DomitiusOfMassilia [M] -3 points ago +1 / -4

Comment Reported for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech

Comment Removed: Rule 2 - Violent Speech

The heroes of Ireland do not need you undercutting their efforts by advocating for interpersonal violence during

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Comment Reported for: Rule 12 - Falsehoods

Comment Removed for: Rule 3 - Threaten, harass, defame, bully users

It's an insult, but it's an insult with a bit of a slanderous implication. Please avoid doing that to other users.

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Comment Reported for: Rule 1 - Illegal Activity

Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech

Stop participating in these flame wars

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Post Reported for: Rule 11 - Spam

OP appears to be legit.

DomitiusOfMassilia 1 point ago +1 / -0

Counter-Counterpoint: I'm a moderator, which makes me a professional faggot. Thus, I can't be not gay.

DomitiusOfMassilia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do you draw a line between

Absolutely, those are all different ideas.

National Socialism, in it's specific form is something that almost no one believes in anymore because it is a combination of Socialist Corporatist Autarkey economics, combined with the Volkish and Aryan pseudo-science/religious ideologies. It basically only exists among the mid-century Germans and wouldn't exist anywhere else, even in the US. Even within the NSDAP, some people would be pretty wishy-washy on Aryanism.

National Socialism in it's expanded form is the idea of a kind of Race Communism. It takes the Dialectical Materialism and revolutionary overtones of Marxism, and applies it to a very specific 'race' of people (some diaspora), regardless of the state boundaries, and makes that 'race' the protected proletariat class in the dialectic. The "Volksgemeinschaft". The reason I'm calling this "expanded" is because it is a good way of describing a non-Aryanist version of National Socialism. This allows us to actually include the whole of the NSDAP, as well as many National Socialist organizations out side of Germany.

White Nationalism as an ideology does not require National Socialism. The same way Scottish, Irish, or even Rhodesian Nationalism doesn't. However, Most White Nationalists are just carbon copying National Socialism anyway. They tend to use the same playbook that the National Socialists used to unify German ethnic/sub-ethnic groups under a "Volksgemeinschaft", the White Nationalists are attempting to do the same thing with white ethnicities. White Nationalism could reject Socialism and Leftist dialectics, and also not try for a kind of Pan-Europeanism unification. So for example, you could get someone saying "The Free State of Orange is a White country, and is made up of the White peoples of Africa, including English, Scotts, Americans, French, Dutch, Portuguese and Afrikaners; regardless of ethnic differences. As such, we will form a federated republic, which explicitly recognizes the white populations in the political structure of our constitution". This could easily be the statement of a non-Socialist, White Nationalist, but most Americans never really think this way. Instead, they revert back to the Leftist rhetoric of NatSocs.

White Supremacy is another ideology that can be taken two ways. It can be understood as a kind of White Nationalism that specifically mandates and enshrines the perpetual political, social, and economic power of whites in all cases whatsoever. Where White Nationalism enshrines and institutionalizes white populations within the framework of the state, White Supremacy mandates the dominance of those populations. White Nationalism could take a protectionist stance towards white populations, but White Supremacy would attack other populations.

Adolf Hitler really would have fallen under the expanded definition of National Socialism, because he really wasn't too hardcore into Aryanism. I'm not clear on how much of that he believed. He was clearly an avowed Socialist, but not clearly an self-avowed Aryanist. There was a Nazi religion that delved way more into Aryanism, but I don't think Hitler ever got very involved in that.

And just to be clear, Fascism is entirely outside of all of these.

I mean they’re the largest portion of americas founding population....


Aren't you forgetting someone? Oh, I don't know...

the Anglos?

The Anglo-German tension is one of the reason their "whiteness" was questionable at the time.

DomitiusOfMassilia 27 points ago +27 / -0

I'm surprised Stonetoss didn't notice how weird the Israeli flags are in all press conferences. He just has them looking like normal flags.

