12 Happy Holidays (media.kotakuinaction2.win) posted 1 year ago by AlfredicEnglishRules 1 year ago by AlfredicEnglishRules +20 / -10 15 comments download share 15 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I’m not particularly religious (though I am very much a cultural Christian) and I go out of my way to say Merry Christmas.
It hurts no one.
it hurts the feelings of all the right people, so there's absolutely no reason not to use it on every occasion.
OH I'm allowed to say Merry Christmas at Christmas time now? Thank you so much that's very kind of you.
I've been surprised to hear a few commercials explicitly mention Christmas already. Still too early.
Might be changing now that the Big GAE needs white Christian males to die for Israel
Then by all means, don’t live somewhere where people celebrate Christmas
nice strawman here, buddy, but you need to try harder to rustle someone's jimmies
Merry Christmas, Christ is King, Praise Be
I've got a +5 -4 score so far.
Yep. This is transparent gaslighting. The meme's audience is smirking in agreement while saying "Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah, Happy Ramadan/Diwali/Kwanzaa, whatever".
Looks like Canadians are going to be 'forced' into celebrating this shit.
Really? At where you work now?
Yea, that sucks. When I was in the Air Force Christmas cheer was all over. Granted this was the early 2000s