Adamrises 23 points ago +25 / -2

Being a woman comes first, their political stances and principles come after that. The urge to victimize themselves will always win out over any "trad" principles that are very much against that.

Its why literally any female talking head on the Right should be laughed out of the room. No matter how "based" they seem.

Adamrises 22 points ago +22 / -0

The fact that Arrowhead knew all of this was coming six months ago and didn't say anything is absurd.

Everyone at that studio should probably have thier social media revoked, because I've never seen a sadder bunch of attempts at dispelling controversy that watching their CM and CEO keep stepping on landmines and making the situation sound worse.

Adamrises 28 points ago +28 / -0

Too bad a large amount of people already refunded it and almost certainly aren't coming back.

Its a real lose lose here. Because now they've already lost the money and good will, but also look weak and pathetic by backtracking on it. Especially as we all know they only did it because the backlash was getting bad enough to fuck up their big conference call soon.

Adamrises 32 points ago +33 / -1

Old rule taught to us during Mardi Gras was to never pick up the chocolate coins off the ground that got missed during a toss.

Because nigger children will literally stomp your fingers broken for fake coins to the hollering and whooping of their clan.

Adamrises 8 points ago +10 / -2

I also never really downvote him, or most people. Its a pretty gay thing to do or care about.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Honestly, it was rather gay of me. But I think letting him run his little "woe is my superior intellect to be forced to interact with others" narrative is also pretty gay too.

I only assumed it because I saw the exact same sentence here that he was saying to me at the exact same time in that thread. Which makes the deceit of it standout.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean the Helldivers-like EDF games?

Because those articles are already out and painful to read.

Adamrises 9 points ago +12 / -3

The biggest mistake though really I make is trying to even debate the reddit style spergs who write big fuck off walls of text and try to psycho-analyse you.

He's referring to me, folks. You can see the context here, which isn't much like he is trying to sell it.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

I'm sure they are scrambling to produce war propaganda movies about a highly controversial set of wars.

I mean, how could making a movie that is guaranteed to not get seen by a chunk of the country and be absolutely the center of controversy/boycotts not make them huge dollars?!?!

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is explaining to me why you're giving off so much redditor energy

Considering the only places I posted were KIA and I came to there from fucking /b/ and got banned constantly for my bullshit, this is a pretty funny accusation. Anything to try and discredit me, huh?

It was literally one comment and you've sperged out for several pages.

I don't think you get to use this insult when you both A) keep responding and B) have multiple many page reply chains going off this one comment.

This topic lost any worth it might gain last night. I enjoy these little slap fights (its why I'm in a new one weekly with different people so don't feel too special), so what are you going by keeping it going? Since clearly you are both oh so busy and I'm so terrible, you must have some good reason?!

discern tone from text

You keep saying this, but it never happened. I took the words on the page you said, and called you retarded for them. The tone never mattered, only the actual content.

I'm writing code and researching procedural materials for my work as I do this maybe I can't be arsed writing a full dissertation on a topic

I already apologized for interrupting your regular scheduled sperg out about video games, its okay man.

Also, considering every single other reply has had both commas and readable sentences, I was right and you were more than capable of doing it. You just chose not to once and then got pissy I noticed it.

So either you did in fact put in that level of effort every other time, which makes you pathetic for taking the time out of your so busy day to do so, or you slammed out a response like a tard and then can't take the blow to your ego by admitting to it.

Though tbh fam, "I'm doing such amazing fucking things I can't even bother to type properly" isn't helping the egotistical accusation. But again, you have done so every other time so clearly you can and are now seething and malding that I pointed it out.

Be honest, do you even use your psychology degree professionally?

Why would I? If I did I would be constrained by APA red tape and unable to actively help people instead of confirming their delusions.

I brought it up because you kept trying to use your scare word "psycho-analyze" and I actually know what that is, how it works, and how to do it. So your accusation is retarded because clearly you don't, you just want it to seem like I'm looking super deep into you instead of reading the actual words you are saying and mocking them.

Keep lobbing new insults at my though, my nigga. Trying a new accusation every time when the last one fails to hit really shows how good you are doing.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

Considering his resume includes many other huge roles in massive projects like half the Batman catalogue and Avatar, I don't think its the lack of capitalization.

