CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even if this wasn't sarcasm, it doesn't work. Statistics already prove this when you track the offspring of "good" immigrants. There's a reversion to mean in all races when they have children. And yes, there's also eugenics such that good people may improve the genetics of their offspring but there's also variation and reversions to mean.

Overall, when you analyze the data, the only correct move is to not allow people who aren't your race into your society.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +2 / -0

Great and the current Pope is as uncatholic as you can get also. See how little it matters. Let's do the right thing instead of what some Pharisees say is "the real Catholicism".

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +2 / -0

In older times the way the people got the Pope they wanted was through some unfortunate balcony accidents and cooking ingredient mix-ups.

CommieDefenseForce 11 points ago +12 / -1

Simple. Ask the potential Pope what his stance is on Jews and then have him go public with his views on Jews. Only elect a Pope who is absolutely vicious on Jews, condemning them to hell as being a cursed race. Anyone nice to Jews, you don't elect.

I know, I know. This seems trivial or Nazi or whatever but trust me, it will 100% work for selecting a good Pope.

CommieDefenseForce 5 points ago +5 / -0

A guy I know said he's watching it. The guy I know pretty much just smokes weed and cooks meals. Doesn't do anything else so watching brain-dead TV while high works I guess.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +1 / -0

Better get that whip cracking. Enslaving the lesser races and sexes isn't going to happen posting on the internet... But yes, you're right.

CommieDefenseForce 1 point ago +2 / -1

I dunno, I feel like if I was president, I'd try to pull something like this... Actually, no, I'd just tell the press to fuck off, in those words, to be honest.

CommieDefenseForce 5 points ago +7 / -2

I honestly thought for a second you meant Indians in India who pretend before the British came they have some amazing civilization and the British somehow managed to destroy it all and send them back centuries...

CommieDefenseForce 6 points ago +7 / -1

Good post. Correct on all accounts. Only thing I would add is that some leftists do care about being morally and logically consistent like the right but because they see the right as such a threat, they fail to see their own hypocrisy while suggesting it's actually different because... and the right-wing actually does something quite similar. The left even tries to attack the right with the right's hypocrisy. Many right-wingers laugh at it because they don't understand how it's hypocrisy, which is what the left does when the right points it out because both sides are so dialed into their bubble of reality, they don't understand the other side's perspective.

I understand both sides only because I was a staunch leftist who even argued for communism before I switched to a staunch right-winger who has now actually dialed back to basically neither anymore. I don't really have a group anymore. I think both sides are pretty damn fucked and don't serve my interests.

Anyway, the other thing I wanted to add is that the right is losing as you say because the right doesn't understand many of the values/beliefs they hold dear are subverted values literally created by their enemies specifically designed to handicap them so they can't win. If you were a slave master, wouldn't you teach your slaves that they shouldn't have moral values that pose any threat to the masters? That's exactly the kinds of morals most right-wingers have. Moral values that pose 0 threat to the controllers of society such that nothing will change even with right-wingers running the government. Many of the values right-wingers hold are values that wouldn't fundamentally change society at all but would just keep society progressing in the exact same way it is now, albeit with a slightly different flavor but at a fundamental level, hardly anything would change and we'd still be headed in the same direction as a civilization as we're going now. Most right-wingers are equally opposed to actual fundamental changes to our society's culture that would change the course of civilization entirely in the same way leftists are against changing these fundamental values/beliefs. If neither side wants to change these fundamental values/beliefs then both sides are basically the same thing wearing different colored uniforms and putting their dicks in different holes.

CommieDefenseForce 2 points ago +4 / -2

Doubtful. I'm probably not going to get a lot of support in this view but I think the Civilization games have always been trash but were remembered fondly because most people played them as a child before the era of people having access to all the best strategies online. When you knew nothing about how these games worked mechanically and you were too young to truly understand, the games seemed massive/complex, strategic and fun. Nowadays with all these strategy games, everyone has them "figured out", as in they all play them like crazy, post videos, share strategies and before you know it, the best strategy is found. The problem with civilization games is the best strategy always involves some sort of cheese which makes the game not fun and always exploits the AI's retarded intelligence. Once you figure out the core strategy behind how you play to win, the game stops being fun because you realize, it's actually retarded. So then you "role-play" your own handicaps into the game to try to make it fun which it is for a few more playthroughs and then you're like okay that was that, then move on. Civilization would actually be a fun game if you played multiplayer with friends at a LAN party but it's not a fun single player game.

CommieDefenseForce 30 points ago +31 / -1

When will people get it through their head that this isn't about being logically consistent on a philosophical position? It's about defeating an enemy. This is tribal warfare. It's good if I do it, it's bad if you do it. That's always how it's going to be so don't be shocked every time it's exactly that.

