This is why men need to be assertive in life as a LOT of women want the dominance factor men can give and men with PROPER male role models learn self restraint and control of their strength.
Put it this way, weak men in the west has led to women having open rape fantasies online, they ain't got that much self control without the other side restraining them.
You tell your wife no. You tell your kids no. You be firm about it.
TBF, I will let my oldest reason around some restrictions because I want him to continue to learn critical thinking, and I'm sure this will in no way ever come back to bite me in the ass....
I don't remember the series name but there is a book series with hundreds of bestselling sex novels. The most popular genre of female sex novels is rape fantasies involving petite, young, practically underage, innocent and helpless "lolita-like" women being used by beasts like werewolves, vampires, ogres and various huge, brutish men. The men basically tower over them and dominate them, choke them and use them, while still caring about not hurting them too much. The girls gradually soften those beasts a little bit and tame the beasts, while still retaining their brutish nature.
That whole "50 Shades of Grey" worldwide phenomenon is similar and is also about being tied up, used and abused by a tall, powerful, "dark" man.
Even "Twilight" for teen girls is a similar story with a young girl being used by vampires and werewolves.
This explains why practically every woman is hardwired to want a tall man and "bad boys" that use them. It is why they are drawn to alcoholic drug addicts covered in tattoos. They want something raw and brutish that they can simultaneously work on "fixing". They want to be the tiny little innocent girl being dominated by a huge beastly brutish man. Struggling to resist while simultaneously loving it. It is also why pretty much every woman has the "choke me... fuck me harder, Daddy" fetish. Even the ones who claim they don't have it, always want to be raped and dominated deep down inside. Nothing turns them on more.
They are the ones choosing this with their own free will! And they call us fucked up?
Most men just want to care for and protect their girl! And we are the ones demonized?!
Women leaving a perfectly stable, providing, deeply loving man to go be with some alcoholic drug addict deadbeat loser is a story as old as time. They can't help it. They are innately addicted to that "dangerous, abusive, unpredictable beast" nature.
Imagine if women were held to the same standard as men instead of being glorified as perfect beings. Have you ever seen a woman backstab another woman? It is the most twisted, diabolical, conniving, psychopathically planned-out shit imaginable. Or how about their eternal gossiping and talking behind the backs of each other and tearing each other down constantly? Or how about their way of demanding that everyone can read their minds and know what they are upset about before they have said a single word about it? Or how about their eternal whining about their own problems but never solving their problems and becoming mad if you help them solve what's hurting them? Almost as if women want to be in perpetual pain and submission and conflict.
Your meme is hilarious and illustrates their minds perfectly.
If you find a smart woman who isn't like this, and who is more logical than emotional, then for God's sake, hold on for dear life because they are rarer than diamonds.
I actively despise Beauty and the Beast. It's the "fix him" story, Belle is a proto-girlboss (literally the most prosperous man in her world throws himself at her and she can't even hide her disgust), and it romanticizes cities and denigrates tradition/ knowing your place in the world.
The Capital-R Redpill/PUA realm has a lot of fun theories. I fundamentally disagree with the PUA goal of sluttery. But the idea that intimate romance is actually a male concept and ideal, one that most women fundamentally do not grok, is interesting to roll around in your head.
Is there an established named Internet Law where someone gets overly defensive over some specific degeneracy only to be outed for participating with that specific degeneracy? It happens a lot. Especially people that are constantly going on about pedos and lolis. Like, both are bad, but the people that are especially vocal about it and makes going against them their whole personality always ends up getting outed as being massive pedos themselves. This is somewhat analogous to that.
I understand it's probably a psychological coping mechanism going on that they are subconsciously using to justify their actions. I just wonder if we got around to giving it a name.
It seems to be related to projection. It's not exactly the same but there's definitely that element of accusing others of what they're guilty of. Every accusation is a confession and all that.
this story just gets better and better...
The memes just write themselves.
“Don’t let your memes be dreams” is becoming a universal constant.
This is why men need to be assertive in life as a LOT of women want the dominance factor men can give and men with PROPER male role models learn self restraint and control of their strength.
Put it this way, weak men in the west has led to women having open rape fantasies online, they ain't got that much self control without the other side restraining them.
You tell your wife no. You tell your kids no. You be firm about it.
TBF, I will let my oldest reason around some restrictions because I want him to continue to learn critical thinking, and I'm sure this will in no way ever come back to bite me in the ass....
.... until I say "No" again.
