Not to sound hostile, but what is there to say he isn't otherwise aligned with them? He almost certainly has a long history with rich investors and 'elites' in New York.
I don't think trump would be engaged in a deal if it didn't benefit him. They tried for 4 years to get solid dirt on him and the best they could get was the non-existent pee tapes.
Reminder that nobody in the government will ever be America's savior because they are all puppets of Zionist Israel. Until humanity wipes Israel off the map, there will be no truly free country on Earth.
The two options are he is so brain damaged he cannot be controlled or he is somehow so smart that through the damage he is still capable of playing some manipulation game.
I really think they just gave up trying to steer him so he is doing his own simple minded thing.
Trump won Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania has a healthy jewish population. I don't know what his real positions are, but it sounds like he's looking out for himself rather than follow the "extreme" regressives.
I mean, it's bombs, they have expiry dates and it isn't money and the only other option is holding on to them to have to dispose of them later.
So long as it's not equipment like tanks, F35s or other weapons, countries like Poland, Taiwan and Australia who paid and ordered them should be priority for those.
I didn't refer to Christians as "they," dummy. We're talking about Jews. Try to read in context. Why would I say that Christians are trying to destabilize the West? When did Jesus call his followers a "brood of vipers?"
One who gives of his offspring to Molekh, for which one is executed by stoning, is not liable unless he hands over his child to the priests of Molekh and passes the child through the fire. If he handed over the child to the priests of Molekh but did not pass him through the fire, or if he passed him through the fire but did not hand him to the priests of Molekh, he is not liable.
One of the greatest tricks Israel/Jews ever pulled was convincing everyone that criticism of Israel is just antisemitism, which means that you must be hating on Jews to hate on anything the entire nation was doing.
While I've grown to hate much of what the Jews do over the last few years here, my hate of Israel is completely independent of that and all hate I have of them would remain the same regardless of what demographic made up their nation.
ONLY part of Ukraine policy I was ok with was sending them all of the old shit America has stockpiled (which still surpasses current Russian military equipment) so that frees up space for new equipment.
Bombs HAVE expiry dates to when they are still effective or even too dangerous to store. That entire region I don't give a shit about so using it as America's disposal site if it's cheaper than doing it at home is whatever to me.
Well, it's not like those people will become terrorists in a few years or anything, and you have to trust that your "partners" actually secure the equipment and munitions properly.
Bombs HAVE expiry dates to when they are still effective or even too dangerous to store
Which is in terms of decades. The reason we cycle them quickly through stockpiles because most of them are battery powered, even on proximity or impact driven devices, you usually want some kind of delay circuit in there to prevent the obvious.
Just because you don't care about that region, I hope the next wave of 'refugees' created by your greatest ally get all shipped to Japan. Maybe then you'll start caring when your japanese whores are raped by mohammad, because obviously the billions that have been milked from American taxpayers aren't a worthy reason.
Can someone please let me know why Israel is such a bad country? I know we are the only reason they exist, but why shouldn't they have their own little nation? Considering Muslims want them wiped out, means I automatically support Israel's right to exit.
If one race gets their own country then every race gets their own country. If every race gets their own country then pissraelis have no right to complain about Palestinians wanting to live in Palestine.
Zionism is hypocrisy manifest
It is literally “rules for thee, not rules for me” in the form of a country (a country who, btw, ran international child rape blackmail rings in order to infiltrate and exert influence over other countries)
There's a big reason the ADL came to Elons rescue so quickly and this is part of it right here.
"Let's all give each other a bit of grace in these tough times."
Huh? Yeah, when a predator starts talking like a lamb, you know something's up. Those serpents are so fucking obvious.
Trump is in bed with Israel, not surprising.
You make it sound like it's a mutual exchange. Israhell has their dick down Trump's throat.
Not to sound hostile, but what is there to say he isn't otherwise aligned with them? He almost certainly has a long history with rich investors and 'elites' in New York.
