Cronosmax2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hate women so fucking much. God's biggest mistake. Females are worthless.

deleted 4 points ago +6 / -2
Cronosmax2 3 points ago +4 / -1

I like how she says it's not wrong to consume this content after saying that pushing manga with cartoon titties is funding misogyny ( like its funding arms for the fucking taliban LOL)

Cronosmax2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I just hate this nu-jack Thompson shit so much man.

Cronosmax2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I only have a ps4 with a broken controller, if I had a ps5 I would try it.

Cronosmax2 9 points ago +13 / -4

She's some fat Brazilian nigger btw 🤣

Cronosmax2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah men were so uncomfortable with MCU Thor, which is why the majority of the people who went to go see his movies were men and his movies make over a billion dollars in the box office.

Cronosmax2 0 points ago +2 / -2

So their solution is to make all media sanitized and safe corporate slop instead of making games for women and letting games for men to still exist without bitching? I saw a poster on r/mendrawingwomen say that "we shouldn't sexualize anyone, just give everyone a power fantasy", fuck it's like your Christian mom telling you "those video games and metal music should have less killing and more educational things" all over again.

Cronosmax2 4 points ago +5 / -1

I truly hate faggots

Cronosmax2 4 points ago +4 / -0

Tell women to stop sexualizing themselves, and then we could talk about FICTIONAL media depictions. And stop acting like every fucking movies in the universe is some dude bro bikini girl action movie, there is literally plenty of media for women to watch that is catered at them. Maybe stop intentionally going into things that aren't made for you? Ffs the western gaming market for the last decade or so literally goes out of their way to not sexualize female characters in order to not offend women.

Cronosmax2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is this is the case, then why don't men in real life dress up as gay strippers with cock pockets to attract women? And why are women the only ones who go around parading their bodies, while men who do it in a similar fashion only really attract gay men? It's almost like men and women are inherently different, especially in terms of sexual dynamics, you stupid faggot (inb4 "it's cuz of muh patriarchy!). And lmao at this dumb fairy saying that men in romance novels LITERALLY TARGETED AT FUCKING WOMEN aren't sexualizing the men lmao (it's almost like women like actual dominant and strong men, not weak pussy faggots like you!). Imagine listening to these "people" and letting them dictate what you are and aren't allowed to make or consume.

Cronosmax2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because they are raised by the Jewish media and the internet, so they grow up thinking acting like a nigger is "cool". You should see the people I grew up with in my area of Toronto ( I'm a zoomer btw), they all need to be gassed. And they're mostly white too. Nigger culture is entrenched into Gen z.

Cronosmax2 7 points ago +7 / -0

Some dumb faggots I used to talk to made fun of me because I like metal, saying it's "just noise", "AAAAH I HATE MY MOM SATAN" music, and " it's for people who fuck toddlers". These are zoomer broccoli haired wigger faggots who think playboi carti and Travis Scott is the epitome of music, and literally refuse to even listen to anything else other than nigger noise and disparage anything that requires actual musicianship. Rap fans for the most part are subhuman (even I like some rap myself as a guilty pleasure) funny how metalheads are shit on for being "elitist and not open minded to other genres", while your average nigger noise fan thinks anything with real instruments is "for faggots and white people". Sorry if it sounds like in bitching about my past experience that no one could really care less about, but my point is that nigger noise caters to the most close minded and dumb people ( so most of the population, which is why it's popular).

Cronosmax2 0 points ago +0 / -0

Such insufferable people. So sick of them

Cronosmax2 11 points ago +11 / -0

A few years ago the concept of an AAA game based on Japanese history starring a black protag would've been a meme.

Cronosmax2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope letting women into gaming spaces was worth it

Cronosmax2 23 points ago +25 / -2

You're demanding too much thinking from such women. Hell, the only reason they even spew feminist garbage is because their ((professor)) at shekelstein uni told them too. They are literally mentally akin to children (which is why like you said, they blame white men or all men for raping them and yet want violent criminals to walk free; hell, sometimes they even sleep with them!).

Cronosmax2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yet somehow real women sexualizing themselves on social media en masse doesn't lead to men mistreating women irl. Curious how a video game can affect men's perception of women more than women's real actions?

Cronosmax2 19 points ago +22 / -3

Repeal the 19th. Anyone who identifies as a feminist ( even men who do) should be your enemy. Women will post shit like this online and then complain about any backlash they get as soggy knees, even when most interactions are other dumbass women supporting them.I wonder why more men are becoming misogynyistic?

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