ApexVeritas 11 points ago +13 / -2

What about demonitized Youtubers who express wrong think, the ones which can only make money from crowd sourcing (like Patreon)? Do you expect them to vet every single donation?

While people should be careful with who they're dealing with, you're putting undue responsibility on innocent people, for fear of corrupt government backlash. The problem isn't the people. The problem is corrupt government. You can't expect people to continually jump through more and more hoops, and not forsee that even the best of us will trip up eventually, all to appease corrupt lying satanic pedophiles in government.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Invasions, infiltrations, corruptions, propaganda, and genocides happen in stages. You don't jump to the end stage, or the frogs jump out of the pot. The initial advertising of sex in media was to get men hooked on porn. It worked. Now that men are hooked on porn (which is freely available all over the internet), they've shifted mainstream media to demoralization and normalization of ugliness. This is what the Soviets did to demoralize their people through architecture (brutalism).

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Video content creators who talk about anything not approved by the establishment don't get ad revenue from their content. Youtube will still play the ads on their videos, but keep all the ad revenue. The only way those content creators can make any money off of making content is through advertisers that sponsor the videos, where the content creator will shill for the service or product in video. It's extremely common for guntubers, homesteaders, and anyone to the right of Stalin.

All a government would have to do is "sponsor" a video for a content creator, lie about where the money comes from, and bam, you magically have "foreign influence", and the content creator unknowingly becomes a "foreign agent". There would be no realistic way for a content creator to vet where the money comes from. Most are usually just happy to pay the bills, as Youtube actively censors their content and prevents it from gaining the traction it otherwise would, due to the "algorithm", just like Google does with wrongthink.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Meh, I'm willing to endure a lot more pain when it comes to shipping if I know the company and items I'm purchasing are worth it. Next day shipping? I don't care if it's Chinesium garbage. I'm White and can plan ahead, so I'm even fine with 2-3 month shipping for a good product.

ApexVeritas 1 point ago +1 / -0

Brave is decent, even though it still uses some Google algorithm search results. For conspiracy theory and ((())) related stuff, use Yandex.

ApexVeritas 11 points ago +13 / -2

Another opportunity to post the relevant info:

Great Britain had a secret deal with Poland, where Britain would ally with Poland if a war broke out between them and Germany, even if Poland started it. Britain didn't care about Poland at all, and only used them to instigate a war against Germany, which is what Britain and their jewish bankers and string pullers wanted. This is why Britain declared war against Germany for invading Poland (even though Germany invaded to stop them from genociding the German people living in the newly created Polish borders after WW1), but Britain didn't declare war against Soviet Russia for also invading Poland, which happened just 16 days after the German invasion. Here's a really good article on it:


The German people living in the newly created Poland were being terrorized and murdered en masse, even though the Germans had lived there for hundreds, if not (well) over 1000 years, under the Prussian Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the Teutonic Knights, and more. Here's a book link on the crimes and murderes committed against the ethnic Germans living in Poland before WW2:


Most of the German people living in Poland fled to German proper (or other European states not at war) to escape the advance of the Soviet army, which was literally raping its way through the countryside. After WW2, those German civilians tried to move back into their ancestral homes, but in Poland, the Baltic States, Memel, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and even the Eastern areas of Germany, almost all of them were expelled. This resulted in the largest forced dislocation of people in European history, where 15 million Germans were expelled from their homes, resulting in the deaths of about 1,900,000 (upwards of 3,700,000) German civilians. On top of that, many more millions of Germans which were killed in Allied "camps" after the war, and almost every single German woman (regardless of age) was repeatedly raped by the Soviets (for at least a year) after the war.


ApexVeritas 6 points ago +6 / -0

With the massive growth of small companies selling online and shipping, now is the best time to seek alternatives. Ever since I cancelled Prime and stopped ordering stuff off Amazon, I've been able to find alternatives to every single thing I've purchased. You just have to do a few minutes of research per product.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +12 / -0

I gotta disagree with you, for the most part. While greed definitely plays a role in the useful idiots who willingly go along with the game, malice is the most likely motive behind all of this, since the mainstream right is offered up as a false choice political dichotomy to the openly globalist left, where both sides are controlled by the people in power. This goes beyond politics, and into the media as well. I'd venture a sage guess that most mainstream right wing media personalities are willing mouthpieces of that game.

