Massie voted against the continuing resolution on the budget, allowing the government to continue operating at existing funding levels, rather than shut down. He was also, to my knowledge, the only representative to do so. Publicly, this is the reason Trump is upset with him, but, as you recognized, there are other areas that they don't align and this could just be cover.
Publicly, this is the reason Trump is upset with him, but, as you recognized, there are other areas that they don't align and this could just be cover.
Honestly, and this isn't aimed at you specifically, and I could be in the wrong here, but I wish people would stop focusing on this element of Massie. It's possible this is some Zionist-motivated attack (I believe they probably already killed Massie's wife, so it's certainly not out of the question), but I don't think it does anyone any favors to act like Massie is some antizionist crusader or something.
It's not his prime feature, or his best feature. He's not even antizionist or antisemitic; he's anti foreign interference, he's pro freedom, and he's pro America/n.
The truly radical thing about Massie isn't that he hates Israel (he doesn't), it's that he wants a smaller, more free, less corrupt government. And, yes, that clashes with Israel's interests, but painting him as "the anti-Israel congressman," as I said, isn't doing anyone any favors, and isn't even accurate.
Massie is great. But it's not exclusively or primarily because he doesn't want foreign interests in American politics.
but painting him as "the anti-Israel congressman," as I said, isn't doing anyone any favors, and isn't even accurate.
The entire discourse among the right wing right now is this, however, and that seems to be all it will ever be. Just people boiling each other down to single elements, single factors and then campaigning to destroy one another over it.
A few years back it was the "loli question" which basically destroyed half of any "alt-tech" right wing figures tried to build. Now its the Jewish one.
Nothing else matters whatsoever about a person or their politics. They are judged entirely on a binary of their stance on the issue, with only extreme answers allowed as anything but is considered just being the opposite side anyway, and if they don't align with you they must be destroyed.
I don't even disagree with some of these stances, but it feels completely nonsensical to believe "every person on Earth is as simple minded as me, and thereby their belief on this issue effects everything they do."
Just people boiling each other down to single elements, single factors and then campaigning to destroy one another over it.
And it's sad and retarded.
It's also interesting that the most hardcore anti-Jew people sound exactly like, let me think...AIPAC!
"Thomas Massie hates Israel and the Jews" is exactly what the Israeli lobby is, well, lobbying for. Portraying Massie as an anti-Israel radical is just playing into their hands.
It's stupid on the facts, and it's definitely stupid tactically too.
I can't read Massie's mind, but I don't think he gives a shit about Israel one way or the other. He actually thinks it's a nice country. He just doesn't want undo influence in our own system. If Israel can exist over there, and not fuck with us over here, who cares, seems to be the reasoning. Massie is a libertarian crusader, not an anything else crusader.
A few years back it was the "loli question" which basically destroyed half of any "alt-tech" right wing figures tried to build. Now its the Jewish one.
The purity spiral is incredibly destructive. And often encouraged by the very people who actually pose a threat, and who need to be defeated. Like what they did to Occupy Wallstreet, and the Tea Party movement. Woke is a weapon, whether that's woke leftists, the real woke right, or JQ woke. It's divide and concur, or at least can be used that way. And that doesn't mean there aren't real issues there, for the record. Quite the opposite. They inject woke in there exactly because the discussions are threatening to power structures and have to be corroded.
Nothing else matters whatsoever about a person or their politics. They are judged entirely on a binary of their stance on the issue, with only extreme answers allowed as anything but is considered just being the opposite side anyway, and if they don't align with you they must be destroyed.
Which is why I can't stand the anti-Stormfags or the Stormfags, if either are incapable of keeping their chill or having an adult conversation. I don't care if you hate the Jews or love the Jews, if all you can do is attack people for not exactly sharing your perspective, and you can't help but try to inject that perspective at ever corner, into every conversation, and you can't help but attack everyone else...yeah, sort yourself out first. Then we can talk. Yeah, that sounds pretty "woke."
In private, maybe, but the reason he's saying is because Massie was the only Republican to vote against the budget bill. Even though his vote wouldn't have mattered.
I’m out of the loop - did trump get angry with massie not supporting israel?
Massie voted against the continuing resolution on the budget, allowing the government to continue operating at existing funding levels, rather than shut down. He was also, to my knowledge, the only representative to do so. Publicly, this is the reason Trump is upset with him, but, as you recognized, there are other areas that they don't align and this could just be cover.
Honestly, and this isn't aimed at you specifically, and I could be in the wrong here, but I wish people would stop focusing on this element of Massie. It's possible this is some Zionist-motivated attack (I believe they probably already killed Massie's wife, so it's certainly not out of the question), but I don't think it does anyone any favors to act like Massie is some antizionist crusader or something.
It's not his prime feature, or his best feature. He's not even antizionist or antisemitic; he's anti foreign interference, he's pro freedom, and he's pro America/n.
The truly radical thing about Massie isn't that he hates Israel (he doesn't), it's that he wants a smaller, more free, less corrupt government. And, yes, that clashes with Israel's interests, but painting him as "the anti-Israel congressman," as I said, isn't doing anyone any favors, and isn't even accurate.
Massie is great. But it's not exclusively or primarily because he doesn't want foreign interests in American politics.
The entire discourse among the right wing right now is this, however, and that seems to be all it will ever be. Just people boiling each other down to single elements, single factors and then campaigning to destroy one another over it.
A few years back it was the "loli question" which basically destroyed half of any "alt-tech" right wing figures tried to build. Now its the Jewish one.
Nothing else matters whatsoever about a person or their politics. They are judged entirely on a binary of their stance on the issue, with only extreme answers allowed as anything but is considered just being the opposite side anyway, and if they don't align with you they must be destroyed.
I don't even disagree with some of these stances, but it feels completely nonsensical to believe "every person on Earth is as simple minded as me, and thereby their belief on this issue effects everything they do."
And it's sad and retarded.
It's also interesting that the most hardcore anti-Jew people sound exactly like, let me think...AIPAC!
"Thomas Massie hates Israel and the Jews" is exactly what the Israeli lobby is, well, lobbying for. Portraying Massie as an anti-Israel radical is just playing into their hands.
It's stupid on the facts, and it's definitely stupid tactically too.
I can't read Massie's mind, but I don't think he gives a shit about Israel one way or the other. He actually thinks it's a nice country. He just doesn't want undo influence in our own system. If Israel can exist over there, and not fuck with us over here, who cares, seems to be the reasoning. Massie is a libertarian crusader, not an anything else crusader.
The purity spiral is incredibly destructive. And often encouraged by the very people who actually pose a threat, and who need to be defeated. Like what they did to Occupy Wallstreet, and the Tea Party movement. Woke is a weapon, whether that's woke leftists, the real woke right, or JQ woke. It's divide and concur, or at least can be used that way. And that doesn't mean there aren't real issues there, for the record. Quite the opposite. They inject woke in there exactly because the discussions are threatening to power structures and have to be corroded.
Which is why I can't stand the anti-Stormfags or the Stormfags, if either are incapable of keeping their chill or having an adult conversation. I don't care if you hate the Jews or love the Jews, if all you can do is attack people for not exactly sharing your perspective, and you can't help but try to inject that perspective at ever corner, into every conversation, and you can't help but attack everyone else...yeah, sort yourself out first. Then we can talk. Yeah, that sounds pretty "woke."
Simple. How many Republicans has Trump threatened to primary over disagreements?
No. Trump shit-talked him over his vote against the budget continuing resolution.
In private, maybe, but the reason he's saying is because Massie was the only Republican to vote against the budget bill. Even though his vote wouldn't have mattered.