I question why for the first time in America history a president has won every swing state and is also best friends and his largest donor was a man who owns and runs the internet
Jokes aside, Trump took the swing states, bellweathers, and the like, and won the popular vote. That's much more in line with real election victories than The Most Secure Election Ever.
Where, I think for the first time ever, a candidate lost basically all the bellweathers, all other markers of victory, but still somehow became president, and we weren't allowed to question it.
Once again...projection. Trump is the "return to normalcy," at least electorally speaking. Biden was a massive, massive, massive anomaly.
They wrote a massive TIME magazine article describing some of the ways they stole the election. Everything is permissible so long as the target is deserving. It’s all just friend vs foe.
Remember in 2016 when outraged leftist demanded investigations into voter fraud? It was swiftly shut down when the fraud was found to the benefit of Democrats.
They lost extremely narrowly in 2016 even with massive fraud boosting them.
Or after Florida unfucked its election system and started cracking-down on voter fraud. Democrats lost by bigger and bigger margins.
Schrödinger’s election, both 100% secure where it’s impossible to alter the will of the people, and also able to be manipulated easily by one man.
There's a joke here that I don't want to make
Jokes aside, Trump took the swing states, bellweathers, and the like, and won the popular vote. That's much more in line with real election victories than The Most Secure Election Ever.
Where, I think for the first time ever, a candidate lost basically all the bellweathers, all other markers of victory, but still somehow became president, and we weren't allowed to question it.
Once again...projection. Trump is the "return to normalcy," at least electorally speaking. Biden was a massive, massive, massive anomaly.
They wrote a massive TIME magazine article describing some of the ways they stole the election. Everything is permissible so long as the target is deserving. It’s all just friend vs foe.
I have never seen something more bullshit than the "fortified" election in 2020.
Yea the 2024 election just made the 2020 election look all the more suspicious. That 81 million vote spike
Yeah, funny how they won't question how a senile old man got the most votes ever
Wait wait wait….werent we told in 2020 that elections were sacrosanct and couldn’t be questioned?
This one wasn't fortified
It likely was. But too big to rig in 2024.
Remember in 2016 when outraged leftist demanded investigations into voter fraud? It was swiftly shut down when the fraud was found to the benefit of Democrats.
They lost extremely narrowly in 2016 even with massive fraud boosting them.
Or after Florida unfucked its election system and started cracking-down on voter fraud. Democrats lost by bigger and bigger margins.
I remember 2000 when the Democrats questioned the Florida recount.
Oh yea. I remember the media saying in unison how it was fortified
That fat pig is still around?
Apparently she moved to Ireland
Damn, hopefully she doesn't sink the island.
Someone get Hank Johnson on the phono, pronto!
To be honest, I've always felt the guy was being facetious and has a deadpan delivery.
To what end, though? And, if so, why is everything else he says equally retarded?
Simplest explanation is...he's a fucking dumbass.
I guess to the end, he wanted to be funny.
This is the only time I've heard anything about him, I have no idea about everything else.
That's no laughing matter!
Lets investigate both 2020 and 2024 then. Best compromise