A single shell is instantaneous, sure. But a barrage can last for hours or even days. If you're wounded by shrapnel you can suffer for the rest of your life.
The drones effectively puncture the fantasy of war, but it was always a fantasy.
So how do you feel about artillery? You know where you just fire a shell from miles away and never even have to look at the people you're going to kill - or even verify that you're hitting the right person.
I haven't messed with grok but depicting two characters with different attributes that aren't stereotypical has been a challenge for all image generation AIs. The properties of one subject tend to bleed into the other.
You can't even affirm your own beliefs. Pathetic. If you know they're wrong, denounce them. If you know they're right, repeat them. Stop trying to slither through the gaps with rhetoric and misdirection. Say what you mean.
I didn't that was you.
I said young earth creationism was factually incorrect. You said:
You ever think that perhaps those wildly Extreme Evangelicals were a fringe bunch of wackos that were getting undue attention and power because the Left wanted them front and center to make Christians/Rightwingers/White people look retarded
You labeled them as extreme fringe wackos picked out to make Christians look retarded. You did. But feel free to clarify your position. Is YEC retarded or not?
Like the incel caricature
It's funny that you mention this because there are several people on this forum who literally are that caricature. I just replied to one earlier who was glad that women in Afghanistan are being abused, just because they're women.
And speaking of the absolute caricatures, I've got a little hunch. You seem to spew hatred outward, which is really directed at part of yourself (you called creationists 60IQ sisterfucking etc, when you hold their beliefs). And you seem to use the word gay and faggot a lot. And you opened this whole thread off by saying you were an Atheist at one point.
Given what I know about what people like you think Atheism is, I'm going to guess you went through a period where you experimented sexually with other men. And you just consider it sinning, a time when you were further from God. Am I right?
Fuck yourself. This guy pretends that 2010s creationists were made up by the media while simultaneously agreeing with their talking points. Spewing bile immediately while not realizing it's misdirected self hatred because some part of him knows his views don't make any sense. This kind of double think is peak Judaism. It's why Christians are so easily converted into zog bots, they've been primed with the schizo mindset.
If I held up a mirror you would say I was constructing a straw man to make Christians look bad. You're a ridiculous person. At least you're smart enough to know that you've painted yourself into a corner.
>I am skeptical of the current Evolutionary model
>it does not logically follow that I am necessarily a Creationist
Can you explain further? Not the logic part, just what is your worldview or belief system regarding evolution.
I came into this exchange in good faith
Lmao no you didn't. You can't even present your own position honestly because you're simultaneously trying to defend it and pretend it's a media psy op no one really believes. Slime. Absolute slime.
three of them pushed back publicly against the idea that putting a bunch of monkey skulls in a row immediately proves we spontaneously burst into life from inanimate matter and then graduated from being fish.
Why are you presenting their position like you agree with it? I thought they were "60 IQ, sisterfucking, Jesus-dinosaur-riding-endorsing, toothless biblethumpers" propped up by the media as controlled opposition. Do you agree with the young earth creationists or are they a media invention? Or are you just shapeshifting slime?
>State schools, by the way, which are now teaching outright, provable lies about the natural world to the applause of everyone who derided Christians for an "anti-Science" mindset.
I agree. And I look forward to your evil twin telling me it never happened in 2038. And then when I when I corner them more carefully, they'll tell me some jive like "I never said it was completely fictional". It'll be really nostalgic probably.
I've personally become un-convinced of traditional "scientific" models that you seem certain of
Which models are those? Get specific. Show me how how many teeth you have and how you don't fuck your sister.
Christians have never lied
Now that you've established a criteria for being a wacko retard (young earth creationism), do a little informal poll of churches in your area to find out how many people are retarded wackos (according to you).
You can use the gallup poll format for consistency:
Which of the following statements comes closest to your views on the origin and development of human beings:
- human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process,
- human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process
- God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so
A truly inspirational quote https://i.imgur.com/0T2ku5I.png
Subscribing to collective guilt based on gender is ceding ground to the enemy. Justice should be metered out individually, not socially.
You say this like it's obvious that no normal person denies geology or radioactive decay or astronomy or the existence of genes but I have encountered people in real life, whom I considered intelligent, who denied all of these things when they came in conflict with biblical story of creation (they were homeschooled). If you think this is an absurd view only held by retards, you have not talked to enough people or you have not probed the beliefs of the people you do know.
There was no shortage of like-minded people who would argue in front of the texas schoolboard that the science textbooks should be changed to exclude information about the age of the earth. I watched some of these at the time, they were very boring and cringe on both sides. Megachurches pastors and televangelists had plenty of money pouring in during their sermons about "evilution".
Overblown? Sure. Fictional? No. The "hallowed halls" as you put it are just a government office, and the government is infiltrated and manipulated by highly motivated zealots all the time - hence the situation we're in now with the gender weirdos.
A guide was posted on how to hex edit our game to remove pronouns, with offensive replacements.
The "offensive" replacements: Male, Female, Female Bi, Gay, Lesbian, Futanari
any small game risks being buried by an angry mob before it gets any momentum of its own
Welcome to how everyone else has been living under the tyrannical rule of your party.
"When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression"
The 2010 surge in atheism was in response to an attempt by evangelicals to take over the education system and make factually untrue claims - namely young earth creationism. This pushback was necessary and largely successful, most of the prominent evangelical wackos became laughing stocks or were exposed as hypocrites or even criminals.
However, they couldn't leave good well enough alone and Dawkins et al set about dismantling and dismissing all community and spiritual benefits of religion. It quickly became apparent that this left them vulnerable to infection - Atheism+ infiltrated and destroyed the entire community because they had no strong beliefs or unified principles that could be used to expel them.
As they say, tradition is the solution to a problem we have forgotten.
Making a sims clone is a daunting technical and content creation challenge. There's tens of thousands of items in the sims and every person who tries your game is going to ask why you don't have one of them.
No one will want to play "the sims with less features", so you'd need to design a new compelling gameplay element that can't be done in the sims and do it well.
Judging by the footage in OP, that was probably a joke reported improperly by the media, if it happened at all.
I'll tell you one thing, affirmative action is responsible for labeling the axes on that graph.
Is this a quote from a hawkish aristocrat who never saw a trench?