They'll come to the conclusion "if only we had more diversity this wouldn't have happened!"
I don't see how that's a problem. The government is way too big. They don't need any more money. It's not "fair" but everyone needs to avoid paying taxes as best you can.
They also love to call people dumb. You'll see the most ghetto looking negros scream "dayum that nigga dumb as sheeiit".
Instagram is for women to share pics of their travels, bodies, food, cats, and other expressions of NPD. There's zero reason for a man to use it unless he's a professional photographer or trying to win one of those contests where you have to post on Instagram.
Your example is not merely showing intent. That's explicit wishing of death.* Intent is not discernible through text, even by omniscient mods.
(*but wishing someone die from disease or medical malpractice isn't endorsement of violence either)
You can't vote your way out of communism or islam.
I always thought it was to prevent cheating. In my math classes we had the actual answers in the back of the book, so anyone could have copied those. The homework was testing our knowledge of the methods.
And supposed electronic freedom champions will convince normies that yes a VPN ban is extreme but we have to do something to fight far-right extremism. HATE SPEECH ISN'T FREE SPEECH
Not normal for FBI to request it. (Coroner said he would never have released body without their permission) Maybe toxicology would show some kind of mkultra drugs. Or maybe it's not the person they claimed it is.
Not a military branch.
Yes it's about the Jews. I hope nobody seriously thought otherwise. His troll was obvious when he called them The Illuminati, and later in a comment he wrote "identity group". Real people don't say identity group.
Gay orgies with the Starfield devs?