posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +25 / -3

I don't think that even with people who really hate the left it's being talked about enough what the hell even is the plan with Biden. Anyone with a brain can see the guy is on his last legs literally, barely able to walk, obvious cognitive problems, clearly hopped up on all kinds of drugs to be able to be in that state in the first place.

Trump is actually right to call him on this and demand a drug test for the debate and I wouldn't be shocked if they simply called it off pretending they're not going to give a platform for 'Trump's hateful rhetoric'. So what if he drops dead? Hell, they could fuck with the election win and then even after they get everything they wanted Biden could still keel over in his second term. Where does that leave everything? I know there are obviously democrats you've never heard of waiting in the wings for that exact sort of thing to happen but first they'd have to contend with Kamala Harris and even in the left they hate her with a passion.

I'm mainly thinking about things like procedure and everything, isn't it the secretary of agriculture next in line after VP? They would potentially have to call elections for a second time purely due to the system utterly failing.