Noticed accidentally that the bald black lesbian from Wicked (haven't seen it) was also the bald black lesbian fairy in Disney's 2022 Pinocchio remake (haven't seen it). Then when I finally saw her name in one of the youtube titles, I decided to look her up and this is apparently her full name:
Cynthia Chinasaokwu Onyedinmanasu Amarachukwu Owezuke Echimino Erivo
If the youtube results are anything to go by, this complete lolcow with her nose ring and 'queer' IdPol marketing ploy gets invited to sing at the biggest events. Had no idea.
These people really live in another world than our own.
And why do the Kennedy Center Honors events have rainbow ribbons as a honorific? No wonder Trump decided to take it over and had to immediately ban the many drag shows that were going on there, rofl.
Libs have this thing call the Magic Black Girl, where they treat a black woman, often a very little girl, as some magic totem. It's really strange considering how they are against stereotyping. The MBG turns up constantly. They even made a movie making fun of it, as if they aren't the ones pushing the Magic Black Girl bullshit.
There are MGBs in Kraven, Reacher, both versions of The Stand (one is very old and one is a little girl). Hoopi Goldberg in Ghost was an MGB.
This chick is a perfect example of MGB. She'll never be taken seriously outside that stereotype.
MGB = 'magical black negro' trope. Will Smith played one several times. Martin Freeman. Whoopie Goldberg in Star Trek.
It's usually little girls though they do use adults or men
Even Reacher has a MBG, a black woman that has no purpose other than to look smart and somehow help him. She doesn't exist in the books but they threw her in when it went to tv
Yeah, immediately noticed how she came across as a DEI insert. Thanks for confirming it.
It's ridiculous, he's bigger, stronger, smarter than her, he is a higher rank and has more experience on any job yet somehow she helps him? It's a joke.
Martin Freeman is the magical black negro. They even tried to make him God.
Ooga booga, unga bunga.
She's making leftists jump through all sorts of hilarious hoops (like acknowledging that name) to worship her.
Inadvertently based.
Hardly a hoop to jump through if it's just...acknowledging a name. It's not like anybody has to address her by anything more than Cynthia.
Is this community soft af?
Thats a lot tongue clicking.
Some celebrities look or sound aesthetically weird, what's your point? When she was playing the Wicked Witch, she was just a regular accessible character.
Bad argument. Take a look at her general appearance ten years ago. She's purposely emphasizing her 'queer' identity, as a promotional stunt for her shitty movies. They're also trying to inject BLM into a character discriminated for her 'green skin'.
How can it be a bad argument when it's not even an argument at all? Or is saying "the character she portrays in her most famous movie is a regular character (even with green skin)" an argument?
By "regular accessible character", to clarify, I meant that the character in the movie itself is not bogged down by idpol obnoxiousness.
"Take a look at her general appearance ten years ago. She's purposely emphasizing her 'queer' identity, as a promotional stunt for her shitty movies."
And? What's your point? that you don't like the fact that as she ages and becomes more famous she chooses to look more cringey when out of costume as specific characters in movie roles? That's just what women and celebrities are like sometimes.
Do you not like it because you feel that it is "dishonest" or "performative" based on how she was when she was earlier in her career? Who fucking cares, what's your point? You aren't even interested in the Wicked movie or anything.
It would be one thing if you had clearly stated that you were one of those people who was a fan of the musical before it became a movie (I've only seen the movie) and felt that they injected extra idpol or "current-day cringe" into the movie (as far as I can tell they didn't, in the Wicked movie her green skin is no more an allegory for muh racism than it is for Shrek being an ogre)
Here, look, you may think it is some "deflection" to change the subject, if you want an example of my broader political beliefs, I am one of those few people who knows how to properly call out the issue with a news story that is making headlines recently: there's an Idaho public schoolteacher who has a sign in her classroom with ten cartoon hands with hearts on them, with the words EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE above. Eight out of the ten hands are brown-skinned, the other two being pale-skinned.
The building administration and district personnel told her to take the sign down. And the story is being treated as if she this taxpayer-funded public school teacher being persecuted by being told to take down this "benign" sign. It's clearly creepy race propaganda to show 8 out of 10 hands being brown-skinned in IDAHO. It is obvious social engineering to suggest that Idaho is "not diverse enough". I live in a minority-White area in Indianapolis. We don't need the whole world to be "diverse".
