right about in the end.
You'd think at some point they'd begin scratching their head and wondering if we're either prophets or they're just complete myopic retards. But I don't expect that they're actually capable of much self-reflection to begin with.
They'll just search out some sad cope using mental gymnastics for why this totally isn't the case.

Happily_Grim 31 points ago +31 / -0

They're ranked 40th and are doing fantastically.
One of the crazier anomalies is Mongolia. Look into their Covid cases through all of this and then look at what happened immediately after they began vaccination.
They went from almost zero cases to it looking like a plague swept over them.
Hell, Israel is on its fourth shot now, with one of the highest vaccination rates in the world, and they're doing the absolute worst. Then we get news in the last 24 hours that Biden is using the CDC to completely bypass the FDA and push for mandatory requirements for a third booster. This shit is purely about money and power. They don't give a single shit about anyone.
Biden has been hyping up his "dark winter" bullshit once again and he'll be damned if he doesn't get it one way or another. If we go into a third round of boosters this coming winter the numbers will skyrocket.
If the trend for adverse effects continue in a linear pattern as it seems possible they might we'll also see huge amounts of deaths that they'll likely attribute to Covid.
These people are evil as hell, man.

Happily_Grim 8 points ago +8 / -0

That seems like a pretty huge "mistake" to make. It's not like he stumbled over words or anything either at all. He was quite concise in articulating what he very clearly meant. I'm calling bullshit. With something like that there's no way you wouldn't catch yourself slipping like that — and you'd most certainly correct yourself immediately. Even a staff member would say something as you left the podium and you'd pop back over and correct the statement. I don't buy it.

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Keep projecting. You're the one who had to switch to sad make-believe and throw a tantrum. Sorry you're so insecure.

Happily_Grim 36 points ago +36 / -0

As we've seen demonstrated thus far, the rest of the world is really not far behind.
None of these people will be relinquishing power; Covid is their power. It's their permanent solution to rigging the system.
There is no going back.
I know that almost everyone here knows that they're not going to let go of power but I guarantee we all have people in our lives that believe things will "return to normal." For me, it's my extended family. I've officially red-pilled my entire immediate family and even some of my extended but there are still holdouts who refuse to see reality. I'm sure they'll find some sort of weird cope when I send them this.
At this point, the only hope that western society has is to continue exposing their corruption and waking people up. That's not an easy task by any stretch of the imagination because I'm sure within the next couple years they'll escalate things using "variants" and false flags to keep people crippled with fear.
But in the end, this is the path that people's apathy and laziness chose. It sucks that we have to pay for it but I won't feel bad for those who have been blindly following along when they finally begin to realize it.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

It makes more sense now. It's late Friday evening/Saturday morning here and I've been drinking all evening and watching old movies. So my head isn't all there. I was able to figure it out lol.

Thanks for the link, man.

Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

Gotcha. I just assumed it was by the publication being "The Australian."
The bitch should literally just get the boot. Who the hell cares if it "looks sexist"? People don't need these crybullies looking for attention and for credit for "breaking glass ceilings" and retarded shit like that. I'd go the route of telling any woke assholes in my organization to piss off and find a new job if they don't like shit.
But men have been completely neutered by women in modern day society.

On the bright-side, I can't even begin to tell you how much easier it is to find younger women when dating because of it. Just being assertive, confident, and not willing to take shit, for some reason attracts them like crazy. They all say the same thing, too: "The guys my age are just too sensitive and girly." Well no shit, woman. Why do you think that is? Such bizarro world shit.
But I honestly do care about society far more than that — which may make me the actual idiot.

by xleb2
Happily_Grim 3 points ago +3 / -0

It needs refinement and cleaning up but it's not too bad for a quick summary.
I'm sure I could think of many more as well if I really put my mind to it.
In fact, I'd like to add more to it later. Problem is remembering a giant list of misinformation, lies, misrepresentations, smears, etc. It happens so often.

Happily_Grim 17 points ago +17 / -0

No article because it's behind a paywall and you didn't archive.
No idea what the hell you're saying in the title either....

  Edit: I think I get the gist of it. Australia sucks and is changing batsman in Cricket to some gender neutral bullshit. That figures. Australia is completely cucked by communists.
Read this: https://edberry.com/blog/polymontana/political-platforms/the-45-communist-goals-1963/
It was written in 1963. It doesn't just apply to the US either. Share it with absolutely every single Aussie you know. Text it to them, e-mail it, etc. Tell them they damn well better start learning their history because it'll be too late when their ass is in a camp or lined up against a wall.

by xleb2
Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's funny, because I have the actual video of the event and you can see it's so much more harmless than they make it all out to be.

