Now does it make sense he wanted to whistleblow about something that didn’t exist, which he made up? No not really. Of course he might just have gone insane. But that doesn’t appear to be the case, and you can’t make that claim just because the SpecOps whistleblower is whistleblowing about something you haven’t heard about.
Add to that the 2nd, far faker seeming “manifesto” released by the sheriff’s dept. Very sus.
Yeah dude the 20 year special forces vet tried to make a bomb with 3 cans of campfire fuel and a pack of sparklers. His letter undeniably makes more sense than the official narrative, regardless of how predisposed you are to disbelieve his claims about suppressed tech.
And yes, “gravitic” propulsion = “zero point energy” propulsion:
Feel free to type terms you’re unfamiliar with into a search engine before writing blog posts about them!
His letter mentions “gravitic propulsion” as powering the supposedly Chinese drones off the coast. Based on the letter it doesn’t sound like he even wanted to die/explode/commit terrorism, seems like he was trying to flee to Mexico as he feared the deepstate was trying to kill him
You heard it here first
The plot of Evangelion is literally the opposite of what you said, it’s about a hopeless kid finding the will to live
Also the movies aren’t prequels
More than Eric Swallowswell that’s for sure
“I have 300 thousand - 250 thou…. Atleast 200,000 subscribers, where is my Chinese spy to suck my dick? Aren’t I famous enough? Where’s my Ming Ling?”
It’s certainly the only reason he’s in this thread
I highly recommend you watch it when you get a chance. I watch a video or two after dinner most nights but you seem like you rarely take the time, instead opting for these transcripts which rarely even tell half the story. There’s a really crazy clip of “the MH370 plane being teleported by 3 ufos”. The most interesting part is that since it supposedly comes from a satellite it has thermal imaging too. The analysis of the “explosion” upon “teleportation” is pretty mind blowing (hint: it registers as black on a thermal imaging device…)
And it was funny in a vacuum, but my point still stands
It should concern you, being on the same side of an issue as that insane shill
Have you read what the guy who’s Phd thesis was ”Cosmological Consequences of Topological and Geometric Phenomena in Field Theories”, yet? Or are you still just yapping based on gut feeling?
The 10 day old account talking shit in my post for no reason is actually yet another sockpuppet of some faggot who I called a shill 4 years ago who has been following me around since then trying to discredit/screw with me. That’s why he wrote that 15 paragraph novel about me on the other side of the link I posted
I must have REALLY struck a nerve when I called you a disabled waste of space shill 4 years ago huh? Go ahead and delete this account too
Holy psychopath alert!!!! Ragnar you’re still stalking me? Fucking freak
Who do you think knows more about the subject, you, or actual cosmologists/astrophysicists/etc?
It’s clear that cosmologists have not done a very good job of spreading the word about something that’s been well-understood since at least the 1920’s: energy is not conserved in general relativity.
It’s so funny how douchey you guys act while obviously being the ignorant ones, too lazy and intellectually dishonest to do anything even approaching “investigating claims” so you just endless yap in the comments without saying anything
what is the Big Bang for 500 Alex
Your failure to grasp reality doesn’t change it, thank God
Yet again, total refusal to discuss in good faith.
The reason energy isn’t conserved is because the universe isn’t a “closed” system, which is a requirement for the “law” to hold. The universe isn’t a closed system precisely because of the reason I’ve been saying all along, the expansion of the universe renders us with a time-variant system, which is by definition not a closed system. If you want the math behind all this at the most developed level (i.e. the version of the principle of conservation of energy developed for general relativity, look up Noether’s theorem).
How’s that for my own words? What’s your next weasel maneuver?
Lmfao. You're always so confidently ignorant.
Read what preeminent cosmologist Sean Carroll has to say then get back to me:
It’s clear that cosmologists have not done a very good job of spreading the word about something that’s been well-understood since at least the 1920’s: energy is not conserved in general relativity. (With caveats to be explained below.)
Inb4 kikoTheYounger says Sean Carroll and all the other cosmologists are retarded and he knows better
(It does by the way) - read what the actual cosmologist has to say, then get back to me.
Where does the energy to increase that volume come from you moron? You think that’s an action which can happen freely?
I asked where the energy goes, you tell me the photons don’t go anywhere. Obviously. I’m talking about the energy contained in the photon. You realize you can have high energy photons and low energy photons right? The difference between infrared and gamma rays? I’m sure you’re aware of the concept. Cosmological redshifting is “lowering the energy of high energy photons” - the question I socratically put to you was “where is that energy going?”
If a car drove towards me, and the road kept on stretching between us so that the car would never reach me or atleast take longer to do so, the stretching of the road would violate the conservation of energy.
Doppler redshift != cosmological redshift that’s a low level mistake of comprehension. Cosmological Redshifting literally removes the energy from the photon and it goes “nowhere” according the the standard model.
Read Carrol’s blog post
So where is the energy that was once contained in the photons after the photons have been redshifted?
You might think this sounds silly but it’s only because you haven’t thought/read about the subject enough
Here is cosmologist Sean Carroll:
It’s clear that cosmologists have not done a very good job of spreading the word about something that’s been well-understood since at least the 1920’s: energy is not conserved in general relativity. (With caveats to be explained below.)
Hey look! it’s a 10 day old sockpuppet run by a shill!
It’s okay to admit you don’t understand Hubble redshift, you don’t need to project out your intellectual insecurities onto others.
Energy is not conserved on the scale of the universe. Where do you think the energy being redshifted is going?
I'm definitely replying to your comment in a vacuum. You're the one saying that it's a false vacuum, not me.
Actually what you quoted me saying is that the characteristics of ufos, as seen in government disclosures, indicates they’ve tapped into it to power their “impossible” maneuvers and accelerations
I recommend the video
“Mods are asleep, post sinks”