I swear they don't use real flags, they use fake ones that are shaped like cones so the Star of David can stand upright in front of the camera instead of canted off to the side. They're also super glossy and clearly not made of flag material.

See: It's creepy

DomitiusOfMassilia 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nazism in the Americas

If they're still alive, talk to the people of the era. Even the racists hated the Nazis. The German-American Bundt (which was explicitly a 5th Column) spent most of it's time convincing people it wasn't a Nazi front, and it burned most of the political capital it and other German-Ethnic organizations had from WW1 resisting actual anti-German discrimination.

Naturalization Act of 1790

That doesn't make it a White Nationalist country. White Nationalism literally didn't exist at the time because it is a very specific and unique ideology that rips off the German Volkish movement.

Then you have to have a discussion about who counts as "white" in this context, because typically the English basically used it as synonymous with British. That's why in some of the quotes you guys throw at me, you'll notice so much skepticism about Germans, Irish, and Catholics being able to integrate into a Liberal country. Not to mention that as time went on different groups were declared white based on intermarriage and culture.

Then you have the problem of citizenship itself, which re-emerges in the War of 1812 and the Dredd Scott Decision. American citizenship wasn't even clearly documented, and wasn't even acknowledged by some European states. When the British started impressing sailors that declared themselves to be American, the Royal Navy never really seemed to care, and congress didn't have a good way of explaining how citizenship was determined in the first place. Then there's the question of State Citizenship, which had different requirements, but could be declared US citizenship overall. This is why blacks were removed from citizenship by the Dredd Scott decision. Plenty of free blacks in the US already voted and held political office in several states, and their citizenship via the state was undisputed. But the court wanted to "solve" the issue of slavery, which stripped them of the citizenship they already had, which is already technically unconstitutional given what the constitution already establishes on state authority and unreasonable punishment.

The US has always been a Liberal country, not a White Nationalist one.

DomitiusOfMassilia 1 point ago +1 / -0

I could have sworn you did, but I could be misremembering.

by Lethn
DomitiusOfMassilia 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the goal was to ban more of you since you guys were the original targets. You guys getting autistically stuck in a flame war, driving up engagement and comment numbers, which spreads the flame war and will inevitably get you banned. Since you're inevitably going to screech about jewish racial conspiracies, despite being attacked by Indians, it's a guaranteed loss.

Graph also noticed, correctly, that several of the brigands are impersonating WN and NatSoc talking points, and arguing with their own accounts.

It looks to me that you're getting set up. I still remember those of you that unironically support Patriot Front, so it's clear that you're very easily able to be manipulated.

Anyways, I don't know what an Endive Salad is. But when I do eat salad, it's got cranberries, pecans, and grilled chicken.

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] -1 points ago +1 / -2

Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks

Comment Removed for: Rule 2 - Violent Speech

Calling for mass executions.

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] -3 points ago +2 / -5

Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks

Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks

You got baited by a brigand, but you still used all this to counter the brigade with Rule violations, making it look like you are supporting the brigade by engaging in a flame war. The rule violation is in espousing Judeo-Capitalist nonsense and 'the ZOG'.

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] 2 points ago +3 / -1

Comment Reported for: Rule 10: Breaking . WIN sites (x2)


DomitiusOfMassilia [M] -6 points ago +4 / -10

No, because for the most part it's not worth it to disincentivize reporting, and it also helps to educate people on how the rules work when there is confusion. Like now.

DomitiusOfMassilia 0 points ago +1 / -1

Sorry for the delay. Thinking about it, reposting the comic wouldn't work. But we could post the comic with edits pointing out the argument. That way it's reposting the argument.

DomitiusOfMassilia 1 point ago +2 / -1

None of my grand parents cared about jews. Several of them fought the Nazis. The Greatest Generation didn't even think to tolerate National Socialism in even the smallest margin, and White Nationalism didn't make sense. They wanted people to be Americans. I agree with that sentiment.

DomitiusOfMassilia [M] 7 points ago +7 / -0

Comment Reported: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks

Ehhhhhhhhhhhh. Not really.

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