You've provided nothing that would save this lolcow actress from being a lolcow actress.
What are you accomplishing from pointing out that she is a lolcow? Is that what KotakuInAction2 is about? Just generically whining about anything vaguely leftoid? Why do you feel the need to even talk about this? You're not even interested in the Wicked movie, even if you were to discover that the story itself has the same generic "people aren't always what they seem, you are not immune to propaganda" message of The Wizard of Oz. (like seriously the story doesn't "subvert" the themes of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Critical Drinker liked the movie, I dunno maybe you think he is a centrist cuck or something. I'm probably more a White supremacist and way more racist than the Drinker)
People from other cultures have different names.
Get real. The amount of black poseurs with made-up ethnic sounding names is considerable but this one takes the cake. Her mother is of Nigerian origin. It's standard to have three names, not seven.
What makes it made up though, if that's the name she was given? So what if it's not "standard"?
Typical American names usually only have three names but that doesn't mean they all have to. I know a guy who was born with 4 middle names.
She's a Hollywoke actress. All of them are doing things to get gigs or attention. Many of them change their names in order to better appeal to their audience. This coupled with all the fake attention-seeking IdPol nonsense of this poseur leads to the likelihood that she's faking or overstating it.
So you're just guessing that she changed it, but not actually sure. Okay.
So you agree that some of them don't
I'm erring on the side of caution and assuming that she did. ;)
Then you're just getting twisted up from your own imagination. Just let it go, my guy. You'll be a lot happier when you care less about what someone's name is
Hello redditor. It's normal to make fun of non standard things. That's how we maintain standards.
I'm sure there's plenty non-standard about you that others wouldn't hesitate to jump on should they get the chance. That's why everyone on this site stays hidden behind their usernames.
She was born in London and her first name is Cynthia, she went to a Catholic school. The ooga booga shit is just to turn her into, as someone else pointed out, a Magical Black Negro. I can guarantee you she doesn't use any of that, ever, for any other reason than to trigger shitlib self-humiliation fetishes. I doubt she even knows what any of that bullshit means - if it even means anything.
And? What does that have to do with what the rest of her name is? Your name is what you're given when you're born, not what school you went to.
She doesn't use it for almost anything public, no. It's just what's on her wikipedia.
It feels like the only people this name is triggering is you and OP.
More than likely they're just names. That's what names are.
Their culture sucks and she looks like a shaved ape.
How clever
Nah it's pretty self apparent.
After someone told you to think that
Nope, one has only to spend any amount of time in contact with them and it becomes inescapable to conclude.
Worldstar is not contact
Sure it is, and accurate too. I once started a fight in a cafeteria in Baltimore just by yelling "Worldstar!" and they began fighting without having any clue why.
I myself disagree with the whining that OP is doing, however, I must say to you, token non-rightoid here taking a dive into a place that is not an echo chamber for you. well first congratulations for stepping outside an echo chamber, and as far as your comment goes:
It seems that you believe that the primary way that people become racist against Black people is by seeing WorldstarHipHop videos of Black people in physical brawls and such. Basically being propagandized by being shown real-life video material to an exaggerated degree to become radicalized into thinking that represents the norm.
Naw man, that ain't how it happened to me. I actually live among Black people. For me, "contact" is working the past several years at grocery stores (I also work at FedEx, but no customers there) where I encounter hundreds of people a day from every racial background. They are more likely to be like that, compared to Whites and Latinos, Indians/South Asians, and the rare (East) Asians as a GENERALIZATION, and of course there are EXCEPTIONS to generalizations. But I also know from experience that White people and other groups be like that as well, but my lifestyle and the sample size of people I see, at a grocery store (almost everyone grocery shops), combined with me living in an area with a large sample size of Black, White, and Latino, has indicated to me that stereotypes about some people being MORE LIKELY to be a certain way, is simply true.
That being said, I don't care for the whining about Cynthia Erivo having five middle names because this person only knows this from viewing a Wikipedia article. She still markets herself as "Cynthia Erivo".