Corianas 3 points ago +3 / -0

Read when I was in school. By the time Winter's Heart came out I was pretty spent.

I had been reading since book 4 was newly released, 8 years earlier, and there was no end in sight, and I was finished school by that point.

I have always meant to pick up, re-read/finish, but haven't had time.

I won't be watching the show.

Corianas 4 points ago +4 / -0

my guess is they were hoping it would be a surprise and were going to use those responses to solidify their position on it once the 'number$' get added up.

the leak and response... has not gone their way.

not only that, but they they painted them-selves into a corner by sending Kevin Smith in to answer questions.

I would bet $ he had almost no involvement, other than being approached like: "we want to make a show, we want your name on it, sign here and here. does this look like he-man to you? great, we will tell you when to do press, we are done here. bye"

Corianas 0 points ago +1 / -1

Honestly to someone extremely pedantic, what he said is actually technically correct as He-man doesn't step aside, he is killed.

and Teela is supposed to be Queer Bait, not actually gay, but close enough for the gays to go. i wuv her or some such. but never actually answering the is she/isn't she.

but apart from the nitpicking of 'no she hasn't fucked her friend yet and what happens depends on what reactions we get' and 'he didn't do it willingly' everything else was spot on.

and the general feel of how it happened happens exactly as people expected.

Corianas 2 points ago +2 / -0

If putting someone to death costs more than food/drink/guarding for a year, then someone is running a scam.

Let alone the rest of a lifetime.

Corianas 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, why waste someone with reproductive value on a one way mission that will be to pave the way for actual colonists and will have 0% long term survival chances.

Send the canary first, then when the air doesn't kill it, move in.

Edit: That is to say, I don't think fertile people fucking mid trip would be a benefit, apart from nutrition calculations going out the window, I don't think we have the tech to land a pregnant person safely, and people born in orbit... probably wouldn't ideal at this stage of our tech development.

Not to mention how babies so soon after landing would affect performance.

Corianas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Why would you think the poster meant black as in african? I actually called her black sonja as well as soon as i saw the hair... as really, that is the only thing I took away from the comics/ 80s movie.

but... the actress is half black? and what do you mean half white? white isn't a race of people, you realize?

Edit: What the f does REH mean?

Corianas 22 points ago +22 / -0

no. Every clip i have seen from SNL in the last 5 years has been boring as fuck and not even remotely chuckle worthy let alone funny.

but that being said, it doesn't broadcast in my country, nor can i look up any episodes online as they are region blocked from being played in australia. They dont want me watching old funny episodes, fine I won't watch the current crap either.

Corianas 12 points ago +12 / -0

red sonja was red sonja due to her red hair.

if she has black hair, not red, you can't call her red sonja.

Corianas 6 points ago +6 / -0

automatically removing the problem updates doesn't make those updates 'fixed'

Corianas 4 points ago +4 / -0

I thought his crime was pointing out that someone was in a state where the legal age was 17, which made the event in discussion consensual, and not statutory rape, and that where something happens and local laws actually matter.

Corianas 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difference apart from the runtime is this is the movie the 2017 movie was based on.

Its like comparing star wars to the family guy parody. Without the knowledge of the original movie, the parody doesn't quite work.