posted ago by Lethn ago by Lethn +36 / -3


Now obviously, caveat, we all have our concerns about Milei, me included, but honestly? In terms of domestic policy he's doing everything I like so it was interesting waiting to see what was going to happen with Argentina. I kind of want to visit just to confirm how things are going in Argentina for myself because the leftists tried spamming about soup kitchens and chaos as they often do which instantly makes me suspicious.

This is the sort of thing I'm keeping an eye on generally at the moment. There's also the European Migration Pact which just recently passed and it seems to be part of the effort of the elites to spread the load of migrants and they're trying to force EU countries to accept everything or share the costs if they don't want to. I'm impatiently playing the waiting game at the moment and seeing what unfolds.

Since taking office, Milei has devalued the currency by more than 50%, halved the number of government ministries

I love how they keep repeating this lie, they neglect to mention the currency was already at that value to begin with it was just on the black market. All Milei did was bring that shit out into the open and quite a few people pointed this out when they were spamming it.