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree. I will say I think your observation is both simultaneously true and not so much at the same time, though. What I mean is, externally they absolutely show out-group bias. Many of them go around preaching their quixoticism at liturgical levels; however, they also distinctly demonstrate through their actions that their pretty words mean absolutely nothing.
They only show out-group preference when that particular out-group conforms to their ideological beliefs. If they don't happen to conform — for example, in the case of a black conservative — then they become some of the absolute most racist pieces of shit around, hands down. I believe that for many of them, it's purely an act. These are the same bitches that call the police when they see a black dude in their neighborhood, or dudes who will call any black police officer a race traitor coon.
They're ideologically obsessed fanatics who live in some alternate reality where they believe all of the worst stereotypes imaginable. Minorities as a whole are literally tokens for them to use; vehicles for them to push their beliefs and collect virtue points. Their real preference isn't any particular group — it's themselves.
They tend to be solipsistic lunatics who constantly ramble didactic nonsense at others but freely live by a completely different set of rules themselves.
The insecurities that they've been inculcated with, along with the brainwashing that you've mentioned, has rendered them functionally inept intellectually.
That said, it still doesn't change that they do display the behavior you're describing; I just feel it's for different reasons than them legitimately caring about other groups more at a core level. Of course, there's always exceptions but those exist across every group.

Happily_Grim 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's almost like the Federal Government is becoming tyrannical?
Can someone refresh my memory?
I know it happened last year, but I can't remember who it was that said it exactly.
I believe it was along the lines of: "You can’t legislate by executive order unless you’re a dictator!" — or something like that.

Happily_Grim 20 points ago +20 / -0

B-b-b-but if they just complied, they'd get their freedom and liberties back!
The Government promised! The only reason it hasn't happened the last 10 times is because they didn't have it right back then! This time they definitely do!

by xleb2
Happily_Grim 10 points ago +10 / -0

Sounds like a "strategy" they employ quite a lot. lol

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

But it's no one else's responsibility to educate or inform others. That lies solely with the individual. Furthermore, anyone that would judge a person based solely on that isn't someone worth associating with to begin with. There was a time when people would see those things and wouldn't automatically jump to conclusions and assume the absolute worst about another person.
If it comes down to it, you could simply choose to ignore the person altogether if it's something that you feel pushes you away. The point is more that people should be able to express such views without fear of someone coming up and harassing them if they choose to do so. That's far more important than the why they would do it. There shouldn't be an argument about anyone's ideology at all to begin with. That's not to say a discussion can't be had, however, a discussion and someone just coming up because they're triggered are two totally different things.
Living in a free society should mean being able to express both good and bad ideas. Ideas that people like and ideas that people hate. It's why the First Amendment is the very foundation of this country — as well as the first thing they declared.
That's why I get pissed off at retards who call for speech restrictions, too. I'm not sure how they reconcile shit in their head. The First Amendement was literally created to protect things deemed "hate-speech" — or, at the very least, speech that wasn't popular at all in society.
Why, exactly, would anyone need to declare free speech for "love-speech"? Of course Governments, Elites, and people in general would be perfectly fine with hearing speech they like and agree with. There wouldn't even need to be laws against such a thing to begin with. It was meant so people could express views people didn't want to hear, because sometimes, that's what needs to be said most.
That's an entirely different conversation, though. lol-

by xleb2
Happily_Grim 19 points ago +19 / -0

Man, you just reminded me of how hilarious that situation was. The retards literally thought he meant actual coyotes. I couldn't believe it. That's the level of intelligence of the retards constantly mocking everyone. Even a cursory google search could have cleared it up for them but they were too lazy. It was glorious.

Happily_Grim 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's understandable but do you really want to concede how you express yourself to insecure crybullies? I certainly don't. Every concession that you make in your life is one more chain you're crafting for yourself that keeps you tied down by the rules of others. It's a bit of a dramatic way to look at it but I still think that it's true nonetheless.
I'm confident in who I am and in my beliefs. If someone wants to come up to try and start shit because of something that I'm wearing or some sticker that I have, they're more than welcome to try. I know what kind of person I am best. I don't need the approval of others as affirmation. I have confidence that I do my best to keep informed on topics, form my own beliefs, and stand by my principles and morals.
I refuse to give them any power over how I express myself in life. That's just me, though.

