Graphenium 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s fucking rich coming from you, faggot (did you ever read an article on thaw Unz Review yet?), but I actually did, and I’ll do it again for your peabrain:

He denounces anti-Semites and 'Islamists' like a mainstream GOPe would, but at the same time, he denounces white people and advocates for 'hate speech' laws.

That all tracks with the opinions of your bog standard vile parasite dual citizen who loves jews and hates goyim. Perfectly. 1-1.

Graphenium 5 points ago +6 / -1

Yes, the fact that his positions make no sense as a whole is proof of that.

Uhh...”jews good, goyim bad” makes plenty of sense for a jew shill to think...if this is the best “proof” you have that he actually seeks the genocide of israel then ya lol, you’re about as insane as the average zionist.

Graphenium 8 points ago +9 / -1

I think you’re probably the first forum user to identify this guy as a double agent jew hater, and he himself denies it, with a LONG post history that would back up the position he’s being “genuine” here. Can you point to any other proof he’s actually a double agent? I mean it’s so obvious to you, surely you aren’t basing such an insane accusation on a single comment?

Graphenium 9 points ago +9 / -0

You’re right, instead they use phrases like “le pogroms!” and vague gesturing towards claims which emanated exclusively from Bolshevik communists initially. The person who I would expect to phrase that as “whites interfering” is a zionist israeli attempting to astroturf the forum. Some type of “jester”-like entity.

Graphenium 15 points ago +17 / -2

Trolling? Dude this is what the average normie (including you) would say in response to the rhetorical question in the OP. You’d bring up their historical literacy rates, you’d bring up the historic bans on Christian usury, you’d bring up “middleman minorities are always hated”, etc etc

Graphenium 13 points ago +15 / -2

I mean Kaballah magic must be real

People don’t tend to do something for thousands of years if it has no effect.

If you were born in a culture without a word for “apple”, you would be fundamentally limited in your ability to cognate on the subject of apples.

If you lived in a world without the word “family”, you would be living in a world without families. If you lived in a world where everything a white person did was “racism”, that too would have a physical effect. Magic is about changing minds.

I wonder if Kevin MacDonald wrote anything specifically on your topic?

Hmm might be worth a search of the Unz Review archives...

Graphenium 37 points ago +38 / -1

The craziest part about the word Holocaust is that the only time it shows up in the Bible it’s to refer to a “burnt offering” of charred flesh and fat offered to YHWH in Genesis.

Graphenium 9 points ago +9 / -0

To be fair to any theorists, religion isn’t listed on her wiki and Maher is a jewish name (transliterated version of Mayer), but in general you’re making a valid point

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

which appeared to be your argument.

No, actually the argument was “the MOSSAD (i.e. a jewish intelligence agency) ran a child rape blackmail ring against influential goyim”. The post-fact attempt to understand that looks back to their culture defining holy book.

It's childish to think that acceptance of any of that can be accomplished by a minority that is 1% of the population.


Then explain that^ genius

Yeah, I don't think that you can back that up. I'd be very surprised if you can.

Ok lmao, not very hard bro here is the first paragraph on wiki:

The Talmud (/ˈtɑːlmʊd, -məd, ˈtæl-/; Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד‎, romanized: Talmūḏ, lit. 'teaching') is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology.[1][2] Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to "all Jewish thought and aspirations", serving also as "the guide for the daily life" of Jews.[3]

central text - primary source - guide for daily life

So no, it isn’t the Torah which they follow.

On Israel?

No... on the first article which grabs you on the Unz Review:


I don't know about the case, other than the fact that some people obsessively bring it up.

Lmfao... “only nut jobs bring this up” - “I don’t actually know about the case”

FOH lol what kind of rat logic is this. If you don’t know the facts of the case you aren’t really in any position whatsoever to judge people with opinions on the matter. Next you’ll tell me that only nut jobs have opinions on 9/11 foreknowledge/inside job!

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

That would implicate non-whites more than whites.

Not really, the trafficker/pimp has greater culpability than the John or victim/prostitute in literally every jurisdiction on earth. But again you manage to deftly avoid the point with a swift and substanceless “no u”.

The only way you could rightly accuse Jews of child abuse is what they do to their own children.

I see you still haven’t looked into the origins of feminism, transgenderism, sexual depravity, and myriad other forms of the degeneration of western culture. You might get there one day but it’ll take a lot of reading and more importantly reflection.

You might argue that the Talmud has equal standing with the OT

The talmud supercedes the Torah in rabbinic judaism. No one consults the Torah for direction, they consult their rabbi who consults their talmud. That’s the point of rabbinic judaism.

I watch Greenwald's show almost every day. I agree he has integrity. I just disagree with him on Israel.

Have you ever deeply asked yourself how a gay jew could have such a different opinion than you of his own “nation”? That might be a good place to start if you respect him as much as daily viewership would imply. Then from there check the articles on the Unz report and read the first one with a title that jumps out at you. I’d be interested in your thoughts because the authors posted there tend not to pull anywhere near as many punches as you’re likely used to in your regular edgy centrist discourse.

It doesn't help that nearly everyone who, say, talks about the USS Liberty tends to a rabid Jew-hater.

Dude they literally identified the ship as American then tried to sink it, and succeeded in murdering dozens of AMERICAN NAVY MEN. How could you possibly justify any feeling on that subject other than (rabid) “hate”. I’d love to hear this. And do try to put yourself in the shoes of an American for this one and not some aloof eurofag who decries the American empire or whatever the fuck your first instinct is to get out of this one.


Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dude, talking about Internet Stormfags. Don't pretend that they know anything of history.

Except you (used to?) call me a sToRmFaG for presenting the same historical arguments. I think you’re being a little too broad when you just assume that everyone who feels this way is an unthinking racist. They may since have descended into unthinking racism on the subject, but I would wager many if not most got to that point through applied logic initially, saw that the subject was not ((allowed)) to be discussed logically, and decided “well if they don’t why should I” - or something along those lines. I mean, you even do it here. You’re dancing around the validity of everything I raise while still decrying the imagined (though not necessarily imaginary) sToRmFaG.

And where did I say that? There are plenty of causes. Middlemen minorities are hated everywhere, as Sowell has demonstrated.

So you’re victim blaming? Yikes. Do better sweaty.

The Old Testament is the holy book of Rabbinic Judaism.

Wrong. They don’t follow “the OT”, they follow the talmud. That’s the definition of rabbinic judaism.

Hell, that disputation you cited was conducted by a converted Jew.

Yeah no shit, who else could expose evil from within but for someone within already. Are you ((again)) trying to insinuate that I’m looking at this solely through a racial lens? You’d be a fool to. You should look up Ron Unz of the Unz Report, Henry Makow, Norman Finkelstein, Glenn Greenwald, among others for some modern day jews with integrity. Sounds like you could do with some exposure to thoughts outside your comfort zone.

All I have to do is present one white pedo and you'll say

If you found one who was running his operation on behalf of a White intelligence agency for the purpose of collecting blackmail on influential non-whites*

Seriously stop playing so fucking dumb on this subject. “Blood Libel” “vampires” “Saint Simon of Trent”. Literally thousands of years of accusations of satanic ritual child abuse.

Inb4 “mUh mean goyim were mean to them for no reason!!!!! Whites are gross too!!!!!”

Fack off with that gay shit

"Intellectuals" generally back Islam...

Yeah I think they’re calling themselves “jews for palestine” these days?

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

This is the very first time that an even mildly dubious text from the Talmud has been sourced by someone.

Lmfao, dude, don’t be so disingenuous:


That was what? 800 or so years of cited sources of “even mildly dubious text from the talmud”? On the one hand you’ll claim “most oppressed people of all time!” But you never seem to want to discuss any potential causes for their situation beyond “goyim bad”.

the Talmud is nothing more than a collection of the words of famous Jewish 'theologians'.

Wrong, it is the holy book of Rabbinic judaism. Like hadiths if every muslim agreed on them. Nothing like “early church fathers” (tangentially, many of whom had based opinions on that matter, but that’s neither here nor there).

were effing off to a country they created

Well it seems they were trying to until a few people with funny sounding last names took over in a violent terroristic campaign of violence, murder, and genocide. You might have heard of it? Palest-something? Palaski? Palawitz? Palestine? Something like that.

Just posing an alternative interpretation to "the Jews just want to rape 2-year-olds", which seems pretty strange to me.

Shit dude did you miss that whole Epstein raping kids for the mossad thing? Amazing how selective you are with your memory. Because jews have never EVER been associated with child murder and mutilation. Nope never, totally invented out of whole cloth in 2016.

Right now, it's the 'Chosen People' fighting Islam and the Muslims. So "the goyim" are sending the Jews to do their dirty work for them. You should love them.

Lmfao the naievity is astounding. I bet you would have supported the austere religious scholar Bin Laden in his holy religious crusade against communism, had you existed as anything more than a sample of jizzum at the time. You seem far too easily swayed by the ramblings of ((intellectuals)).

Graphenium 0 points ago +1 / -1

Many excellent infographics or whatever you want to call them on the subject exist, sourced and everything, but there’s no winning with some of you people, and even if every quote is cited and an unambiguous translation of writing included in the talmud, you’ll be accused of gishgallop - and on the other hand, if even one of two dozen quotes comes from, say, a kabbalistic text (thus not the talmud, a good example being the Toledat Yeshu), the image will be accused of conflation and dismissed out of hand by the usual suspects.

So that’s why I go to the source, and following from that the translation the mainstream jews themselves agree upon.

So to bring us back, tell me, why do you take such severe issue with one “purity religion” and not the other? When the jews work out just how old their rape victims can be to still be of mariable quality, you squeak out “buh buh im no expert, but I’m sure it’s justified!”, yet when the Muslims say “women should behave in X, Y, and Z fashion” you raise a bitch fit and act like we should send goyim, I mean “our sons and daughters” to fight them in some kind of clash of civilizations. Am I reading you wrong?

Graphenium 1 point ago +2 / -1

But I think you misunderstand

So explain that verse to me, why are they worried about the virginity of 3 year olds?

I'm impressed that you

Yeah I’ve learned how to preemptively avoid many of the pilpulous pitfalls parlayed against the truth

Graphenium 4 points ago +4 / -0


A female less than 3 years old, her intercourse is not considered as intercourse, and her virginity returns.

Weird thing to sneak into your holy book no?

Graphenium 9 points ago +9 / -0

What does the talmud say about 3 year old girls?

Graphenium 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sure, of course, but that doesn’t change the facts that:

  1. they are on the box

  2. presumably they are “default” choices

Both are dogshit

Graphenium 10 points ago +10 / -0


Instead they’re all fat ugly disabled POCs

That’s isn’t an accident

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