After the events of October 7th, I guess the Europol had a chat with him. Either he plays ball and eliminates what they want or else they'll send in a pack of machete-wielding muslims to kill him because he 'supposedly insulted their religion'.
Calling them "muslims" makes them go "DO NOT REDEEM!" and other funny noises. My response was an optimized retort when pedo pajeets try pushing their child abuse, tested multiple times in the field. It short-circuits their primitive brains.
Destroying the financiers of islamic terror, then obliterating their black temple would drive these self-appointed 'arbiters of god' into shock and despair. Without their vast wealth and religious focus, they'll degenerate back to tribes and sects at war with each other forever, contained away in a hell of their own making.
If Israel seizes the Suez Canal, that's fine with me as long as they run it better than those fetid Egyptians who extort money and transported goods from nations that cannot strike back.
Libshits shut down all discussion of the Marek virus when people talked about how it evolved towards lethality due to a vaccine that "reduced symptoms" rather than prevent the target disease.
As far as I care, they deserve the rope after the Nuremberg Trials V2.
Crack is expensive, I hear.