I find Peterson behaving like Judenson pretty frustrating. All sorts said this is what he would do, and they've been proven right. I can't tell if my old theory of him being chemically mind broken in a Mossad facility in Russia was a real thing, or he's always been a progressive cunt.
Rev. Johnnie Moore and Jordan Peterson are the only non jews/non indian on this list. the two names at the bottom are indians, and the rest are jews. If you dont believe me, type their names and the word "Jewish" on google and see the results
There is a choice between believing what Jews say about our Christian ancestors or believing what our Christian ancestor said about Jews. These two have made their choice.
I would really like the opinions of Jizzortnik, ghostfox, Hellsbells and other hebs on this topic, this event as well as the oh-so-noticable pattern behind most of the speakers in it.
Also, has Peterson ever said why he wore that Jesus coat?
So they admit the term was "hijacked" but want the phrase demonized? What about the people saying it "genuinely?" Are we now going to make tone policing a literal legal entity?
Oh silly me, we're talking about subversive leftist faggots and I see Peterson is spearheading this.
'Network Contagion', 'NC Labs', 'Perception Lab'... Scientificalisation. The medicalisation of everything off-message. It's how these groups lend weight to anything they claim, because they have no other basis for anything they believe and they know this tactic works on them.
That's also probably how Peterson sleeps at night while being so evidently wrong. 'I'm just trying to save others from what I know to be my weakness.'
It doesn't matter what the arguments are, this is a losing cause. If tens of millions of Filipinos are declaring that Christ is king, how can it have been 'hijacked' by a small number of twitter users with bad intentions?
JP is getting absolutely roasted on X over this. It couldn't happen to a more deserving drug addict.
I find Peterson behaving like Judenson pretty frustrating. All sorts said this is what he would do, and they've been proven right. I can't tell if my old theory of him being chemically mind broken in a Mossad facility in Russia was a real thing, or he's always been a progressive cunt.
Well he is Canadian so I'd go with being a progressive who is 30 years behind the times.
Rev. Johnnie Moore and Jordan Peterson are the only non jews/non indian on this list. the two names at the bottom are indians, and the rest are jews. If you dont believe me, type their names and the word "Jewish" on google and see the results
There is a choice between believing what Jews say about our Christian ancestors or believing what our Christian ancestor said about Jews. These two have made their choice.
Isn’t his wife Jewish
She was, and also now pushing daisies 😉
Indians are just Jews who don’t know how to wipe.
They both have the same shit fetish
I would really like the opinions of Jizzortnik, ghostfox, Hellsbells and other hebs on this topic, this event as well as the oh-so-noticable pattern behind most of the speakers in it.
Also, has Peterson ever said why he wore that Jesus coat?
The jews really hate Jesus that much they're going to make it illegal to say something so... Innocent?
I guess i should've seen they would, they've grown so over confident that they don't even feel like they have to hide their kikery any longer
So they admit the term was "hijacked" but want the phrase demonized? What about the people saying it "genuinely?" Are we now going to make tone policing a literal legal entity?
Oh silly me, we're talking about subversive leftist faggots and I see Peterson is spearheading this.
Death to Infidels, I sleep.
Christ is King, real shit.
'Network Contagion', 'NC Labs', 'Perception Lab'... Scientificalisation. The medicalisation of everything off-message. It's how these groups lend weight to anything they claim, because they have no other basis for anything they believe and they know this tactic works on them.
That's also probably how Peterson sleeps at night while being so evidently wrong. 'I'm just trying to save others from what I know to be my weakness.'
It doesn't matter what the arguments are, this is a losing cause. If tens of millions of Filipinos are declaring that Christ is king, how can it have been 'hijacked' by a small number of twitter users with bad intentions?