by xleb2
Happily_Grim 32 points ago +33 / -1

Now they're trying to take their ability to use horses away all because they're too retarded to know the difference between reins and a whip.
Democrats are genuinely some of the dumbest people on this entire planet. How so many retards can continuously fall for their silly shit is truly beyond me.
I'm going to add it to my list I've decided to start making of headline making shit they and media have lied about:
Covington Kids
Russia Collusion
Massive Russian interference
Pee Tapes
Not paying taxes
1619 Project
Hunter's laptop
Ignoring and hiding Tony Bobulinski
Hiding that the FBI had Hunter's laptop since late 2019 and let the child predator roam free (and still roam free)
The "Muslim ban"
Hiding Democrats claiming Covid wasn't a big deal
Cuomo Nursing homes
Second Impeachment
That voter ID's are "racist" and people don't support them -- they overwhelmingly do
Saying 2017 tax cuts were only for rich
The Trump "puts kids in cages" lie -- Obama built those cages and put them into use
"Good People" Hoax
Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie -- never happened
Hell, the whole "Steel report"
Lie that Trump Jr. conspired with WikiLeaks
Lying that Trump never denounced white supremacy
Saying Trump "trashed dead American soldiers" even when people present said it never happened
Jussie Smollett
The WHO flip-flopping
Saying the Southern Border wall wouldn't be effective -- it is Masks don't work -- now they DO! (Except they don't)
Covering up Riots
Running cover for Biden
Hydroxychloriquine Fishbowl Cleaner
Hydroxychorliquine efficacy
Ivermectin efficacy
Flawed Ivermectin study saying no efficacy that was fully refuted.
Rolling Stone Ivermectin Hospitalizations
Injecting Bleach
The entire election coverage (lol)
Hiding any information after election, including hearings where thousands of people with signed affidavits gave testimony
Reporting that affidavits aren't reliable as evidence, but just a month ago, cheered when a bill passed that people can simply sign an affidavit in order to vote in America
FBI involvement in the 2016 election
Covering up the FBI bribing people for false information on Trump
Covring up spying on Trump campaign (2016)
Saying Trump’s campaign was never wiretapped -- it was.
Covering up Biden family receiving huge amounts of money form foreign countries.
Michael Flynn
USPS Whistlesblower backdating
Using false footage for Covid to inculcate fear into people
Gamergate LOL
Covering up violence against conservatives
Lying about CRT
"Hands up Don't Shoot!"
The events surrounding Breonna Taylor
Footage of George Floyd saying he couldn't breathe long before
Lying about Kyle Rittenhouse events
Covering up the harm being done by vaccines that aren't ready for market
The garage rope "noose" -- that was just a rope to open/close the door
Chris Cuomo breaking quarantine
Chris Cuomo's fake "I'm out of quarantine" theatrics
Covering up for the WHO dismissing Taiwan
The virus "does not spread person to person"
Saying Planned Parenthood has been being "defunded" -- it hasn't
Ignoring the skyrocketing crime in places where police were "defunded"
Saying the Anarchists who were planning to go after Whitmer were "Trump supporters"
Trump did nothing to stop Covid
The virus didn't originate in China -- it did
Covering up the Uyghur genocide
The ineffectiveness of PCR tests
The dozens of antibody studies done in early 2020
The unprecedented change the CDC made to how Covid deaths are counted in March (2020) which dramatically increased the death toll
There will be no vaccine in 2020, Trump is lying! (I still won't get it)
Saying no one will try to mandate vaccines
Florida Gov. DeSantis and the Vaccine Lie
Covering up Hospitals receiving large financial incentives for Covid -- more so if person is intubated
Staging scenes to make it seem like there was Covid panic in drive-thru testing lines
Blocking travel from China is xenophobic
That field hospitals nationwide were completely vacant and were never needed, but pretending they were slammed
Covering up social media censorship
New Addition!: Horse reins are somehow "whips."

Happily_Grim 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, look, more make-believe. Shocking...
The default of a desperate drooler used as a sad cope.
Keep projecting, dork.

Happily_Grim 21 points ago +21 / -0

Why am I not surprised it's from one of the people complicit in the plainly obvious election faggotry? Lieutenant Governor of Georgia, Geoff Duncan, everyone!
The state that probably had the most plainly obvious shit happening — such as a "water leak" evacuation which was followed by suitcases being pulled out and the ballots within them being scanned multiple times. Or videos of people sneakily passing USB drives off to others. There's so much that it's almost absurd to list it all. Many of which I still have the videos of them happening. Screw this piece of shit. The people of Georgia should most certainly know better at this point. They're not fooled by this retard or even Brian Kemp. This article is aimed specifically at the average idiot consumer, who doesn't pay attention — liberals and left-leaning independents. It's a piece of media for them to drool and clap to while establishment GOP desperately scramble to try and cover up their corruption.

They so desperately want things to go back to how they were before, when people didn't pay attention; it's never going to happen. The only reason I continue to participate in this broken system is to screw these assholes and make their lives a living hell. I'll help cost them millions of dollars in damage control and numerous sleepless nights just by shitposting and exposing their stupidity and I'll do it happily. It's not my fault they're too stupid to get with the times and realize that legacy/corporate media doesn't drive anywhere near the amount of traffic that communities like these do. If they wanna try and screw me, then I'll make them earn that shit. That's one of the few reasons I still advocate for participating in the processes in any meaningful way that people can. It's not just about changing the system — which may very well be beyond redemption — it's about exposing their corruption and bullshit to others so that if a time comes when things go really bad, the scales aren't impossibly uneven.

Back to the article, isn't it a convenient for it to come out literally a couple hours after the Arizona Election Audit demonstrably proved huge election discrepancies that undeniably show that there was some seriously shady shit happening behind the scenes?

Yes, we should all completely ignore the total failures and incompetence of every single step in the process. We can also ignore that massive amounts of duplicate ballots; the large amount of ballots with no signature, or that had signatures that weren't anywhere close to the voter; we can ignore the huge amounts of votes that appeared between November 4th and 9th, we can ignore the chain of custody being shattered; we can ignore that they maliciously deleted election data to obfuscate what had happened back in March of this year when the process really began moving forward — you know what, screw it. We can just ignore everything and instead pretend that the things are just fine!
Journalists are the enemy of the people.

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