Honest question: what do they think will happen if Trump is forcibly removed from office? You thought J6 was an insurrection? What language do they have left to describe a million patriots descending on DC?
what do they think will happen if Trump is forcibly removed from office?
Trump supporters will realize that they were wrong to support a twice-impeached convicted felon... because if he were a good guy, the military wouldn't have mounted a coup against him.
The same military that has been regularly failing to meet recruitment numbers and dismissed a large amount of its best and most capably trained soldiers over nonsense like covid and politics years prior? And replaced them with women and softboi/trannies who would break down at the first hitch?
I'm sure they will be super capable and run into so few obstacles if they tried.
Trump getting elected is a threat to our democracy, so we must end our democracy to save our democracy.
No, you misheard "our bureaucracy." They're saying "this is a threat to our bureaucracy."
Also, "insurrection for thee, revolution for me."
Didn’t a coup turn Russia into what it is today? Maybe we will also end up with tanks shelling our White House!
Honest question: what do they think will happen if Trump is forcibly removed from office? You thought J6 was an insurrection? What language do they have left to describe a million patriots descending on DC?
I don't need to go to D.C. to find me some insurrectionists.
Trump supporters will realize that they were wrong to support a twice-impeached convicted felon... because if he were a good guy, the military wouldn't have mounted a coup against him.
BRB, politically re-educating every house in my neighborhood that had Biden-Harris 2024 signs on their lawn before road tripping to DC.
I guess they no longer teach history to anyone anymore.
No, they do. Except it's now written by Netflix and presented by OF "models" in 30 sec. clips on Instagram.
"Dis be Gennerl Eisnhowa, de mos' famous army nigga of all time. Cuz killed dat Hitler wit his bare hans."
France needs a military coup right now if said military leadership wasn't compromised by the globalists yet.
The same military that has been regularly failing to meet recruitment numbers and dismissed a large amount of its best and most capably trained soldiers over nonsense like covid and politics years prior? And replaced them with women and softboi/trannies who would break down at the first hitch?
I'm sure they will be super capable and run into so few obstacles if they tried.
Sounds like we should arrest him for treason.
Commies get free helicopter rides.
These people need to be cast out into the wilderness to die or become hermits.