CommieDefenseForce -1 points ago +1 / -2

Understand this. THE WEST ARE THE BIGGEST BADDIES ON THE PLANET. Tiktok is hardly a problem. Facebook, instagram, x, etc... are the largest problems. Your government is not the good guys. You're the peasant class of the biggest bad guys on the planet.

CommieDefenseForce -2 points ago +1 / -3

I'll give you an upvote. National interests should come before "freedom of speech". Freedom of speech is a poison pill so bad actors can subvert societies. We should be blocking negative content which means blocking content the left posts. Freedom to commit evil is freedom that should not exist. Censor and deplatform all of our enemies.

CommieDefenseForce -4 points ago +2 / -6

Oh, no. No genetic line. Oh no, the horror. lmao, why care about something so worthless?

CommieDefenseForce -4 points ago +2 / -6

It's how life works. If you haven't figured out men accumulate resources and women use their vagina to gets resources from men then you haven't figured the game of life out yet. You think guys like Pavel Durov, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, etc... are acquiring hot women because of their hot looks? The women are bought and paid for AS ARE ALL WOMEN. Women are whores. If you want men to pay women less then you have to devalue a woman's vagina. Higher supply of quality vagina is how you devalue a woman's vagina or you could force women to provide sex for free to men. Men don't need to do more for women, women need to do more for men.

CommieDefenseForce -8 points ago +2 / -10

The only reason good looking women have sexual value is because there's too small a supply of good looking women. The higher the supply of good looking women the less their value. It's basic supply/demand. If men are paying for sex, it's because the supply of sex is too small. That's why I love it when governments fuckup the economy and force women into prostitution like in Venezuela. All the Venezuelan women go to Columbia or NA to become prostitutes and it drives the price down. It has nothing to do with men's looks. Increase the supply of good looking women and the price comes down. Increase the supply high enough and we might even get women paying men for sex.

CommieDefenseForce -9 points ago +2 / -11

Insulting the man for not being "attractive" enough when it's the other way around. Still, won't learn. You'll never fix society if you still can't identify the problems.

CommieDefenseForce 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is also what happened with #MeToo. Women came out and said "no, I wasn't raped. I made bad choices and ended up having sex i regretted but I wasn't raped.' Then a bunch of women were like SHUT UP SAMATHA YES YOU WERE RAPED! Here, have all this attention and potential money from the court cases along with the benefit of being a victim! Then girls were like oh, now that mention it wow you're right, I was raped! How did I not see it before...

What a load of shit. I hate our society.

CommieDefenseForce -21 points ago +3 / -24

Lame but true. You realize all our leaders and nearly every man with wealth and power has already sold out? They're enjoying the decline. If you don't like the decline then you can do something. I myself am insulated enough. I listen to what far-right guys say about how they want society to be and it sounds terrible for me. It might have been good if I grew up in such a society but at this stage? I'm better off if the far-right guys don't get in so why would I ever do anything? I won't.

CommieDefenseForce -20 points ago +4 / -24

The fact you don't believe me brings a big smile to my face. Trust me, this is what tons of guys are doing. You think I give a shit about all the poor people living in multicultural neighborhoods? Hahahaha, I couldn't care less. It's the "less fortunate" guys who need to do something because guys with money can buy all these "less fortunate" men's daughters as soon as they turn 18yo and enjoy everything we want out of this life while living in neighborhoods of all White people too. All the problems everyone complains about, I don't really see at all. I would be better off if I could get my 10/10 escorts for free but the average poorfag still believes in equality and doesn't believe in hard patriarchies so fuck them, I'd rather they stay poorer so my escorts stay cheaper and more prevalent.

CommieDefenseForce -27 points ago +5 / -32

Why would I do anything? I make 6 figures doing a job that requires hardly any work, I live in one of the best spots in the world where it's too expensive for non-White people to live and I fuck 10/10 escorts weekly. I'm enjoying the decline. I feel bad for all the people who are struggling and maybe they should do something but I sure as hell won't. I actually vote for leftist parties that I know will fuck up the economy so they make everyone else poorer because the poorer everyone is relative to me the more women turn to prostitution and the cheaper and hotter the women I fuck become which is what I'm living for these days.

CommieDefenseForce 4 points ago +5 / -1

In the NHL there was a rule put in called the Sean Avery rule. Sean Avery would put himself right in-front of the goalie, face the goalie, then wave his stick around as much as he could to distract the goalie. The rule was put in to stop this from happening. Now, you could have argued that goalies were just weak men and a strong man could have just ignored Sean Avery or you could be a reasonable person and be like Sean Avery is being a twat and this is not what should happen. Women who flaunt their sexuality to distract men are being little twats and we should cover them up so they don't do that. We shouldn't be insulting men by suggesting they are not "strong" enough because they aren't able to ignore the women. Women are purposely trying to distract men. Fuck them. Cover them up.

CommieDefenseForce -10 points ago +6 / -16

Is this why you insist voting matters so that you feel manly because you're doing something? What a cope.

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