posted ago by Smith1980 ago by Smith1980 +23 / -0

A friend sent me something he saw his relatives posting from Occupy Democrats saying "now show as much concern for third grade classrooms", and then someone added "or minorities".

I know I shouldn't let it annoy me, but these people don't care about third graders getting shot and killed. They only care if a gunman is a straight white male. Notice how quickly the story if lost if a gunman isn't a white male. They don't care about the kids getting killed if it is a "transgender" person or anyone else who isn't a straight white male. These are also the same people who don't bat an eye at heinous actions if they are done by illegal immigrants, black criminals, or anyone else on their list of darlings.

As for the minority thing, unless a white cop is killing a black person (of course with the media distorting the situation) they don't care. Perfect example is David Dorn. I remember CNN saying "well he didn't die from peaceful protestors"

These are the same jerks who whine about gun violence but weekly inner city shooting is ok.

If an upstanding white person is killed by an illegal/black/other special criminal they quickly fade from the news, but someone like Saint Floyd gets a golden casket and cities burn because of that scumbag but that is ok. Ashli Babbit of course was painted as an evil person immediately.

Sorry for the rant, but that really ticked me off, and I know that isn't very Christianly to let myself get so upset so I'll work on that.