YouTube suspended Brand’s ability to earn money on its platform on Tuesday but Rumble has rejected calls to do the same. On Friday, Brand said the moves to block him from receiving advertising revenue for his videos on social media platforms have occurred “in the context of the online safety bill”.
The Times estimates that Brand earns £27,000 a month from his Rumble channel and £1m a year from YouTube before ads were suspended. His literary agent, tour promoter and book publisher have also dropped him.
It's theft, pure and simple.
The Times writes:
Rumble, a Florida-based company, prides itself on hosting those with extreme views who have been excluded from “mainstream” platforms.
It seems that these fake media companies did not contact the advertisers, but that this was done by an organization called 'The News Movement'. It barely has an online footprint. It has 31,000 followers on Instagram, a similar number of Youtube subscribers, and barely any views at all. Seems like an astroturfing operation.
And it turns out that, yes, these pieces of shit have been contacting advertisers to threaten them:
Massive brands including @burgerking, @asos, London’s @barbicancentre and @hellofresh have pulled advertising from Russell Brand’s Rumble channel, The News Movement can reveal.
Three of the companies have removed their ads from Rumble altogether after The News Movement found that they were appearing alongside Brand’s videos.
Basically, everything else they're posting is BS - from Erdogan complaining about LGBTP, a girl being suspended for her hair, and some idiot football player complaining about different teams by gender.
It's not the "News Movement" - it was the UK Government that did it. This is not "collusion", this is illegal government censorship by an out of control totalitarian government.
Look, If Brand is tried and convicted THEN you can deperson him - but all we have now is cackling hen gossip and accusations that would make the witches of the Crucible blush.
These evil regimes need to be overturned and our rights and liberties restored.
Look, If Brand is tried and convicted THEN you can deperson him
I mean if you're talking about totalitarian governments, historically they've not been shy of kangaroo courts and show trials. So even them it probably isn't universally justifiable.
Look, If Brand is tried and convicted THEN you can deperson him
Has he even been accused of anything that he could be convicted of? All I've heard so far is "sexual misconduct" (aka bullshit) and "didn't use a condom in otherwise consensual sex." Oh, and one time he had a "look." Can't forget about that damning accusation.
Because of the UK's laws on sex, they might be able to convince someone that sex with deception was rape, but that definition would be retroactively applied since his sexual activity predated the new definition of rape. That being said, it's not possible to get more evidence, so that's all that there's ever going to be at this point.
They couldn't convict him even if he actually did rape someone because there's no evidence left.
I don't think it's consensual if you agree on sex with a condom and your guy then takes it off.
Now I don't got a vagina, but I'll make the assumption you can probably tell when one is on versus off as it plunges into your slophole.
Which leaves the only two options of you called him out on this, during which he continued and its just regular rape, or you didn't, meaning you let him violate your "consent" silently and I have no respect or sympathy for you.
Basically, the condom thing means nothing because its still either just fucking rape or he didn't know it was nonconsensual. Same as always.
It was Dinenage that contacted the media platforms, this is some random outfit contacting Rumble advertisers on the heels of that, in a transparent attempt to fit them up for their own allegations that they support rape.
It's theft, pure and simple.
The Times writes:
It seems that these fake media companies did not contact the advertisers, but that this was done by an organization called 'The News Movement'. It barely has an online footprint. It has 31,000 followers on Instagram, a similar number of Youtube subscribers, and barely any views at all. Seems like an astroturfing operation.
And it turns out that, yes, these pieces of shit have been contacting advertisers to threaten them:
Basically, everything else they're posting is BS - from Erdogan complaining about LGBTP, a girl being suspended for her hair, and some idiot football player complaining about different teams by gender.
It's not the "News Movement" - it was the UK Government that did it. This is not "collusion", this is illegal government censorship by an out of control totalitarian government.
Look, If Brand is tried and convicted THEN you can deperson him - but all we have now is cackling hen gossip and accusations that would make the witches of the Crucible blush.
These evil regimes need to be overturned and our rights and liberties restored.
I mean if you're talking about totalitarian governments, historically they've not been shy of kangaroo courts and show trials. So even them it probably isn't universally justifiable.
Right - but at least have the PRETENSE instead of depersoning him on mere accusations alone.
Witchhunts are still just that...
That requires work, which modern communists are averse to.
Has he even been accused of anything that he could be convicted of? All I've heard so far is "sexual misconduct" (aka bullshit) and "didn't use a condom in otherwise consensual sex." Oh, and one time he had a "look." Can't forget about that damning accusation.
Because of the UK's laws on sex, they might be able to convince someone that sex with deception was rape, but that definition would be retroactively applied since his sexual activity predated the new definition of rape. That being said, it's not possible to get more evidence, so that's all that there's ever going to be at this point.
They couldn't convict him even if he actually did rape someone because there's no evidence left.
I think there's one or two accusations of rape in there.
As for condoms, I don't think it's consensual if you agree on sex with a condom and your guy then takes it off.
Now I don't got a vagina, but I'll make the assumption you can probably tell when one is on versus off as it plunges into your slophole.
Which leaves the only two options of you called him out on this, during which he continued and its just regular rape, or you didn't, meaning you let him violate your "consent" silently and I have no respect or sympathy for you.
Basically, the condom thing means nothing because its still either just fucking rape or he didn't know it was nonconsensual. Same as always.
It was Dinenage that contacted the media platforms, this is some random outfit contacting Rumble advertisers on the heels of that, in a transparent attempt to fit them up for their own allegations that they support rape.
Unless he's advocating rape in his videos, I don't see why he should be banned even if he was guilty.