I don't think trump would be engaged in a deal if it didn't benefit him. They tried for 4 years to get solid dirt on him and the best they could get was the non-existent pee tapes.
Reminder that nobody in the government will ever be America's savior because they are all puppets of Zionist Israel. Until humanity wipes Israel off the map, there will be no truly free country on Earth.
Is there a reason that Fetterman broke away somewhat from the Democatric plantation to become a loud RINO-style uber-Zionist?
Almost certainly trying to pivot to be the Everyman who does the George Carlin-esque "I agree with what you're trying to do but you take it to far!"
Wonder if Carville's working with him...
The two options are he is so brain damaged he cannot be controlled or he is somehow so smart that through the damage he is still capable of playing some manipulation game.
I really think they just gave up trying to steer him so he is doing his own simple minded thing.
Trump won Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania has a healthy jewish population. I don't know what his real positions are, but it sounds like he's looking out for himself rather than follow the "extreme" regressives.
I mean, it's bombs, they have expiry dates and it isn't money and the only other option is holding on to them to have to dispose of them later.
So long as it's not equipment like tanks, F35s or other weapons, countries like Poland, Taiwan and Australia who paid and ordered them should be priority for those.
No, we shouldn't be enabling their bullshit. 5,000 years on this Earth and all they do is steal, murder and instigate conflicts.
You'd think "God's People" would be peacemakers, no?
Live by the sword. Die by the sword.
Good luck.
Okay, and what of Christians? They make war on us too. They put all their effort into destabilizing the West.
Jesus was right about them, that "brood of vipers." Nothing has changed.
I didn't refer to Christians as "they," dummy. We're talking about Jews. Try to read in context. Why would I say that Christians are trying to destabilize the West? When did Jesus call his followers a "brood of vipers?"
Are you drunk or something?
it's real brave to talk about lucifer as the jews' enemy when their religious book has instructions on how to get away with offering your child to satan.
Revelations 2:9
One of the greatest tricks Israel/Jews ever pulled was convincing everyone that criticism of Israel is just antisemitism, which means that you must be hating on Jews to hate on anything the entire nation was doing.
While I've grown to hate much of what the Jews do over the last few years here, my hate of Israel is completely independent of that and all hate I have of them would remain the same regardless of what demographic made up their nation.
"I want to kill thousands of people at once!"
"No! We have bombs at home! They're about to expire!"
lol.. okay.. you fucking pyscho.
ONLY part of Ukraine policy I was ok with was sending them all of the old shit America has stockpiled (which still surpasses current Russian military equipment) so that frees up space for new equipment.
Bombs HAVE expiry dates to when they are still effective or even too dangerous to store. That entire region I don't give a shit about so using it as America's disposal site if it's cheaper than doing it at home is whatever to me.
Well, it's not like those people will become terrorists in a few years or anything, and you have to trust that your "partners" actually secure the equipment and munitions properly.
Which is in terms of decades. The reason we cycle them quickly through stockpiles because most of them are battery powered, even on proximity or impact driven devices, you usually want some kind of delay circuit in there to prevent the obvious.
Just because you don't care about that region, I hope the next wave of 'refugees' created by your greatest ally get all shipped to Japan. Maybe then you'll start caring when your japanese whores are raped by mohammad, because obviously the billions that have been milked from American taxpayers aren't a worthy reason.
Why would I take them? They can either learn to develop beyond a 16th century mentality or all blow themselves up in the desert.
Why would I give them an exit from that?
Can someone please let me know why Israel is such a bad country? I know we are the only reason they exist, but why shouldn't they have their own little nation? Considering Muslims want them wiped out, means I automatically support Israel's right to exit.
If one race gets their own country then every race gets their own country. If every race gets their own country then pissraelis have no right to complain about Palestinians wanting to live in Palestine.
Zionism is hypocrisy manifest
It is literally “rules for thee, not rules for me” in the form of a country (a country who, btw, ran international child rape blackmail rings in order to infiltrate and exert influence over other countries)