No article because it's behind a paywall and you didn't archive.
No idea what the hell you're saying in the title either....
Edit: I think I get the gist of it. Australia sucks and is changing batsman in Cricket to some gender neutral bullshit. That figures. Australia is completely cucked by communists.
Read this:
It was written in 1963. It doesn't just apply to the US either. Share it with absolutely every single Aussie you know. Text it to them, e-mail it, etc. Tell them they damn well better start learning their history because it'll be too late when their ass is in a camp or lined up against a wall.
I chose that article because it’s one of the most extreme things I’ve read, from an “official”, for a while...
I’ve copied it below, and I also included a different article, for which the archiving DID actually work. So hopefully you and anyone else can see that, now, and the context of what my title was about...
It makes more sense now. It's late Friday evening/Saturday morning here and I've been drinking all evening and watching old movies. So my head isn't all there. I was able to figure it out lol.
No article because it's behind a paywall and you didn't archive.
No idea what the hell you're saying in the title either....
Edit: I think I get the gist of it. Australia sucks and is changing batsman in Cricket to some gender neutral bullshit. That figures. Australia is completely cucked by communists.
Read this:
It was written in 1963. It doesn't just apply to the US either. Share it with absolutely every single Aussie you know. Text it to them, e-mail it, etc. Tell them they damn well better start learning their history because it'll be too late when their ass is in a camp or lined up against a wall.
I chose that article because it’s one of the most extreme things I’ve read, from an “official”, for a while...
I’ve copied it below, and I also included a different article, for which the archiving DID actually work. So hopefully you and anyone else can see that, now, and the context of what my title was about...
Culture wars, innit?
It makes more sense now. It's late Friday evening/Saturday morning here and I've been drinking all evening and watching old movies. So my head isn't all there. I was able to figure it out lol.
Thanks for the link, man.