ApexVeritas 12 points ago +12 / -0

Before feminism was artificially pushed in the West, almost all women opposed it. After the people that pushed it gained control of education, they brainwashed women into accepting it.

ApexVeritas 16 points ago +16 / -0

Even though pedophilia is quite rampant in Western society, 3 letter agencies and our governments probably also deperson people by "finding" child porn on their computers, which somehow always amounts to terabytes of it. It's the LEO equivalent of "sprinkling some crack" on the suspect. No one used to question what the government did to such people, because even the accusation of having child porn would get someone excommunicated from society, even their own families wouldn't publically stand up for them. Now, with how blatantly corrupt governments have become, people have started to question it. And, Russia is the new accepted boogeyman. Anyone who buys this at face value is a moron, and every single right wing media personality that does so reveals themselves to be weak, stupid, and/or corrupt, and should never be listened to again. It's just more evidence piled on top of the mountain for all of mainstream politics being controlled opposition, a false choice dichotomy.

ApexVeritas 17 points ago +17 / -0

Right wingers are starving for strong leaders and speakers. We've repeatedly seen that if Sauron's eye targets one of us, but they don't yield, and stand firm, they gain a lot of support. She could theoretically come out of this in a stronger position. However, she is a woman, which makes her less likely to stand firm. And, it looks like the entire weight of globohomo is being levied against her, which is more difficult to stand against on one's own.

This type of treatment is going to increasingly happen, and the treatment will get perpetually worse, until we make them stop.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's been a long time since I've played WoW, but if I remember correctly, most of the vanilla grinds you listed were intended for entire guilds or servers, so it limited the impact on individual players, and/or forced individuals to group up (the entire purpose of MMOs), making the grind more fun.

The guild I was in grinded the hell out of Molten Core, other events, and materials to equip just one of our warrior tanks with the legendary sword (can't remember the name). It was a big achievement for us (a non-hardcore guild) and really fun to do. We were just stepping our toes into Blackwing Lair when TBC released.

Unfortunately, post vanilla WoW, the grind was codified into the individual gameplay loop, making it boring and unfun. I hate describing things in terms of feelings, but it best encapsulates the experience: vanilla was really fun and felt like a lived in world, post vanilla felt like a 2nd job. Even with all the shiny new stuff post vanilla, it never captured the magic that vanilla did. Even the woefully ridiculous 12-48 hour long 40v40 Alterac Valley PvP matches, where you could fight for hours in a stalemate, log off and go to sleep, go to work the next day, come home, log back in, and get into the same Alterac Valley match, felt really epic, stupidly funny, and fun. Now (last time I logged in), all AV matches are rushes to the end, with the Horde and Alliance just running past each other with minimal PvP.

The vanilla devs felt like they just wanted to make a good game. Post vanilla, it felt like WoW, and every other MMO, just wanted to pad out player game time. It's why I no longer play MMOs, or any other game that has a hint of padding in it. It's stupid and anti-player.

ApexVeritas 8 points ago +8 / -0

Burning Crusade codified daily quests, grinding, flying, and class changes for the sake of class changes, all of which made WoW objectively worse. It was the beginning of turning something that felt like lightning in a bottle, and made it blatantly obvious that the game became a 2nd job. Yes, there were absolutely grinds in vanilla, but it wasn't something set in stone.

ApexVeritas 13 points ago +13 / -0

I think most people know how much I absolutely hate modern movies, but I still kinda like Rogue One. It felt like it was made by people who loved Star Wars. It wasn't perfect, and a few characters felt weird and/or useless, but I thought the story was relatively decent (although I've heard hardcore Star Wars fans say the movie's retcon of the Death Star's weakness didn't make sense). The droid was hilarious, it showed the necessary brutality of running a resistance campaign, and how it can take a toll on the people, and the female protagonist wasn't overtly girl boss or annoying. It was even wholesome when she saw the recording of her father, which turned her bitterness into motivation, because she missed and loved her father. It's extremely rare to see that in any modern media (the good father thing, and a child's love for their father).

