It seems the Islamists have moved in to /Pol/ and are very "comfy" there, defending 12 year olds having their tongues nailed to tables while being gangraped, 13 year olds getting raped with broken bottles and baseball bats, etc, etc.
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It wasn't ironic. I was shitposting there back in those days and there was plenty legitimate pedo stuff. Far too many of us clicked an image only for that gif to switch to Daisy's Destruction two frames in.
The only difference was the internet back then, and especially 4chan, was big on that Wild West freedom of speech thing. So rather than people losing their mind and demanding rules and regulations daily to remove these things, it was just accepted as an evil you had to try and avoid while getting thicker skin.
“Mods are asleep, post sinks”
"Mods are asleep, post fridges"
For those wondering this one was a shitpost and anons would post actual pics of fridges. It would often lead to semi serious replies if the fridge was open and well stocked.
20 years ago I would occasionally go to /b/ to see people get into real life mischief, and to be amused by meme threads like Breaking Bad and Dwayne Johnson verticals, and otherwise incredibly autistic conversations.
I don't go anymore because it's mostly porn peppered with a few political propaganda threads mixed in. I'm convinced the porn is intentionally posted to condition young people to not form a healthy sexual relationship with a single mate for life, and to promote a tolerance of sexual deviancy of all forms including pedophilia.
It’s a significant part of a highly destructive positive feedback loop. There is no reality in which we repair “the problems that created porn” without also destroying porn.
This is a good point, BUT porn can still be blamed for continuing the degeneracy.
Porn is in large part responsible for the current replacement rate. A girl I knew told me she hadn't been in a relationship for years because porn was good enough.
A lot of people in general seem to forget this part from 10 years ago, which is slightly more surprising when considering how specific that is to boards like here.
4chan is very much controlled and curated these days, and while there will be some degree of shitposting and occasional anti MSM push it is nowhere near as organic or prolific as it was 20 years ago.
community of porn addicted malcontents
trannies infiltrate mod team
How could anyone have seen this coming?
Not with that attitude! Although some of them might like that, so be careful 🤔
That's the inevitable result of not actually believing in anything and having all of your actions dictated by what's the most funny or shocking to you. When you have no bedrock foundation of ideals that you know are true and guide your actions, it's very easy to just chase the next thing. Being a contrarian or malcontent for the sake being contrarian is extremely prone to this, as you're just seeing what the normie side is and taking the opposite one without much thought as to why or whether it's actually right or wrong. Do that enough times to where it becomes your default reaction and you'll soon find out you don't actually have any real values or believe in anything solid, which makes you very easy to manipulate into espousing what bad actors want you to. 4chan becoming what is is now was baked into the cake from the begging. In order to avoid it, the majority would have had to be willing to have real beliefs and values they were willing to stick up for and not waiver on because they're unpopular, unfunny, boring, lame, or too normie. But if they did that, it wouldn't have been 4chan. This was inevitable.