It's interesting, the idea that the Demons are intelligent enough for some of them to recognize that there is the possibility of mutually beneficial coexistence. but can't wrap their heads around the idea that "If you stop killing humans, humans will stop killing you." because they're so hard-wired to deceive and kill humans. It's not just a culture clash, but a biological one.
It'd be interesting if one of these genuinely trying to change demons does so, maybe by magically becoming a human or elf for real, and immediately comes to the conclusion that Demonkind needs to be exterminated, (possibly converted, but that has it's own issues that would be interesting to tackle.) ((Of course, I'm speaking as someone who has yet to watch the manga or anime, so it's just an idea based on an idea.))
It really wouldnt be interesting. Too many stories have done the whole demons suddenly realising the errors if their ways after some major change. The simple evil of frierens demons are their draw
there's another scene with macht and another demon (forget her name) that speculates (semi?) parallel evolution of elves/humans and demons, using orcas and sharks as an example. similar in appearance, but with fundamentally different underlying structure.
Which is an important distinction, because sometimes the show-runners do decide that. In example of one where I think it improves it, in Youjo Senki, the military uniforms in the anime are... uniform, male and female. While in the manga, while not fanservicey, the female uniforms are clearly cut differently than the male ones and follow the bodyform rather than being blocky.
You know I'm beginning to enjoy Telia's manga reading updates. The newest chapter is actually pretty depressing so I wonder what he'll think when he gets there. Oh also demons are jews, namaste
i dont know why people like you are so sour over how i inteprate an anime/manga. but then again you are sour about me talking about jews so its not surprise.
Because its boring. You've posted the same interpretation dozens of times over the course of weeks with no variation or new information. Just the same exact thing repeated, from the same series at that.
Also this was a joke about how you'll lose interest once it stops having your angle to repeat over and over. People might be less sour on you if you didn't respond to light hearted banter with "you are trying to censor me, you can't stand me pointing out the truth" everytime.
Its called bants, its a thing guys do. You should try it sometime, if you take yourself less seriously you might have more fun in life.
But I am interested. Laughing at you and your nonsense is very amusing to me, as is your fragile ego anytime you are remotely criticized. You even downvote me each time like a redditor.
And sometimes, I learn from other people in the thread new information to better know and hate Jews with. Almost like this is a community instead of your one man pulpit.
Because you're a one note, barely literate twit like imp1, but there are a hundred dimwits in your group and most of them are smarter than you.
You're actually a disgrace with how obvious you are, how blatant you deliberately misread things for your fixation / narrative. Demons are sociopaths. This could only be more clear if the author included a fucking essay every time they show up explaining it for dim people like you.
It's interesting, the idea that the Demons are intelligent enough for some of them to recognize that there is the possibility of mutually beneficial coexistence. but can't wrap their heads around the idea that "If you stop killing humans, humans will stop killing you." because they're so hard-wired to deceive and kill humans. It's not just a culture clash, but a biological one.
It'd be interesting if one of these genuinely trying to change demons does so, maybe by magically becoming a human or elf for real, and immediately comes to the conclusion that Demonkind needs to be exterminated, (possibly converted, but that has it's own issues that would be interesting to tackle.) ((Of course, I'm speaking as someone who has yet to watch the manga or anime, so it's just an idea based on an idea.))
It really wouldnt be interesting. Too many stories have done the whole demons suddenly realising the errors if their ways after some major change. The simple evil of frierens demons are their draw
there's another scene with macht and another demon (forget her name) that speculates (semi?) parallel evolution of elves/humans and demons, using orcas and sharks as an example. similar in appearance, but with fundamentally different underlying structure.
I vaguely recall an episode where Frieren met one of the few last elves alive, a male, and didn't bother trying to save her people by making children.
I remember that chapter as well, the reason being is that the Elf Dude was a Monk.
The show runners have clearly made it a priority to avoid sexualizing Frieren. She’s an asexual autistic blank slate that anyone can project on to.
Probably the manga-runners made that decision.
Which is an important distinction, because sometimes the show-runners do decide that. In example of one where I think it improves it, in Youjo Senki, the military uniforms in the anime are... uniform, male and female. While in the manga, while not fanservicey, the female uniforms are clearly cut differently than the male ones and follow the bodyform rather than being blocky.
That is why Ubel was created, to be the sexually charged mage to fulfill that quota.
Reasoning with sharks is indeed nonsensical
You know I'm beginning to enjoy Telia's manga reading updates. The newest chapter is actually pretty depressing so I wonder what he'll think when he gets there. Oh also demons are jews, namaste
Unfortunately for him, after this arc it basically goes into nothing but a Human v Human conflict and the demons return to being a background entity.
Which then is on hiatus in the middle of the arc.
i dont know why people like you are so sour over how i inteprate an anime/manga. but then again you are sour about me talking about jews so its not surprise.
Because its boring. You've posted the same interpretation dozens of times over the course of weeks with no variation or new information. Just the same exact thing repeated, from the same series at that.
Also this was a joke about how you'll lose interest once it stops having your angle to repeat over and over. People might be less sour on you if you didn't respond to light hearted banter with "you are trying to censor me, you can't stand me pointing out the truth" everytime.
Its called bants, its a thing guys do. You should try it sometime, if you take yourself less seriously you might have more fun in life.
TLDR unlike you i can ignore posts that im not interested in
But I am interested. Laughing at you and your nonsense is very amusing to me, as is your fragile ego anytime you are remotely criticized. You even downvote me each time like a redditor.
And sometimes, I learn from other people in the thread new information to better know and hate Jews with. Almost like this is a community instead of your one man pulpit.
Because you're a one note, barely literate twit like imp1, but there are a hundred dimwits in your group and most of them are smarter than you.
You're actually a disgrace with how obvious you are, how blatant you deliberately misread things for your fixation / narrative. Demons are sociopaths. This could only be more clear if the author included a fucking essay every time they show up explaining it for dim people like you.