It kind of felt like a last exhale of a decent movie before globohomo woke rules were enforced all over media, a movie made by people who still loved the Star Wars franchise, even if a bit misplaced in parts.

I welcome any criticism of the movie, by the way. Fire away.

ApexVeritas 17 points ago +17 / -0

As one example, a movie called Hostiles is one of those deconstruction Westerns. It starts out showing the brutality of the Indians, and from then on, it's a never ending parade of "Indians good and oppressed" and "White man bad". It wasn't even subtle. Every single White character, other than Christian Bale and Rosamund Pike (the two main characters), range from bad to comically evil. It was made by people who hate Westerns, hate the West, and hate White people.

I was so thoroughly disgusted I've never entertained another newer Western made by Hollywood.

ApexVeritas 2 points ago +2 / -0

In harder difficulties/battles, it forces the player to move their characters very slowly to compensate for that unfair mechanic. So if an enemy is spotted, at least it's at maximum range, and gives the player more chances to counter it. In addition to what I listed in an above comment, this adds another layer of frustration to these types of games, and why I no longer play them.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

I agree, to an extent. I'm not saying experienced special forces are perfect aimbots. But still, the game contradicts itself in that regard, which is why the "95% chance to hit" is so memed on. The dice rolls are not reflective of the information you're given. It would be better if the game gave you accurate percentages according to how they calculate it, which is just another layer of frustration in these games. It's obvious that the percentages given to the player aren't accurate. Also, I can't tell you how many times my characters had perfect shots lined up, on enemies that were in wide open terrain, with no obstacles or other impedances, at very close ranges, and they missed, over and over and over and over, even with automatic weapons.

This, in turn, forces another layer of frustration on the player, to save and reload countless times, just to not be screwed over by the game's dice rolls. And in harder fights, this has to be done multiple times, just so you're not gimped in subsequent fights by being perpetually worn down by attrition and undermanned, or staffed with noob troops with low stats, because your better troops kept getting sacrificed to bullshit RNG. It feels unfair, because it is.

ApexVeritas 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree that we can't perpetually retreat, but that's not what I was advocating. Wars are fought by building a fortress(es), and pushing outward from there.

ApexVeritas 0 points ago +3 / -3

Think of it like a war. If your army continues to fight on enemy ground, in unfavorable terrain, and keeps being defeated, it's better to fall back to an advantageous position, and push out from there. Continuing to wage a war on the enemy's terms and in the enemy's advantage is an exercise in defeat.

ApexVeritas 5 points ago +6 / -1

Even understanding why the hit rates are the way they are, it doesn't align anywhere close with reality. An elite commando unit, that misses shots that are only yards away, or even point blank, it just pure frustration. It doesn't make logical sense, unless the characters you're controlling are untrained retards with the worst vision on the planet. No amount of "but we need it for gameplay balance" will overcome that disalignment with reality and reason.

That type of gameplay makes the player realize that the gameplay revolves around babysitting retards that couldn't tie their shoes without somehow dying horribly (oops, the 99% chance you had to succeed somehow rolled a negative crit, causing the shoelaces to somehow pierce the brain and kill your character, and the character behind him). That type of gameplay logic occurs in many more games than just X-Com, too, and is why I no longer play them. It's a souring experience.

ApexVeritas 4 points ago +4 / -0

Oh, you're right. I'm sorry. I'll be sure to go to another Holocaust remembrance memorial today.

ApexVeritas 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Californication of Colorado also screwed up the housing market there. Houses used to cost sub $100k before all the Californians moved there. But, since the Californian housing market has been way over priced, the Californians would sell their houses for hundreds of thousands, move to Colorado, and could over bid the locals, which jacked up the house prices, which quickly made houses shoot to well over $100k, and then over $200k, in just 10-20 years. This happened in the 90s and 00s.

Now, with inflation and the housing bubble, it's even worse, and it's everywhere.

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