So I finally cancelled it. Between budgeting, Cuties, and the fact that it seems all their new shows have to check off “diversity checklist” points. At least Amazon prime has political documentaries from various points of view. When they asked why I cancelled I said they need to realize that not everyone is on the left or wants to see talking points in everything they watch.
I found crackle, Pluto, and vudu and they have lots of free stuff. Also got Hulu and Amazon.
piracy all the way, 100% of the content, you own it, and can share with your friends if you want to
even a shitty vpn is good enough for torrents to keep the copyright notices away
here is the thing though, there is almost no new content that is worth watching
Yeah, Kung-Flu has turned the torrent landscape into a wasteland.
They're all doing the same shit though. Hulu is literally producing a "what if Hillary won" series.
And the only reason I have Amazon Prime is for shipping and credit card shit. Their video service SUCKS.
A "Man in the high castle" remake?
I was thinking it was a Fallout miniseries...
Obergrupenfuhrer Smith was actually likable.
The fourth season was some of the worst tv ever for one reason...
It does suck, and their app sucks, but it also has a lot of old 60s-80s B (and C and D) movies that are highly entertaining. And a surprising amount of classic 80s anime movies.
That’s true but Hulu is cheaper and they have a lot of older shows I want to watch. But yea their political stuff is all one sided.
The West Wing began in 1999, but that is what it turned into.
I refuse to pay these companies anything and I realized I don't have to. Plenty of good alternatives to Hollywood shows.
I've been mostly watching Youtubers who focus on various hobbies. Picked up a couple of productive hobbies that teach useful skills instead of wasting time on TV series.
Every few months I get free Amazon Prime to catch up on what I want to watch. Between that and video games there's only so much you can realistically consume as entertainment.
Of course I would never pirate anything. That would be so totally immoral!
All in all I've been saving a lot of money on entertainment and came out ahead.
Speaking of video games I’m still playing modded Skyrim. Also there are so many old shows that I still need to watch like Babylon 5 and I still love Leave it to Beaver reruns.
Not like there's any other way to play it.
thats the most relevant username ive seen in a long time.
I cancelled Netflix as well. It's unwatchable now due to the neo-Marxism.
laughs in torrent
Well it’s just a message box where they ask your reason. But like most modern day providers of entertainment I doubt they care that not everyone is a leftist.
enjoy my fav copypasta:
raspberry 4. install raspian
Do you connect to the media box remotely or just at home? It seems like the OVPN side needs some ports filtered. Raspi can handle the encryption?
Does sonarr or any of this have ads? I would recommend some sort of blacklist with local DNS in that case.
just at home, i dont like it being open to everyone. but you could ofc make it accessible over the internet aswell.
i'm using a raspberry 4 for all the harddrives, database and torrenting and have the tv-setup with 2 tvcards on an older raspberry 3. never had any performance issues, even downclocked both of them.
sonarr is simply a webgui that you tell what series you want. it then looks through torrent sites and automatically adds them to your torrent client, copies them where you want, sorts them etc.