113 Trump Derangement on steroids, top reddit poster brags about disowning entire family for voting Trump (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 100 days ago by loubag1997 100 days ago by loubag1997 +113 / -0 62 comments download share 62 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Muh "women are dying".
That's the funniest line they've got. Does human life matter or not, freakshow? Or do babies just not count as human?
Also lol he literally ran out of characters in that little scree. Hilarious.
Women are dying is an issue, except if they get raped and killed by immigrants then they are just a small statistic that does not matter.
“Part and parcel”
"The food culture they bring to this country is well worth them being here."
-Future Gang Rape And Murder Victim...uh..."Participant"
Nine out of ten participants voted for the gang rape, so our democracy says it's fine.
Babies never made tacos.
Or had a food truck, or Improved™ the Culture™.
Well "doctors" are also purposefully refusing care so women die and they can use it as pro abortion propaganda
I made the comparison in another thread, but it cracks me up that babies are clumps of sells...and an aluminum block is an assault rifle.
One will naturally develop into a born, living human. The other just sits there unless acted upon.
To be fair, pretty sure if John Moses Browning or Nathaniel Colt spit on that aluminum it’d develop into the best goddamn gun ever made.
Those babies should check their privilege I suppose.
Yet they can never name one.