He just genuinely fell for his own hype and considers himself an icon of politics. Even prior to the Disney buyout he was famous for being a complete loser constantly talking about Leftist bullshit, and then would star in another major role as Luke or Joker to get people off him about it.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

I was seeing that opposite. Threads posted less than 30 minutes after it was removed from those countries lead everyone to believe that Sony had manually done so after it was pointed out to them that it was a problem with possible legal ramifications.

Also games that are removed from Steam entirely often get "refund guaranteed" status for people who bought them, so that's likely why all those countries are getting that shit instantly.

'PlayStation exclusive cosmetic bundle if you join and link for free with PSN' with ZERO backlash

Considering they did that with Spiderman already and it did in fact have zero backlash, I'm guessing the numbers who did it weren't enough for them.

Adamrises 19 points ago +19 / -0

The problem isn't that all of them are evil.

Its that tomorrow, every single one of them could change to be evil and you couldn't do a damn thing about it. They'd be able to do so without issue, and probably even be promoted for it.

Its never that they all are, its that they all have the power to at any moment. And all that keeps them from doing so is their own individual morality.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're amazingly hyper focused on that one line I was posting about my own situation.

Because it proves my point for me and denies your ability to say "I didn't make this about me at all!" What did it add, besides being self congratulatory about how your own life is and how smug you feel about it?

I studied how central banking works properly and had to learn how much of a scam the education system was.

Damn, you was already becoming an expert at everything as a teenager? Explains a lot. There is no psycho-analysis going on, I am saying a very literal and direct:

"This nigga posts about his expertise on everything and can't stop talking about how right he is. What an egotistical loser."

That doesn't take a degree to figure out as its a consistent theme, doubled by the fact that you post constantly every day so the trail is long. In fact, if I used my own actual Psych degree I'd put effort in and have to turn down the vitriol, which is far less fun and is in fact pretty gay to do.

The fact that you think you are so mysterious and deep that it requires anything above surface level to figure you out, just shows how pathetically un-self aware you are.

why my formatting looks off.

You aren't an ape. Go back and read what you wrote. Its almost exclusively run-on sentences. To the point where effort has to be put in to figure out what you were even trying to say. You even typed about "discerning emotion from text" in two separate sentences right after another.

A fucking middle schooler would fail if he turned in such sloppy writing. I know you are better than that, so be man enough to recognize you churned out a mess of an essay instead of trying to move the goal post to "phone posting and formatting."

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

The only reason this topic became about me

The only reason threads end up being about me is you can't fucking help yourselves.

because I will be so damn smug if you end up being forced to move back in with your parents because of your dumb behaviour. Meanwhile I get to enjoy having a BBQ in my garden and watch the frens growing up in the pond this summer.

You posted it my guy. These are your own words making the entire conversation about you, how right you are, and how much better you are than everyone else.

I've barely even acknowledged the actual topic at hand because, like I just said, I vaguely agree with what I think you are trying to say. Its hard to tell though given the stream of conscious babble you just posted (commas, nigga). Which does make the "you are just hating because I called out your group!" kinda funny. I guess its a good goal to aim for when you can't acknowledge the actual accusations of being an unlikable personality.

I was on reddit for awhile when it was semi-okay for chatting

Hey so was I! I joined for the original KIA, and then was a founding member of KIA2 there and then later here. I'll let you in on a little secret about those days. The same "stormfags are ruining this place!" pearl clutching was happening then too, and I was there saying the same "people whining about it have little room to stand on" rhetoric then too. Which hasn't changed.

Nor have I become one of them, despite your insinuation here and the prevailing belief in their ability to just flip you into it if you let them speak.

you'd probably shit on this student

I'll shit on him for having a gay zoomer haircut and trying to act super serious despite still having a child's voice. That applies across all beliefs.

I don't care about your opinion on Israel, I care spergs on any topic spilling spaghetti. Its why I had years of vitriol spewed at Imp despite being on the same side as him.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

apparently means I'm jerking myself off because I won't do what other people tell me to, way to misrepresent the fuck out of my posting

because I will be so damn smug if you end up being forced to move back in with your parents because of your dumb behaviour. Meanwhile I get to enjoy having a BBQ in my garden and watch the frens growing up in the pond this summer.

