The funny thing is that he thinks he's Jewish. Jews would never accept a black man among them. They firmly believe that unless you are a descendant of the OG Jews, you are not a Jew no matter what you believe.
That's how jews have infiltrated other societies. They miscegenate with any locals willing to do so, and use their children to infiltrate and subvert, while their parents gain control of the society via banking, usury, and money printing.
Gonna be honest with you chief. I've seen far more Jewish push to not mix with the goys than I have to actually do so.
If they were going for that angle they wouldn't consistently be such a fractional minority in every country they go to and it would be less blatantly obvious of their machinations by being the elite of everything.
It's how they took control of Saudi Arabia (through miscegenetion, subversion, and infiltration of the Saudi royalty), through creating "Muslim" terrorist organizations, which are actually led and operated by jews, through interbreeding with black slaves in the U.S. (most slave owners were jews, and most of the half breeds were jewish admixture), and how they infiltrated European societies, by mixing with locals and using the "fellow White people" mantra. This is why there's such a wide variety of jews throughout the world, when in reality a race of people is supposed to be homogeneous. If you go back to Biblical times, they were ardent race mixers then, too, often in direct violation of what God commanded them to do.
The funny thing is that he thinks he's Jewish. Jews would never accept a black man among them. They firmly believe that unless you are a descendant of the OG Jews, you are not a Jew no matter what you believe.
That's how jews have infiltrated other societies. They miscegenate with any locals willing to do so, and use their children to infiltrate and subvert, while their parents gain control of the society via banking, usury, and money printing.
Gonna be honest with you chief. I've seen far more Jewish push to not mix with the goys than I have to actually do so.
If they were going for that angle they wouldn't consistently be such a fractional minority in every country they go to and it would be less blatantly obvious of their machinations by being the elite of everything.
It's how they took control of Saudi Arabia (through miscegenetion, subversion, and infiltration of the Saudi royalty), through creating "Muslim" terrorist organizations, which are actually led and operated by jews, through interbreeding with black slaves in the U.S. (most slave owners were jews, and most of the half breeds were jewish admixture), and how they infiltrated European societies, by mixing with locals and using the "fellow White people" mantra. This is why there's such a wide variety of jews throughout the world, when in reality a race of people is supposed to be homogeneous. If you go back to Biblical times, they were ardent race mixers then, too, often in direct violation of what God commanded them to do.
I am amazed that an actual, supposedly rational human being could believe that.
It tends to be easier to think when you don't have rabbi cock down your throat. You should try it sometime.
You clearly know what you're talking about. I defer to your lived experience.
If he says he's a jew, he's a jew, that's how that works. Actually, africans were the original jews, you can ask any Black israelite
I watched this very conversation growing up! (30s)
You mean the delusional cult of black israelites?
I hate Jews as much as the next guy, but the whole black israelites thing is fucking retarded.