DeclineOfTheWest 6 points ago +6 / -0

Oh, it’s pretty simple:

We titanic had a sister ship call the Olympic. But the latter was in cruddy condition (This is off the top of my head, so I don’t remember whether it was repaired badly or just built badly), so the conspiracy goes that the names on the two ships were deliberately switched because the owners knew the Olympic was not seaworthy and the iceberg was just a cover to justify it sinking and collect the insurance money.

DeclineOfTheWest 11 points ago +12 / -1

Let’s see...

Stalker 2 might be ok, but we only got, like, two minutes of actual gameplay footage.

Bethesda is going full-tilt on ‘Failout: 7600 concurent players’ with expansions. Meanwhile, Fallout fans continue to hold out hope that an actual sequel is released, preferably contracted out to a competent studio.

Halo: Guardians is gonna suck.

More gamepass-available nonsense filler titles that aren’t even worth mentioning.

Oh, and Left4Dead 3 made by the original devs, except not called L4D3, and not published by Valve.

Also some space game, Starmeadow, or some shit, that Bethesda’s gonna cock up.

That’s what I got from the joint Microsoft/Bethesda conference, anyway.

In short, play old titles, wait for discounts and patches before playing new shit.

DeclineOfTheWest 13 points ago +13 / -0

Jill Valentine is half-French and half-Japanese.

Gotta subvert that beacon of whiteness somehow...

DeclineOfTheWest 18 points ago +18 / -0

When your eyes are closed, you see whatever you wish.

When your eyes are open, you see a society that is prioritizing women over men, prioritizing minorities over the gradually shrinking (read: intentionally replaced) majority, and a system that wants to indoctrinate the offspring of those who bother to have kids.

AKA Marxism.

DeclineOfTheWest 15 points ago +15 / -0

Is a drone the sole tool of war?

Boots are always needed on the ground.

DeclineOfTheWest 16 points ago +16 / -0

The military is only convincing the most capable among them to leave.

The remainder will be a slew of idealogues, physically and emotionally unfit for the rigors of war.

The only logical conclusion to this shift is deliberately decaying the effectiveness of our armed forces.

DeclineOfTheWest 1 point ago +1 / -0

All of man’s ills are born of greed.

DeclineOfTheWest 3 points ago +3 / -0

You’ll see effective secession soon; the political division already sees Lefty costal states who are irrevocably dedicated to Communism Socialism, and Red states which are gradually becoming right-wing enclaves.

That will inevitably lead to conflict, even if no formal intent to break away from the federal system is declared.

DeclineOfTheWest 16 points ago +16 / -0

I haven’t always had great experiences with mother figures. My mother was/is crazy and abusive, and now votes Democrat. Shouldn’t be allowed to cast a vote after what she did, but I don’t have the instutional power to stop her.

My first step mom was a miserable cunt.

Could never figure out why the old man was so dead set on getting married more than once — he was in the Military and would go on TDY fairly frequently, so there was a “logical” reason for it, but still...

He’s now married to a good woman, but having to suffer the fallout of two miserable marriages has convinced me to be incredibly warry of relationships with women, further compounded by the societal trend of ‘all women are queens’ who can ruin you in an instant.

So I understand women hatred. I don’t fully condone it, but it’s almost a survival tactic at this point.

I’d at least like to see women actually treated equally as people, with all the negatives that come with that, but it looks like society at large is perfectly fine with putting pussy on a pedestal.

DeclineOfTheWest 29 points ago +29 / -0

Occam’s Razor at play.

Just like the rollout of barely-tested vaccines and the denial of the effectiveness of ivermectin and HQC was likely as much if not more about greed than malfeasance.

Doesn’t mean we won’t experience unforeseen side effects from the RNA injections, but it was largely about making the rich even richer.

DeclineOfTheWest 1 point ago +3 / -2

I’m actually glad to see talk like this in this forum.

This is a good place to keep up to date on culture war happenings, but the comment section is always such a doomer pit, a mass of self-defeatists feeding off each others’ misery under the guise of declaring themselves realists.

DeclineOfTheWest 5 points ago +5 / -0

We should have no issue using their own tools against them in situations where it’ll actually work.

DeclineOfTheWest 8 points ago +8 / -0

A majority never enacts change for the better, never fights for just causes.

If the day is to be won, it will be by the efforts of a brave few.

And as the noose tightens, the brave will become more bold, as much the weak will cower.

DeclineOfTheWest 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey... technically there is a “last” chapter... if not a final one.

DeclineOfTheWest 5 points ago +6 / -1

Satoshi Nakamoto is totally the worlds first true AI.

