Honestly, calling in an emergency SWAT response should probably require some sort of an ID being given at this point. I can't imagine the ratio of legitimate emergencies to fakes being all that good at this point.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, but when the system is this easy to abuse, what's the solution?
If there's no barriers at all, the number of fakes will eventually far outstrip the real calls (if they haven't already) as society becomes more low trust, and then you'll end up with a farce of a system.
Not to mention the amount of money and resources that are wasted with each SWATing.
It's a little hard to tell with the vests, but three out of four look at least overweight, and the fit guy went in last. First guy looks like he might have some muscle with his fat, second guy goes in fast so can't really tell, but looks fat, and third guy...third guy looks like he got worn out going up the three front steps.
It's just insane to me. I get individual people getting fat. But an organization such as police should, in an even halfway functional society...simply not select those people. It's not hard. Just hire nonfat people. There's an inherent selection bias that makes it possible for zero percent of the your cops to be fat, if that was something the departments cared about.
If memory serves, there was a bit of scandal several years back when it was found American police departments chose against intelligence. Too high of an IQ, job isn't for you.
I'd wager for every cop that is smartly bulking for advantage there is another fat guy who just claims that to be the case.
Unless you are instantly full body slamming them and then sitting on top, you still need some amount of dexterity and range of motion to remain capable in physical altercations. Especially in terms of maintaining your balance.
That's why boxing isn't dominated by obese guys just showing up either.
On the contrary, the cops responded promptly to a scary call, recognized there was no threat, and left with nobody hurt. The only thing left is for the swatter to be located and arrested and I'd call this a textbook example of how to handle the situation.
Honestly, calling in an emergency SWAT response should probably require some sort of an ID being given at this point. I can't imagine the ratio of legitimate emergencies to fakes being all that good at this point.
I'm not saying it's a good idea, but when the system is this easy to abuse, what's the solution?
If there's no barriers at all, the number of fakes will eventually far outstrip the real calls (if they haven't already) as society becomes more low trust, and then you'll end up with a farce of a system.
Not to mention the amount of money and resources that are wasted with each SWATing.
Not the prime point...but fat cops shouldn't be a thing.
Doorbell cam footage.
It's a little hard to tell with the vests, but three out of four look at least overweight, and the fit guy went in last. First guy looks like he might have some muscle with his fat, second guy goes in fast so can't really tell, but looks fat, and third guy...third guy looks like he got worn out going up the three front steps.
It's just insane to me. I get individual people getting fat. But an organization such as police should, in an even halfway functional society...simply not select those people. It's not hard. Just hire nonfat people. There's an inherent selection bias that makes it possible for zero percent of the your cops to be fat, if that was something the departments cared about.
If memory serves, there was a bit of scandal several years back when it was found American police departments chose against intelligence. Too high of an IQ, job isn't for you.
Cops eat for bulk, because weight gives an advantage in physical altercations. That's why there are weight categories in boxing.
Cops also have to run a lot when giving chase though, and weight is often a hindrance there.
That's the thing, though. Having the agility and dexterity to run into danger, or having enough bulk to overpower dangerous perps attacking you.
I'd wager for every cop that is smartly bulking for advantage there is another fat guy who just claims that to be the case.
Unless you are instantly full body slamming them and then sitting on top, you still need some amount of dexterity and range of motion to remain capable in physical altercations. Especially in terms of maintaining your balance.
That's why boxing isn't dominated by obese guys just showing up either.
Fair point. Cop #2 and #3 I still have my concerns about though. Especially #3. #1 looked like he was probably fine. #2 was somewhere in the middle.
they are heavy set for sure, but their vests and gear make them look fatter than they are.
This stuff really just convinces me that the entire police apparatus is thoroughly broken and needs to be re-evaluated.
On the contrary, the cops responded promptly to a scary call, recognized there was no threat, and left with nobody hurt. The only thing left is for the swatter to be located and arrested and I'd call this a textbook example of how to handle the situation.
Its the best case outcome of a lose-lose situation.
Well said. Have an updoot
I can believe. American Right-wingers best start believing in new age civil wars, because they're in one.
Matt Von Swol. he's some ex-dem turned con influencer who's been pointing out what dems have been doing wrong
The law is powerless to help you, not punish you.