I don't remember the series name but there is a book series with hundreds of bestselling sex novels. The most popular genre of female sex novels is rape fantasies involving petite, young, practically underage, innocent and helpless "lolita-like" women being used by beasts like werewolves, vampires, ogres and various huge, brutish men. The men basically tower over them and dominate them, choke them and use them, while still caring about not hurting them too much. The girls gradually soften those beasts a little bit and tame the beasts, while still retaining their brutish nature.
That whole "50 Shades of Grey" worldwide phenomenon is similar and is also about being tied up, used and abused by a tall, powerful, "dark" man.
Even "Twilight" for teen girls is a similar story with a young girl being used by vampires and werewolves.
This explains why practically every woman is hardwired to want a tall man and "bad boys" that use them. It is why they are drawn to alcoholic drug addicts covered in tattoos. They want something raw and brutish that they can simultaneously work on "fixing". They want to be the tiny little innocent girl being dominated by a huge beastly brutish man. Struggling to resist while simultaneously loving it. It is also why pretty much every woman has the "choke me... fuck me harder, Daddy" fetish. Even the ones who claim they don't have it, always want to be raped and dominated deep down inside. Nothing turns them on more.
They are the ones choosing this with their own free will! And they call us fucked up?
Most men just want to care for and protect their girl! And we are the ones demonized?!
Women leaving a perfectly stable, providing, deeply loving man to go be with some alcoholic drug addict deadbeat loser is a story as old as time. They can't help it. They are innately addicted to that "dangerous, abusive, unpredictable beast" nature.
Imagine if women were held to the same standard as men instead of being glorified as perfect beings. Have you ever seen a woman backstab another woman? It is the most twisted, diabolical, conniving, psychopathically planned-out shit imaginable. Or how about their eternal gossiping and talking behind the backs of each other and tearing each other down constantly? Or how about their way of demanding that everyone can read their minds and know what they are upset about before they have said a single word about it? Or how about their eternal whining about their own problems but never solving their problems and becoming mad if you help them solve what's hurting them? Almost as if women want to be in perpetual pain and submission and conflict.
Your meme is hilarious and illustrates their minds perfectly.
If you find a smart woman who isn't like this, and who is more logical than emotional, then for God's sake, hold on for dear life because they are rarer than diamonds.
I actively despise Beauty and the Beast. It's the "fix him" story, Belle is a proto-girlboss (literally the most prosperous man in her world throws himself at her and she can't even hide her disgust), and it romanticizes cities and denigrates tradition/ knowing your place in the world.
The Capital-R Redpill/PUA realm has a lot of fun theories. I fundamentally disagree with the PUA goal of sluttery. But the idea that intimate romance is actually a male concept and ideal, one that most women fundamentally do not grok, is interesting to roll around in your head.
also she's a jew. Double wammy
Comment Reported for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
Comment Removed for: Rule 16 - Identity Attacks
But inference, nuance and subconscious bias are hard to convey through an expressive means like language or visuals.
At least that's what a tranny busted for paedophilia told me as they were shooting up skank they'd acquired after killing an old lady for her purse.
Post Reported for: Rule 13 - Reposts (x2)
I'm not seeing the predecessor.Post Removed for: Rule 13 - Repost
The comic and the tweet included here are already in the other thread, Telia is just karma farming again.
How did I miss that?
its not a repost though. its added context for the original post. the original post didn't include how this woman is a hypocrite
Ehhhhhh, I get the caveat, but this detail is so minor it's better left in the thread of the other post, not as a whole seperate thread.
What's the context of those 2020 tweets?
She’s a porn model, so probably close to what the comic implies.
Well then she fucked up, mate. Self-own established.
Is there an established named Internet Law where someone gets overly defensive over some specific degeneracy only to be outed for participating with that specific degeneracy? It happens a lot. Especially people that are constantly going on about pedos and lolis. Like, both are bad, but the people that are especially vocal about it and makes going against them their whole personality always ends up getting outed as being massive pedos themselves. This is somewhat analogous to that.
I understand it's probably a psychological coping mechanism going on that they are subconsciously using to justify their actions. I just wonder if we got around to giving it a name.
>internet law
This is documented going back to at least 1600 and probably well into prehistoric times.,_methinks
It seems to be related to projection. It's not exactly the same but there's definitely that element of accusing others of what they're guilty of. Every accusation is a confession and all that.
This is why the Qoran says a woman must have 4 male witnesses to be trusted with her abuse allegations….
They even lie to themselves…
Who is 'Sandy Frizzle', though? Just some random stand-in for women in general?
Some porn ho, apparently, per another comment here.
thats me in the first panel