Wow, such deep insight about the problem and offering genuine conversational value in response to it. No self-congratulatory behavior here, not in the slightest. This guy is all business, all focused on fighting the glowie ops, he'd never say something just to stroke his superiority off. Ever, ever ever.

I ended up stepping on your toes by knocking a game you happened to like

Honestly, couldn't even name any game you've named specifically in any of them. Maybe a TES game, but I don't enjoy any of those personally. I just find your constant rediscovering the wheel hilariously self-indulgent.

You made the topic about you (as always), so anything else about you is also relevant. But I guess if you strawman me as "mad I insulted his favorite game" then you can then tar me as your corpo slurping boogeyman to sidestep everything else I said.

I'm seeing Palestinian flag avatars everywhere on the internet now and I hate it

So do I. Almost like the problem isn't the topic at hand, but the sperg inserting himself into it so he can tell everyone he is smarter and better than you and will smug all around because HE figured out fucking glowies might be involved here and both sides are hypocritical at times.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah my first response reading that was also "would that be due to most servers/hosting being in the US to begin with?"

I don't know if that's true or not, but very few other countries could compare with ours in being online to begin with. And all of those you could probably just buy child porn in an alley there far easier, if not a child entirely.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

no they're not accomplishing a damn thing

And yet there is an attempt to do so, however pathetically despite the entire world working against them. Rather than sit back and laugh in your little safety safe, smugly acting above it all.

You are right I don't pay attention to the details on you. Because anything of worth you may say is wrapped in 4 layers of self-masturbation and ego about how happy you are to talk down to everyone and wag your finger around that it all feels superfluous to just let you keep talking about yourself.

Even in these three sentences, you've jerked yourself off at least thrice about how you are looking for what's really going on (only you?! Wow!), how you are in a position to be the judge about who is deserving of mockery, and how you are somehow accomplishing something, unlike them.

I am shocked you actually replied to my vitriol for once though. I apologize for any delay this may give to your regularly scheduled "anyone who plays video games different than me is stupid" post.

Adamrises 17 points ago +17 / -0

because I will be so damn smug

Because we know you only say or do anything based on its ability to let you act smug and post "I been saying and I'm so right." Right after you become an expert on the 1231903083432 topic in a row, of course.

You have no principles except your own self fellatio and ego. At least these stormniggers are trying to accomplish something.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Possibly, I was basing the examples on videos I've actually seen. One of which was a lion just pulling and ripping chunks off some antelope who kept trying to get up and run despite his entire back half being skinned raw.

That could just be an exception to the norm for them specifically, but it was a random example I had in my head.

Adamrises 13 points ago +14 / -1

The only reason they are saying this is because they think it upsets you. They think the guys right now laughing at them are coping and seething.

None of them actually believe this and they know it. Its literally just the same SCUM manifesto type edgy posting that women love to do because they think it makes their daddy mad.

Which just further demonstrates how pathetic they all are.

Adamrises 18 points ago +18 / -0

One of the most forgotten facts of nature is that most animals don't care if you are dead, only that you cease to be a threat or can escape.

So if it has you ripped open or down a leg or whatever, it doesn't care much about how much pain and suffering you are in. It'll just start eating or playing with you until you bleed out on your own.

You can find all sorts of videos of lions or monkeys eating things chunk by chunk that are still trying to get away despite being half gone. Not a single fuck given about the immense suffering being caused because their brain can't even process that higher order thought. That's a human trait.

Adamrises 23 points ago +23 / -0

The other problem is we don't usually full know what some species are doing for their environment, and are incapable of compensating for it fully. The Four Pests Campaign is a famous example of it. As is a lot of areas in America now being forced to re-introduce wolves into the wild to balance things.

The important part about strength is knowing when to exercise it and to what extent. Mindlessly killing everything weaker than us doesn't demonstrate anything the same way punching a child doesn't prove you are a powerlifter.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

The level of "force" necessary varies, but I think it can be said at least that without the "forced" requirement, most of them wouldn't have gone that far at the least as an opening move.

A few are already willing and its just an excuse, others aren't forced but wouldn't have the balls to do it without being forced, and others are actually and fully being forced against their will. One of which is a major character and a huge part of the story is building towards her shame about that "embarrassment" making decisions for her.

I'm not sure how much the anime has changed (need to catch up), but I think the scales are heavily tipped on "wouldn't do it otherwise" level of force.

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