So im sure by now people have noticed that sjws dont care about actual pedos, they completely ignore actual pedos, but they have an irrational hatred over short fictional anime characters, to the point where they are now basically just doing the "anything short is pedo" and Amazon is completely removing the "short body type" in Blue Protocal. Yeah they just erased short characters completely.
Calling it "pedo" is just a cover for the real grievances they have, the real reason for the irrational hatred of petite female characters and anime and Japanese games in general, and it is the same reason they removed jiggle physics from the game. They think it caters to "the male fantasy". But they cant say this is the reason ,so they just say that its "pedo bait"
"activists" != "everyone". Not difficult to understand unless you're just wanting to display some performative righteous outrage.
This convo always goes this way. It starts with "anti-loli activists" and after a bit of back-and-forth, it becomes apparent that it means anyone who isn't a drawn CP endorser.
It’s the “you must secretly want to fuck spiders” cartoon in action.
Apparently the only people who oppose child pornography are the ones who enthusiastically endorse illustrations of child pornography.
The pedos are just using the arguments of theor homosexual brethren
I saw some people discuss this phenomenon elsewhere earlier today, and someone raised an interesting point: There are people who are into really weird shit - feeders, fart fetishists, dudes who get turned on by women in stilletto heels stepping on pedals... but none of them keep sperging about how "THIS IS TOTALLY FINE AND NOT AT ALL SUSPICIOUS" in polite company. Only lolifags (and furries, but there's a siginificant overlap) do this.
Maybe its because "people with fart fetishes" dont get harassed the way "lolifags" do? And actually there are a lot of furries that are super judgemental about loli which is really hypocritical of them considering they are furries.
Yo, guys, I caught one!
Find God.