DeclineOfTheWest 9 points ago +9 / -0

Simple: Third World shit holes have poor standards of living; it puts people on edge.

The first world is still comfortable. Why revolt?You’ll lose your car, your home, electricity, running water, well-stocked grocery stores, etc.

Aldous Huxley, the author of ‘Brave New World, critized Orson Welles for his depiction of complete totalitarianism in ‘Ninteen Eighty-Four’. In a letter to Welles, Huxley wrote:

“Whether in actual fact the policy of the boot-on-the-face can go on indefinitely seems doubtful. My own belief is that the ruling oligarchy will find less arduous and wasteful ways of governing and of satisfying its lust for power, and these ways will resemble those which I described in Brave New World."

"Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience."

I’ve come to believe Huxley to be correct. Why threaten violence upon the population when you can just promise them all their needs are satiated with cruddy, addictive food, brainwashing entertainment, and free money. And all they have to do it’s sign away their right to choose, to self determination, and to privacy.

DeclineOfTheWest 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wrote a comment a long while ago stating that ultimately this is all going to fall apart because a bunch of ultra greedy, ambitious individuals aren’t going to be able to play nice with one another and share the spoils of their brave new world.

It will be further compounded with the ever-shifting purity spiral consuming the lemmings and low-to-mid level bourgeois; look what happened during the Cultural Revolution in Maoist China.

That doesn’t mean I’m expecting at all the fizzle out. On the contrary, bodies will stack, economies will fall, degeneracy will peak; in short, misery will be the standard for some time, but it will be shared.

There’s the potential the US becomes like Afghanistan, where New Order control outside of the capital and urban centers is miniscule, and some showings of military might against pockets of the unenlightened are pumped into the propaganda machine to maintain an illusion of control over the entire US territory.

There also is an earnest ‘Right Flight’ going on, with right-wingers swarming to perceived bastions of conservatism, such as Texas and Florida. However, unless the general right abandons its mentality of acceptance and takes more direct and hardline actions against Leftism, this will only delay the fall.

DeclineOfTheWest 11 points ago +11 / -0

Yeah, in commie states only.

DeclineOfTheWest 7 points ago +7 / -0

Within the first couple of minutes I saw United States within the next 10 years.

DeclineOfTheWest 4 points ago +4 / -0

There is general concern, which I’m really grateful for.

We do have our spats on the vaccine, but that’s because I see it, at best, as a hastily-constructed and unnecessary ploy driven by greed, and at worst some kind of foul genetic experiment concocted by shadowy elements unleashed on an unsuspecting population.

And they see it simply as a vaccine, protection against a virulent and dangerous disease.

This individual also happens to be fairly centrist, if a bit right-leaning. Even their lifelong Democrat of a spouse doesn’t hound me about it, but for the latter I feel that they are simply party dedicated and don’t truly recognize how far gone the Dems have become in recent years.

Anyone in the modern progressive stack would probably identify both of them as biggoted nazis in some fashion.

DeclineOfTheWest 2 points ago +2 / -0

These morons are from the same crop of people that think they can collectively force the owner of a business into leaving and ceding control of said business to them.

I’m referring to some situation some years back where a dude owned a “progressive” T-shirt company or some such, but he was accused of IIRC sexual misconduct, so of course his woke workforce wanted him gone, but with them receiving controlling interest in the company.

Of course, the dude just closed the business.

Dumb fuckers.

DeclineOfTheWest 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking about that tool the other day. If I was in charge of him, I would demean the hell out of him, remind him that he’s not Hunter S Thompson, and fire him on the spot.

As to be expected, the useful idiots are becoming too ideologically charged to even their masters to handle. There is a reason when totalitarianism is achieved they are the first to either be imprisoned or shot.

DeclineOfTheWest 11 points ago +12 / -1

I have a family member I love and trust ask me if I’ve had the vaccine yet; they are old, and have, thankfully with no immediate negative effects.

Told them I didn’t trust something that was rushed out so quickly and that didn’t function like a traditional vaccine.

Their response was they didn’t want me getting sick.

I’ll take my chances.


Got another guy here at work who did take the vaccine; had to leave because he wasn’t feeling well after taking the second shot; pretty common response. Despite work policy being you don’t need a mask after your coof shots, still wears one.

Decent enough sort, but likes to appeal to authority a bit too much for my taste.

People will fight. but it’s guys like him that make me realize it’s always been a special few who make civilizations work.

DeclineOfTheWest 7 points ago +7 / -0

Unfortunately, with the level of blstant corruption currently at play, the best the silent patriot can expect is the elites throwing Fauci in jail as a sacrificial lamb.

And that’s only if enough noise is made.

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