Yes future value will not be in the 'how' of programming, but the 'what'. Anyone can bash keys but using your noggin is going to be very valuable.
The person that wrote that knows deeply how to do things but doesn't have the time to do them. Thus they hire to build what they specify. Now the hired gun will be automated.
But the real worry should be the insurance agents, mortgage sales, taxation folks, personal finance and any other repeatable form-filling based job. Those folks won't know what hit them in 5 years.
I guess they can all pick up brooms.
"Womanface" should be offensive to women, but they are subjugated to the corporate elite liberal indoctrination system. They now hate themselves so much they are allowing corporations to take over women's spaces. There is no hope until women stand up for themselves. There is no white knight coming to their emotional rescue.
National Women's Day is effectively becoming Everybody Day.
Fun fact, the Chinese balloon structure had a solar panel array in similar size to one of the ISS solar arrays:,system%20aboard%20the%20space%20station.,of%20Liberty%20(93%20m).
Wonder why it needed so much power?