posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +35 / -1


I don't know about you lot but I've been looking at various stuff to keep me as occupied as possible especially with all the crap going on with the American elections currently. I like making stuff a lot, keeps me happy, I want to get good at string among other things so I can maybe make bows from scratch or other stuff.

Yes, shockingly the UK has not clamped down on archery, they only seem to draw the line at crossbows and predictably despite archery regularly being used throughout the ages as an effective weapon their reasoning is about as retarded as you'd expect but I may as well take advantage of the loophole and have some fun shooting at targets in my back garden.

I also definitely want to have a go at blacksmithing at some point, I'm just trying to think about a low tech DIY setup that will work in the rain.