You think Raul was tweeting these himself before death? Of course not, you hire some kid part-time to run an app that handles all your social accounts, and that kid writes the posts and schedules them. Likely this tweet was written and scheduled well before the dude died.
Sure, not cancelling social media posts after his death is a pretty big fuck up, but let's be real here, the kid making these tweets ain't getting his last paycheck, so what the fuck does he care.
Whichever ghoul wrote this clearly went to a government-funded public school.
He went to the Derek Zoolander Center for Kids Who Can't Read Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too.
Well, I hope they all success.
It's a school for ants, so I wouldn't bet on it.
Actually it’s proof that they need even more of your money!
it's like the dem asking how could Trump dismantle the dept of education when test results are so bad. Why are test results so bad...
Just wait until he shows you his next trick by voting in the midterms.
This is, at minimum, identity fraud.
why was he still in government despite actively dying of cancer? he should have been MADE to retire.
Hey, they needed dead voters. No wonder they need dead activists.
Dems vote from the grave. Why not post propaganda from the grave, too?
You think Raul was tweeting these himself before death? Of course not, you hire some kid part-time to run an app that handles all your social accounts, and that kid writes the posts and schedules them. Likely this tweet was written and scheduled well before the dude died.
Sure, not cancelling social media posts after his death is a pretty big fuck up, but let's be real here, the kid making these tweets ain't getting his last paycheck, so what the fuck does he care.
That Neuralink sure is working well in its beta stage!
5 bucks betting he still votes too.